Queen Elizabeth II welcomed President Trump and Melania

Queen Elizabeth II welcomed US President Donald Trump to Windsor Castle on Friday, as part of his first official visit with the British monarch. The Queen and the President of the United States of America inspected the Guard of Honour at Windsor Castle and later, President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump joined the Queen for tea.
Queen Elizabeth II welcomed President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump at Windsor Castle. Queen for tea
Queen Elizabeth II welcomed President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump at Windsor Castle. Queen for tea
Queen Elizabeth II welcomed President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump at Windsor Castle. Queen for tea
Queen Elizabeth II welcomed President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump at Windsor Castle. Queen for tea
Queen Elizabeth II welcomed President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump at Windsor Castle. Queen for tea
Queen Elizabeth II welcomed President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump at Windsor Castle. Queen for tea
Queen Elizabeth II welcomed President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump at Windsor Castle. Queen for tea
Queen Elizabeth II welcomed President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump at Windsor Castle. Queen for tea

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  1. Both the Queen and Melania look wonderful and elegant. The queen seems to be enjoying meeting with the President and First Lady.

    1. I like the cheeky smile the Queen is giving especially pic 4 when she is behind Trump 😃😅 she feels her country's pain!

      otherwise she looks divine as always

    2. Winnie, that is so true!

    3. Winnie, that is so true!

    4. Anonymous14/7/18 13:12

      President Trump and his beautiful wife accepted the invitation
      of Queen Elisabeth. That is the right course.

  2. Melania is wearing a beautiful suit - hair looks slightly odd at the back.

    The Queen looks good - faithful to her usual style.

  3. Anonymous13/7/18 22:23

    Melania looks beautiful. Classic suit, fits her well. Her hair is so chic. This blue is very pretty on the queen. The texture of the fabric of her coat and hat is wonderful. Well-dressed ladies at a good meeting between important leaders.

  4. Die First Lady ist einfach so elegant und bezaubernd , ein vornehmes Auftreten bei allen ihren Verpflichtungen -sie macht alles richtig !!

  5. Anonymous13/7/18 23:41

    Her Majesty and Mrs. Trump looked fantastic. Class and Grace rolled up in one,from each Lady. Loved the big smile on all of their Faces. So it was a happy meeting that is important.

  6. Anonymous14/7/18 01:50

    So lovely all around. Love that the Queen wore a brooch connected with her mum since Pres. Trump's mother was a Scottish girl also (who happened to love the Queen even after she immigrated to the US).

    1. The Brooch was not a connection to the Queen Mother; but a gift from President Obama, a clear message to Trump!

    2. The Brooch worn by the Queen, was in no way connected to her Mother; but a gift from our dear President Obama; and not Trump.

  7. Queen Elizabeth is the epitome of graciousness. She looks lovely (as always). Melania, the American first lady, is as regal as any "crowned head". Love her gorgeous, formal suit. It's thrilling to view these wonderful pix!!! Thank you, Helen Electra!!!

  8. Anonymous14/7/18 05:15

    Melania Trump is such a beautiful woman. She has a beauty that shines from within. The Queen looks absolutely amazing.

  9. Anonymous14/7/18 05:33

    I don't like the way Melania's jacket bulges in the front. The white also makes her look overweight.

    1. Anonymous14/7/18 10:00

      The cut of the jacket bulges a bit, but although the cut is great !
      Have a look at pic 1.

    2. How many Anonimous are there? An Anonimous commenting an Anonimous it's a little strange...

    3. Sometimes you can't enter your name. Don't know why. It's certainly happened to me before. I think Mrs Trump's jacket is awful. It's been really warm in the U.K. for weeks and she looks dressed for winter. Having said that, the yellow gown last night was awesome!

  10. Yumiko Kokuryu14/7/18 13:18

    Very wonderful photo of Queen Elizabeth, US President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump.

  11. I wanted to like this suit, but I can't, I find it too bulky on top, material looks heavy, and overall it reminds me of a military uniform. Ms Trump made an effort to look more regal by wearing her hair up, but it ended up looking old fashion. Ultimately she looks appropriate, but I don't like the end result.

    1. I absolutely agree! A light Summer dress wound have been more appropriate, considering the recent temps in the UK!

  12. Melania is een prachtige vrouw van figuur en ook een mooi gezicht en kwaliteits haren. Mooi mantelpakje maar ik zou het liever zonder riem zien.

  13. Trump needs to have his suit pressed, terrible presentation at such a meeting, looks like he slept in it! Tacky!

    1. Well said and he must learn to button his jacket!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. I was thinking the same, I find it a disgrace!

  14. Anonymous16/7/18 15:38

    You can't fault Melania on her style. She does need to have a word with whoever dresses her husband. His suit is looking a little worse for wear. QE2 look radiant as always.

  15. First of all if you think Melanie suit is to heavy for the warm weather what about queens .coat


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