A new photo of Prince Nicolas was released on his 3rd birthday

The son of Princess Madeleine and Christopher O'Neill, Prince Nicolas (Nicolas Paul Gustaf Bernadotte, born on June 15, 2015) celebrates his third birthday today. On the occasion of that birthday, Swedish Royal Court released a new photo of Prince Nicolas. The photo was taken by Royal photographer Erika Gerdemark.
The son of Princess Madeleine and Christopher O'Neill, Prince Nicolas (Nicolas Paul Gustaf Bernadotte) celebrates his third birthday today

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  1. Was für ein schönes Kind! Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag!

  2. What a gorgeous child, he takes after both his parents

  3. Kindness and compassion is written all over this beautiful boy’s face. Happy Birthday, Nicolas!

    1. I agree! He is nothing like his wild sister. Very handsome and with beautiful blue eyes just like Madeleine. Happy birthday to Nicolas!

    2. I think calling a child wild is a little harsh, and even if she is indeed wild one can not easily name call her wild, that is a disrespect to the family as one is only outaide looking in, not directly having the child or dealing with the child herself.

    3. On Skavlan Madeleine herself called her very wild

    4. Agree with Berverly24 and 1304. We are talking about Nicolas. That's not the purpose of this blog to make harsh comments on people. Fashion blog, may I remind you.

  4. Anonymous15/6/18 16:55

    He looks very much like his father

  5. Anonymous15/6/18 17:44

    Ich glaube, ich habe in meinen 71 Lebensjahren noch nie einen schöneren kleinen Jungen gesehen.

    1. Die Frisur, die Kopfhaltung, der Augenaufschlag - mein erster Gedanke waren die Fernseh-Ansagerinnen aus den Siebziger Jahren oder diese Trulla aus der Jacobs-Krönung-Werbung.
      Was ja Ihrer Einschätzung nicht unbedingt widerspricht, seinerzeit kamen nur die Hübschen ins Fernsehen (lang lang ist's her!).

  6. He certainly resembles his father!

  7. Anonymous15/6/18 19:10

    Happy Birthday, Prince Nicolas.
    He's very handsome boy.

  8. Anonymous15/6/18 19:15

    First Happy 3rd Birthday Prince Nicolas. I must say he is a very sweet and very handsome little boy. His eye are so blue. He has the best of both parents.

  9. Anonymous16/6/18 00:15

    If Nicolas would be a Nicol,It would be the most beautiful girl child seen in a very long time.He has the clearest blue eyes. Happy 3rd Birthday little Prince.

  10. hij lijkt op zijn vader, ook zijn grote zus en zelfs de kleine pas geboren.

  11. mm he kind of looks like a girl in this photo what's with the pink blouse -

  12. I think it is a white shirt. Is it the same shirt he wore for his sisters baptism?

  13. Ein entzückender hübscher kleiner Kerl ,ich wünsche ihm alles Liebe und Gute !!


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