Queen Margrethe attended the opening ceremony of BLOX

On May 4, 2018, Queen Margrethe of Denmark attended the opening ceremony of Copenhagen - BLOX which is an urban development project of Realdania. BLOX is a sustainable building designed by OMA. The building is multi functional and creates an environment for an open urban area, playgrounds, homes and cafes. BLOX also hosts Danish Architecture Center and BLOXHUB which is an innovation place.
Queen Margrethe of Denmark attended the opening ceremony of Copenhagen - BLOX and BLOXHUB which is an urban development project of Realdania
Queen Margrethe of Denmark attended the opening ceremony of Copenhagen - BLOX and BLOXHUB which is an urban development project of Realdania
Queen Margrethe of Denmark attended the opening ceremony of Copenhagen - BLOX and BLOXHUB which is an urban development project of Realdania

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  1. Anonymous4/5/18 18:46

    I am very glad to see her smile again, and is with her people again, so the mourning for her beloved husband is getting a bit easier.

  2. A really stylish grey outfit. Beautiful shoes.

  3. Queen Margrethe of Denmark looks very beautiful.

  4. Her Majesty looks very elegant in grey.


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