Queen Mathilde visited Queen Elisabeth Institute in Oostduinkerke

This morning, Queen Mathilde of Belgium visited two organizations in Oostduinkerke, which are connected with each other. The Queen firstly visited Queen Elisabeth Institute and then, she visited a camp in Ter Helme. The camp is organized by Belgium Stroke Association for the purpose of reintegration of people who are disabled from birth or people with acquired motor disability to their social life or professional life, and physically handicapped people take a holiday at the camp. Queen Elisabeth Institute is a rehabilitation hospital which provides special treatment and rehabilitation.
Queen Mathilde of Belgium visited a camp in Ter Helme. Queen Mathilde wore Natan combination during two visits in Oostduinkerke
Queen Mathilde of Belgium visited a camp in Ter Helme. Queen Mathilde wore Natan combination during two visits in Oostduinkerke
Queen Mathilde of Belgium visited a camp in Ter Helme. Queen Mathilde wore Natan combination during two visits in Oostduinkerke
Queen Mathilde of Belgium visited a camp in Ter Helme. Queen Mathilde wore Natan combination during two visits in Oostduinkerke
Queen Mathilde of Belgium visited a camp in Ter Helme. Queen Mathilde wore Natan combination during two visits in Oostduinkerke

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  1. knappe koningin Mathilde in het groen.

  2. Elegant and appropriate for the occasion

  3. Mathilde wears bright colours well. Her complexion and hair/eye colours also make this loud green work. I often wonder if she has (or maybe had at the beginning of her royal life) a stylist. My guess would be ‘probably not’. I am sure others are more informed.

  4. very nice color.seems from Nathan.


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