The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge left from hospital with their new son

On April 23, 2018, Duchess Catherine of Cambridge and Prince William, Duke of Cambridge departed the Lindo Wing with their baby boy at St Mary's Hospital in London, England. The couple's second son, who was born at 11:01 BST, weighing 8lb 7oz, (3.8 kilograms), is fifth in line to the throne.
Kate Middleton, Duchess Catherine of Cambridge and Prince William, Duke of Cambridge departed the Lindo Wing with their baby boy at St Mary's Hospital
Kate Middleton, Duchess Catherine of Cambridge and Prince William, Duke of Cambridge departed the Lindo Wing with their baby boy at St Mary's Hospital
Kate Middleton, Duchess Catherine of Cambridge and Prince William, Duke of Cambridge departed the Lindo Wing with their baby boy at St Mary's Hospital
Kate Middleton, Duchess Catherine of Cambridge and Prince William, Duke of Cambridge departed the Lindo Wing with their baby boy at St Mary's Hospital
Kate Middleton, Duchess Catherine of Cambridge and Prince William, Duke of Cambridge departed the Lindo Wing with their baby boy at St Mary's Hospital
Kate Middleton, Duchess Catherine of Cambridge and Prince William, Duke of Cambridge departed the Lindo Wing with their baby boy at St Mary's Hospital
  1. I wish them all the best. Lovely family.
    Second son, Catherine is wearing a red dress with white collar.
    Like Diana after the birth of her second son, Henry.
    After George was born I thought her blue dress was just any coincidence to Dianas outfit after William was born. But since today I'm sure these outfits were a clear tribute to Diana.

    1. Yes! I just googled that. It is so wonderful of Kate to tribute her mother-in-law princess Diana. And she often dressed George in William's baby clothes 💕

    2. It is St. Georges Day and many wear red. Not sure it is a Diana moment.

    3. Oh. Interesting fact.

    4. Diana has been dead for 20 years. We don't need to forget her but the somewhat contrived links are boring. Let her rest in peace and move on.

    5. Oh dear. No one of us is the stylist of the Duchess of Cambridge. And first I thought their outfits had some random coincidences. But after watching Kates outfits on several occasions it seems she's paying Tribute to Diana.
      Not our choice, not our fault. So please blame the Duchess' stylist, not the people talking about.

    6. Exactly my thoughts,AnnieM. Kate have to wear clothes and fashion coes and goes. She may not think a lot about Diana,we have no way of knowing that. Same with jewellery. Sooner or later she have to wear things Diana used. They live much the same life, after all.

    7. Kate has been seen on official events on St. Georges Day in 2013 and 2017 as well. And in my opinion she hadn't woren red clothes.
      But thanks to Diane Brown, for your explanation. I've learned a lot.
      But: Why should Kate pay tribut to St. George in 2018? Doesn't make sence to me at all.

      I would be happy for getting answers from people with a more detailed knowledge and interest for having an objektive discussion.

      @AnniM and @Tintomara: If you don't have any interest to discuss these circumstances, why you'd left a comment?
      We're not discussing any random outfit of the Duchess in comparison to any random outfit of the Princess.
      It's about a specific occasion and/ or specific date.
      And it's about Kates repeat of what she'd woren to a similar occasion (birth of Prince George).

      The last years I thought as well, that we're talking about
      random coincidences.
      And it's not in my interest to copy my mother in laws outfits...
      But yesterday I had the idea, that all the others, believing in a fashion statement and believing in a tribute to Diana, could be right. In just this (and maybe some other) special occasion(s).
      And in my opinion it's not forbidden to talk about a dead person, or Diana.
      And it's not about the personality of Kate or Diana, it's about fashion.
      Fair enough, we could have a chat with all these people, who believed into Kates fashion tributes to Diana.
      In conclusion of what I know so far, I think they're right (not always, but in this specific occasions of presenting the newborn prince and maybe some others).

      So please, I'm interested into having an objektive discussion.

  2. Es una preciosura. Felicitaciones a los padres Dios bendiga el bebe

  3. Wow! Beautiful. Heartful congratulations to parents wills and Kate and siblings George and Chsrlotte. I wondered last night when i heard the news would Kate wear red when she leaves the hospital as Diana dud when she had Harry and she did! She looks lovely.

  4. She looks great. The red really pops. I wonder if she was induced to have the baby on St. George's day. I remember Princess Diana saying she was induced on scheduled days to fit in with Charles' schedule. It seems a big coincedence. Also, since she was late with the first two, I wonder if there was concern that if she was late again it would somehow interfere or take the spot light away from the upcoming wedding.

    1. I can't imagine that she was induced to have the baby on St. George's Day -- or that she and William would even agree to such a thing. It was Nature's "decision" as to when the baby would make his arrival. I didn't think the baby would be late. Kate was much bigger in this pregnancy than in her previous ones and the baby weighed more than the other two. Nature decided the delivery date.

  5. Beautiful couple ... congratulations...Gods blessings for the newborn and the family

  6. A lovely red dress . Baby Cambridge is so gorgeous 💕 We have been entertained all week by the Windsors. 💃

  7. Anonymous23/4/18 20:46

    She is PHENOMENAL!

  8. A healthy boy and overjoyed and relaxed parents. All the best for them!

  9. what a beautiful family

  10. Congratulations to them! Wonderful news! :-)
    Wish them all the best :-)

  11. Congratulations and God bless!

  12. Congratulations to the beautiful Cambridge-Family !
    Blessings 💛 💜 💚

  13. Congratulations ! Lovely new little prince.

  14. Anonymous24/4/18 01:49

    Prince Charming let the people see him, now he is home and,sleep's the time away.

  15. Congratulations!! How good she looks just the same day she gave birth. Amazing.

  16. I’m still sure it’s a tribute to Diana. They couldn’t know for sure that she would give birth exactly this day (St. George’s Day) and I’m pretty sure the outfit was picked already ... it gives perfectly meaning.
    Beautiful family:-)

    1. I agree! That little boy is Dianas grandchild and it is wonderful that Catherine wears such a dress!

  17. Lovely appearance. Love the red dress and white collar.

  18. Anonymous24/4/18 09:28

    félicitations Kate!
    beau bébé

  19. wat een rijk dom,leuke mensen!!!!

  20. Can somebody tell me how she can afer few hour of delivery stand on her feet with high shoes???

    1. Well, she has a lot of practice ;-)

  21. When will we find out the name? I'm so curious. And I looove the shoes! It looks just like her skin tone. I would like to buy a pair of those heels :)

  22. Wonderful! And yes - it's Diana, too much similarities.

  23. She looks great. I also curious about the name?


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