Princess Victoria and King Gustaf visited The Election Authority

On February 8, 2018, King Carl Gustaf and Crown Princess Victoria visited "Election Authority with the Swedish Contingencies Agency" (Swedish: Valmyndigheten) in Stockholm. The Election Authority is a government organization and responsible for planning general elections and national referendums. The purpose of The Election Authority is to hold elections with highest possible reliability and efficiency.
Crown princess Victoria wore AF KLINGBERG boots and carried VALENTINO bag. Election Authority with the Swedish Contingencies Agency
Crown princess Victoria wore AF KLINGBERG boots and carried VALENTINO bag. Election Authority with the Swedish Contingencies Agency
Crown princess Victoria wore AF KLINGBERG boots and carried VALENTINO bag. Election Authority with the Swedish Contingencies Agency
Crown princess Victoria wore AF KLINGBERG boots and carried VALENTINO bag. Election Authority with the Swedish Contingencies Agency
Crown Princess Victoria carried Valentino Small chain shoulder bagCrown Princess Victoria wore AF KLINGBERG boots
                                  VALENTINO Shoulder Bag                             AF KLINGBERG Boots

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  1. I want to love this, but I can't. Too 80's. Lady Di style blouse, with 80's rocker blazer. I wish for once, she would wear her hair down. Or just softer looking. This looks too harsh and makes her look older than her years. She is a beautiful woman. I love the bag!

  2. Victoria looks professional but so strange :)

    1. The jacket must be Silvia´s old one, just look those shoulder paddings, it is so 80´.

  3. A big risk to wear a jacket like this - maybe too big 😉

  4. OMG, that horrible, ill-fitting suit again

  5. That dreadful jacket again! Apart from being ugly, and shiny, it doesn't even fit!

    1. Didn’t we tell her to trash can this jacket or was it was that looked just like it!

  6. Oh no the leprechaun jacket again.

  7. OMG! What a dreadful jacket! And why does not Victoria wear her hair down?

    1. She will never wear her hair down, I think. Shorter, and softly flowing about her face would be really nice. Pulled back she looks old, stern and unattractive.

    2. Well I don't like being "superficial" but I think in the case of Victoria her "fashion choices" are beginning to affect her job.
      Honestly if she's going to continue with this beastly hairdo at least shave her neck.
      Don't choose the most ill fitting jacket she can find etc.
      It's a question of (lack of) judgement. Which is pretty important in a future queen.
      (She looks like a clown in these pics).
      Sorry, I've always been pro Victoria but I don't know what's happening. :(

    3. I must be weird but after knowing her high standards to herself and also her history with anorexia nervosa I am happy enough she does have some mercy to herself with this fashion part. Also her situation is different from other ladies we follow here, she will be queen of her own right. I do not think it is so important to her to be with newest fashion outfits and best up-does at this point. Anyway she is doing her own hair mostly by herself not having whole time hair dresser like for example Marima and Letizia have.

    4. Lisa Mo, do you have any proof for a statement like "Her fashion choices are beginning to affect her job"??

    5. Coralie,

      no it's just an opinion.
      If you're supposed to represent "a lot of people" you can't do whatever you feel like.

  8. Awful jacket. Please burn it.

  9. She often pays a tribute to her mom by wearing her clothes. That might be the case. Good that she is recycling.

  10. I like the jacket, but I don't like the blouse. A Simple scoop neck top would look better.

  11. I'm starting to feel like Victora needs to switch out her stylist...

    1. Does she even use a stylist's talents? It seems she does whatever she wants regardless of the impression she makes. Now and then she looks really good, but it is rare.

  12. I find that I'm exhausted by all the criticism of the appearances of the female royals in the comments of this blog. Their public personae are their own to create and shape. For example, it is no one's business but her own why Victoria always wears her hair back. None. Of. Your. Business. (Nor mine.)

    Also, can anyone confirm whether this one of Silvia's old blazers? I love the way the Swedish royals reuse each other's clothes, even if it isn't always the most fashion-forward option. I always appreciate the sentimental aspect.

    1. Sad to say, but your exhaustion won't lessen up soon. This is a forum to comment on fashions of the royals so there will be critical as well as positive comments. And why not?

  13. She looks pregnant. Any thoughts?

  14. King Carl Gustaf and Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden have a deep interest in the National Election System, I think.

  15. Oh, this jacket is horrible. From a costume party? Why does she wear it? Is there a thought behind it? We are all blaming the stylist, maybee she doesn't have one anymore, so this may be a product of Princess Victoria's judgement. If you're going on an official mission, this is really not what you wear, and the bun as well, oh, I feel sick. If you don't have an interest in fashion. Just buy three nice, classic suits. One dark blue, one black and one grey. Mix them with different blouses, accessories and shoes. And have a nice shorter hairstyle, shoulderlength. It does not have to be more difficult than that. The charisma she has already, that comes from inside.

    1. I believe the point is the jacket is Silvia´s old one. Victoria has had several times during last year Silvia´s old clothes.

      About her hair I am sure she wants to keep her hair long to be able to have magnificent hair up-does to big occasions. In every day events she likes her hair this way.


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