Queen Sofia attended Board meeting of the Reina Sofía School of Music

On April 22, 2018, Queen Sofia of attended the board meeting of "The Queen Sofía College of Music" (Escuela Superior de Música Reina Sofía), and a concert of the school. The Reina Sofía School of Music was created in 1991 with the double aim of supporting the development of young musicians and bringing music closer to society. Queen Sofía, is the Honorary President of the Queen Sofía College of Music, and the School’s Board of Trustees gathers both public and private institutions under a common goal.
Queen Sofia of Spain attended the board meeting of the Queen Sofía College of Music. Queen Sofía, is the honorary president of the College of Music
Queen Sofia of Spain attended the board meeting of the Queen Sofía College of Music. Queen Sofía, is the honorary president of the College of Music
Queen Sofia of Spain attended the board meeting of the Queen Sofía College of Music. Queen Sofía, is the honorary president of the College of Music
Queen Sofia of Spain attended the board meeting of the Queen Sofía College of Music. Queen Sofía, is the honorary president of the College of Music
Queen Sofia of Spain attended the board meeting of the Queen Sofía College of Music. Queen Sofía, is the honorary president of the College of Music
Queen Sofia of Spain attended the board meeting of the Queen Sofía College of Music. Queen Sofía, is the honorary president of the College of Music
Queen Sofia of Spain attended the board meeting of the Queen Sofía College of Music. Queen Sofía, is the honorary president of the College of Music

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  1. Queen Sophia looks very beautiful.

  2. She's a very beautiful lady. I wonder if she has a stylist.

  3. Anonymous23/4/18 16:56

    With Anne-Sophie Mutter! :-)

  4. In the first picture, the woman on the right in the white skirt looks like a younger version of Queen Sophia. Are they related?

    1. No; es Ana Patricia Botín, la Presidente del Banco Santander. La otra Sra es su madre, Paloma O'Shea. Ambas son grandes mecenas de la Música y otras Artes en España.

  5. Anonymous23/4/18 20:41

    Q Sophie is alway's dressed very nice this suit is a little busy but she can carry it off.


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