Princess Charlene and Albert attended 2018 Laureus award ceremony

On February 27, 2018, Prince Albert II and Princess Charlene  attended award ceremony of 2018 Laureus World Sports held at Sporting Club in Monaco. The Laureus World Sports Awards is an annual award ceremony honouring individuals and teams from the world of sports along with sporting achievements throughout the year.
Princess Charlene attend award ceremony of 2018 Laureus World Sports at Sporting Club in Monaco. Princess wears Stella McCartney dress
Princess Charlene attend award ceremony of 2018 Laureus World Sports at Sporting Club in Monaco. Princess wears Stella McCartney dress
Princess Charlene attend award ceremony of 2018 Laureus World Sports at Sporting Club in Monaco. Princess wears Stella McCartney dress
Princess Charlene attend award ceremony of 2018 Laureus World Sports at Sporting Club in Monaco. Princess wears Stella McCartney dress
Princess Charlene attend award ceremony of 2018 Laureus World Sports at Sporting Club in Monaco. Princess wears Stella McCartney dress
Princess Charlene attend award ceremony of 2018 Laureus World Sports at Sporting Club in Monaco. Princess wears Stella McCartney dress
Princess Charlene attend award ceremony of 2018 Laureus World Sports at Sporting Club in Monaco. Princess wears Stella McCartney dress
Princess Charlene attend award ceremony of 2018 Laureus World Sports at Sporting Club in Monaco. Princess wears Stella McCartney dress
Princess Charlene wore Stella McCartney Kate Crepe One-Shoulder Gown
Stella McCartney Kate Crepe One-Shoulder Gown

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  1. No no no, he is NOT wearing white trainers!!

    Charlene's earrings are fabulous. I would love to see them up close.

    1. I know how it looks 🙈 but its the theme of the event. All the sports men & women wear trainers for the event

    2. I think my eyes were scorched when I saw his shoes! I looked again hoping it was one shoe and that perhaps he had an injured foot...nope, not a chance.

    3. Charlene’s toes are hanging over her shoes

    4. All the men are wearing them!

    5. It is a "sports" function. Notice all the men are wearing trainers (as you call them). True they are wearing black ones, but I see nothing wrong with Prince Albert wearing his white ones. Makes him different and stands out after all he is the prince!

    6. He is wearing them for the They asked all attendees to don sneakers

  2. She looks amazing - fabulous stark white dress, gorgeous earrings and that slightly punky deliberate roots hairstyle. She enjoys playing with fashion and takes risks - I may not always like it but she has real fun with it. Here I love it - and she has a much more confident, happy give going on these days as well...

  3. White sneakers? Yuck.
    I like Charlene´s dress and her earrings, but not her hairstyle. Too 80s for me, and not elegant enough for the dress.

    1. Bare feet in open shoes does not look very elegant with such a classy dress and dress code.

  4. Trainers are a theme of the evening. Others are wearing them. Charlene is elegantissima! Que guapa!

  5. I think Charlenne, looks gorgeous.

    1. Me too. I think the whole look works.

  6. i love the earrings, fabulous!!!

  7. Las zapatillas de Alberto horrorosas. hubiera llevado zapatillas negras se vería mucho mejor. El traje de Charlene divino, los aretes bonitos pero se ven demasiado pesados. En la primera y segunda fotografía se ve bastante desgarbada (se parece a Carlota siempre con los hombros caidos).

    En cuanto a los pies de Charlene, pensé que yo era la única que había visto eso, los pies de ella son espantosos, los dedos demasiado largos y nada bonitos

  8. zo als altijd zo mooi en elegant,maar de prins moet ik even wennen, met die
    sportschoenen ,het zal wel ergens voor goed voor zijn !!!!

  9. I read on another site that he wore sneakers as part of a Laureus campaign #sneakersforgood.

  10. I like Charlene´s gown except the sleeve, it would have been much much better if sleek not buff.

    1. I feel the same!

    2. Agree that sleeve is hideous, also with her big wide shoulders she defiantly should avoid that style

  11. With her wide shoulders Charlene should not wear a dress like that. And her hair - the grown out colour does not look good!

  12. Anonymous28/2/18 21:05

    Charlene looks beautiful in this gown. Isn't this the same one that Letizia wore to some birthday or wedding in European court? Letizia's gown was red.
    As for the do or shoes OMG horrible.

  13. The hair is like that on purpose. It’s “ombré” or “balayage”.

  14. Charlene looks very fantastic.

  15. Charlene looks stunning in white. Not a fan of one sleeve dresses, one shoulder okay, but one sleeve always looks a little odd in my opinion, however Charlene's hair, makeup and jewellery against the crisp white look fantastic!


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