Duchess Maria Teresa attended 'Guide For One Day' event

On September 12, 2018, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg became a voluntary guide for 30 visitors invited to the Grand Ducal Palace for introduction of the palace. The event was held as 'Guide For One Day' event. 'Guide For One Day' project was designed to introduce Luxembourg and is a part of efforts of the country to be an international brand. Everbody who is interested in being a voluntary guide invites people to places that arouse cultural curiosity or that have interesting residents or that are attraction centers. That initiative is for volunteers living or working in Luxembourg from all ages and nations. 'Guide For One Day' provides an opportunity to promote tourism and also to get to know cultural richness and to introduce it.
Grand Duchess Maria Teresa became a voluntary guide for 30 visitors invited to the Grand Ducal Palace. Ralph Lauren
Grand Duchess Maria Teresa became a voluntary guide for 30 visitors invited to the Grand Ducal Palace. Ralph Lauren
Grand Duchess Maria Teresa became a voluntary guide for 30 visitors invited to the Grand Ducal Palace. Ralph Lauren
Grand Duchess Maria Teresa became a voluntary guide for 30 visitors invited to the Grand Ducal Palace. Ralph Lauren
Grand Duchess Maria Teresa became a voluntary guide for 30 visitors invited to the Grand Ducal Palace. Ralph Lauren
Grand Duchess Maria Teresa became a voluntary guide for 30 visitors invited to the Grand Ducal Palace. Ralph Lauren

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  1. Elle est super bien elle est belle.

  2. I don't like her hair style actually, too short for her. Hairdresser was too advanturous.

  3. Anonymous13/9/18 16:23

    I agree with MaryT. I think the Duchess looks better when her hair is a bit longer. But at least it is styled nicely and looks healthy.

  4. As long as she likes it. It's a pretty style, shows off her face and earrings, and perhaps it was HRH who wanted a change.

    1. Agree. It is fresh and stylish. Great look for the Duchess.

  5. Anonymous13/9/18 19:28

    Very nice look on GD Maria Teresa. She looks happy and rested.Like her new hairdo.

  6. GD looks great! Queen Maxima needs to ask her advise for hair products since they both have dark hair that they color blade.

  7. Clothes are OK, but she has far too heavy make-up, also this short hair cut is too severe to her very feminine appearance.

  8. Great look, love MT's earrings.

  9. She has been wearing very heavy makeup lately, maybe too much at times. I like the color of her hair but do like to see it a bit longer. I think this was a good summer look for her however and probably much easier to manage.


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