Queen Maxima attends the meeting of Orange Fund

On March 23, 2018, Dutch Queen Maxima attended the meeting of the Oranje Fonds' programme "More Opportunities" in Doorn. The purpose of Oranje Fonds' "More Opportunities For Young People" program is to help vulnerable young people to be engaged in society, by helping them to obtain a diploma or find a job. The Oranje Fonds supports social cohesion and social integration projects such as small-scale community initiatives, mentoring projects for young people, and language programmes.
Dutch Queen Maxima wore a Natan velvet blazer and Natan silk blouse
Dutch Queen Maxima wore a Natan velvet blazer and Natan silk blouse. Natan is a Belgian fashion house founded by Edouard Vermeulen
Dutch Queen Maxima wore a Natan velvet blazer and Natan silk blouse. Natan is a Belgian fashion house founded by Edouard Vermeulen
Dutch Queen Maxima wore a Natan velvet blazer and Natan silk blouse. Natan is a Belgian fashion house founded by Edouard Vermeulen
Dutch Queen Maxima wore a Natan velvet blazer and Natan silk blouse. Natan is a Belgian fashion house founded by Edouard Vermeulen
Dutch Queen Maxima wore a Natan velvet blazer and Natan silk blouse. Natan is a Belgian fashion house founded by Edouard Vermeulen

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  1. Der Samtblazer ohne das 'Geschlüppe' ist OK; Schuhe,Tasche sowieso, bei der Culotte überlege ich noch. Farblich bleibt Königin Maxima dieses Mal auf der sicheren Seite. Für sie ist es vielleicht ein casual friday Outfit:-)

    1. Bei der Schleife bin ich dann auch raus. Aber alles in allem ein dezentes Maxima Outfit :-))) Nee, ganz im Ernst, schöne Farbkombination.

  2. Oh dear, she lost me at the bow.....

    1. Me too and the cropped pants don't seem to work at all on her. I know they look better on taller women but hers just seem too short. She has either lost interest in fashion or is becoming a victim of fashion trends that don't work for everyone. And the hair, she needs a good cut.

    2. Hahahaha!!! Me too.

  3. Large Bow attended the Orange Fund meeting. The Queen also was in attendance.

  4. This is just... weird. Capris, white ones at that, in March? Paired with a bow the size of Amsterdam. Let's hope the wonderful smile is partly because she's laughing at her own silly outfit. I usually like Maxima but this... No.

  5. I didn't like the pants!

  6. Dressed like this she reminds me of Pinocchio.

  7. I think it isn' t an elegant choice.

  8. It doesn' t suit her in anyway!

  9. At last Máxima looks really good! I like this outfit very much. The bow is perhaps a bit too big, but Queen M. is a tall lady and she can get away with it. At last something modern and becoming instead of the surfeit of ruffles and frills she wore during the jordanian visit.

  10. OMG !!!!! What is this ??? Does she wear cropped pants ???? Horrible !!! One of her worst choices ever !!!! Maxima is a fashion victim .... She has lost the sense of elegance. Her hair .... she needs a new hairdresser urgently !!!!!!!

  11. Perhaps if she sewed the bow fabric to the bottom of the pants this would be acceptable. I can not imagine what Maxima might think when she looks in the mirror. She is an intelligent, beautiful, caring woman who has lost her fashion sense.

  12. I am very impressed with Queen Maxima of the Netherland's commitment to helping young people to be engaged in the society.

  13. White capri pants (in March??), gigant bow and black blazer...I dont know whether to laugh or cry. Maxima's style has become quite hectic and eccentric these days I must say. But its great cause she's supporting.


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