Princess Mabel and Prince Harry attended Amsterdam AIDS Conference

On July 23, 2018, Princess Mabel of Orange-Nassau and Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex attended the official opening of AIDS2018, the 22nd international conference on AIDS in Amsterdam. - During this international conference thousands of AIDS experts, activists, scientists, policy makers and politicians gather in Amsterdam to discuss AIDS. Princess Mabel also attended a protest march at Rai in Amsterdam.
Princess Mabel of Orange-Nassau and Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex attended the official opening of AIDS2018
Princess Mabel of Orange-Nassau and Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex attended the official opening of AIDS2018. Meghan Markle
Princess Mabel of Orange-Nassau and Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex attended the official opening of AIDS2018. Meghan Markle
Princess Mabel of Orange-Nassau and Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex attended the official opening of AIDS2018. Meghan Markle
Princess Mabel of Orange-Nassau and Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex attended the official opening of AIDS2018. Meghan Markle
Princess Mabel of Orange-Nassau and Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex attended the official opening of AIDS2018. Meghan Markle
Princess Mabel of Orange-Nassau and Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex attended the official opening of AIDS2018. Meghan Markle
Princess Mabel of Orange-Nassau and Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex attended the official opening of AIDS2018. Meghan Markle
Princess Mabel of Orange-Nassau and Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex attended the official opening of AIDS2018. Meghan Markle
Princess Mabel of Orange-Nassau and Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex attended the official opening of AIDS2018. Meghan Markle

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  1. Anonymous24/7/18 01:12

    She is not a princess!!!

    1. Anonymous24/7/18 09:00

      Yes she is. She is a widow, not a divorcee. Therefore she remains a princess.

    2. Anonymous24/7/18 09:11

      She absolutely is.

    3. Anonymous24/7/18 09:11

      She absolutely is.

    4. Anonymous24/7/18 09:50

      Yes she is

    5. Anonymous24/7/18 10:16

    6. True, because Friso lost his position in the royal sucession when they both married. However, she was granted the honorary title "Princess of Oranien-Nassau" and still is allowed to use it as Dowager Princess. It's just a courtesy of the Dutch Royal Family. Everyone refers to her as Princess Mabel. In the line of succession she and her children play no role at all.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Anonymous24/7/18 01:58

    Lovely to see Princess Mabel smiling again

    1. I find it very interesting that this silly comment comes as soon as photographs are published on Mabel. What's the matter? It's been five years since Friso died, even longer since he was in the accident. Being in mourning is lifelong but it's not that you can not laugh. Mabel has been happy within many pictures before this and it's time to stop writing so ridiculous.

    2. Anonymous26/7/18 16:17

      I agree with you, Elin. Some people seem to think that Mabel has not smiled at all since Prince Friso's accident and death. Life does go on. Is she supposed to mope around in front of her two daughters and people she meets? Ridiculous.

  3. Anonymous24/7/18 02:42

    Well this is fantastic. Pss Mabel and Prince Harry what a great team these two make. Mabel is very committed to special causes and so is Price Harry. I like Mabels dress it really looks good on her on some occasions a shirt dress is simple but still look good, and this is here the case. The best of success for their cause.

  4. Yumiko Kokuryu24/7/18 10:18

    Princess Mabel looks fabulous

  5. Great event - Mabel looks well. I like the striped shirt dress.

  6. I'm surprised Princess Stephanie is not there.

  7. Anonymous24/7/18 23:29

    Prince Harry was there with Sir Elton John.

  8. Really absolutely nothing about Fashion or style here.

  9. Leven we in een dictatuur?
    Vrijheid van meningsuiting!
    Royalty verslaggevers zijn enge typetjes.

    1. Hr. L.H.M.Peters: Thank you, you are absolutely right.

    2. Men mag alles denken, maar niet alles zeggen, zo leren goede ouders aan hun kinderen.
      Waarschijnlijk zijn die verslaggevers goed opgevoed.

    3. Anonymous26/7/18 20:46

      Wat heeft deze commentaar met het onderwerp te maken? Bizar creatuur bent u met uw commentaren. Zoveel energie steken in iets dat u ergert.


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