Princess Charlene gave an interview to World Class Magazine

Princess Charlene gave an interview relating to "Doing exercise regularly to stay fit" for "My World Class" magazine issued for customers of World Class Monaco which is one of the most prestigious sports clubs of French Riviera. The interview and photoshoots were made at World Class fitness center and the magazine was sent to customers of World Class Monaco in September 2017.
Princess Charlene of Monaco, fitness, swiming, exercise at fitness center, Very sporty. Style of Princess Charlene.
Princess Charlene of Monaco, fitness, swiming, exercise at fitness center, Very sporty. Style of Princess Charlene.
Princess Charlene of Monaco, fitness, swiming, exercise at fitness center, Very sporty. Style of Princess Charlene.
Princess Charlene of Monaco, fitness, swiming, exercise at fitness center, Very sporty. Style of Princess Charlene.
Princess Charlene of Monaco, fitness, swiming, exercise at fitness center, Very sporty. Style of Princess Charlene.
Princess Charlene of Monaco, fitness, swiming, exercise at fitness center, Very sporty. Style of Princess Charlene.
Princess Charlene of Monaco, fitness, swiming, exercise at fitness center, Very sporty. Style of Princess Charlene.
Princess Charlene of Monaco, fitness, swiming, exercise at fitness center, Very sporty. Style of Princess Charlene.

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  1. Douce et jolie princesse Charlene...

  2. Replies
    1. Anonymous8/1/18 10:10

      no she looks georgeous, and younger than her age, keeping fit is important for her family and the monaco people, bravo charlene!!!

  3. Absurd photos with a great work of photoshop. Perfect makeup and hairstyle in a gym??
    Of course she is beautiful... ready for a party!

  4. She really needs to sack her hair stylist

  5. Ces photos sont ridicules. Soit Charlène y faisait réellement du sport, et on la prenait en photo en action. Soit Charlène ne faisait pas de sport - ce qui est visiblement le cas, étant donné le make up et le brushing - et on ne la mettait pas en scène ainsi...
    Quand verra-t-on des photos de Charlène simple et "au naturel" ?!

    1. Il faut regarder le contexte, c'est un magazine uniquement pour les clients d'un club de fitness, Spa, restaurant de Monaco.

    2. Ridicule, en effet...

    3. @Marie marie : J'ai bien compris quel était le contexte, mais je ne comprends pas pour autant. Cette série de clichés dessert Charlène encore une fois. Elle y est ridicule, mal attifée, sur-retouchée, semble s'ennuyer, etc.
      Il est, par ailleurs, regrettable qu'une épouse de prince régnant "s'abaisse" à faire ainsi de la pub. Qu'elle apporte son soutien pour quelque-chose d'utile à la communauté, oui (Croix-Rouge, etc.). Mais là, quel intérêt !?
      C'est à se demander si Charlène est accompagnée par un professionnel pour sa communication...

    4. Victoire75 : Ce centre apporte son soutien à la Fondation Princesse Charlène, ainsi qu'à une opération collecte de fonds internationale associée au fitness pour l'UNICEF, afin d'aider l'association à construire des pompes à eau pure en Afrique de l'Est.
      A Monaco les opérations de charité ne sont jamais loin.

    5. Yes, these pictures are ridiculous. She is a princess, not a photomodell :(

    6. @Marie marie : Je vous remercie pour ces précisions, que j'ignorais. Disons alors que c'est un échange : de la pub contre de l'argent pour la fondation de Charlène. Cela reste néanmoins de la pub...
      Bien amicalement !

  6. I just don't get why so many hate Princess Charlene's hair so much. I think her hair is fine. Can we get a Translation thing for this page.

  7. Can't they just take nice photos of her at the gym?? This is just ridiculous. She looks lovely but who wears makeup and perfectly styled hair to the gym. These people need a reality check. They live in A fantasy land.This kind of stuff makes me want to stop following them. Just nonsense in my opinion

    1. i don't see the "lovely" here as it's all so fake.

  8. What is she - Royal Princess or a posing model? She is no more working out at the gym than fLying to the moon!

  9. Complétement ridicule, elle est princesse de Monaco ou coach sportif ?

  10. Pretty absurd and I like her but who looks like that at the gym. I personally don’t think a membrer of the Princley family should allow themselves to be photographed like that. Especially HSH.

  11. Unbelievable so many don't realize what they are looking at. She is posing at a fitness center. It is a photoshoot not actual photos of her actually exercising. This is a "fashion" site. Look at the "fashion". Amazing how people sit at a keyboard and all they can do is type complaints about what they are looking at, and they don't fully realize what they are looking at! Get a grip people or at least get a life of your own and stop being so jealous of what others are doing or have. Geeesh!

    1. I so agree with you KarenAR. The comments are ridiculous. She's a great woman, great first lady, wife and mother and VERY fit. Not skin and bones, or out of shape like so many other royals. She's gorgeous and her hair is great. Photoshoped? show me any other royal that has NOT been photoshoped at one time or another please!

    2. Not sure who you are referring to but the statement above the pictures says she was photographed while exercising. But.....if she is modeling exercise clothes I would ask why HSH would do that. Yes it does look posed because it is but it is rather tacky for the wife of Prince Albert to do this.

    3. parfaitement d'accord avec vous.

    4. Karen it is not that we don't get it. We certainly get it and wonder WHY she would pose like a film actress when she is Royalty. It seems as if she is turning Royalty into a soap opera. Our astonishment is at the fact that she is posing like a starlet, which is inappropriate for the Princess of Monaco. Nobody has suggested that they are jealous of her.

    5. I fully agree, Karen.

    6. KarenAR, are you older than twelve? You should know then that commenting on what a person looks like or how a person behaves does not mean to be jealous of this person.

  12. Ridiculous 😒 she should fire her advisers!!

  13. OK she's posing for a photo shoot, not actually exercising, but goodness me, she's photoshopped to within a millimeter of her skin, and hair and make-up are just too perfect. She could have looked much more natural.

  14. I think we all understand that this is a photo shoot but it seems an inappropriate one for the wide of a ruling prince. I am not against photoshoot by princesses (Mary does them every so often) but these photos are extremely photoshopped and have the air of an un-princess-like vanity project. Disappointing.

  15. Agree with most of the previous writers, these pics are so absurd. Charlene looks always her best when in real athletics with little make-up. These thoroughly photosoped poses in full gala make up look so weird. The pics are manipulated so much her skin looks wax. There is just nothing real in these shoots.

    P.S. I wonder where Vanessa is with her lawsuits, there is SO much more photoshop in these pics than in that Mary´s old one she attacked.

  16. I like this prespective in her, but her sport wear is horrible.

  17. Si en Mónaco van al Gym vestidas y maquilladas de forma tan exagerada quiere decir que no sudan ni una gota, ha ha, qué estupidez.

  18. I think less makeup and natural looking hair would have been better than the perfect look. The way she is posing in the photos look like a photo shoot to sell clothing.

  19. I don't think that the pictures are inappropriate for a princes if she is to promote fitness, however I think this photo shoot is ridiculous, unreal and elitist, it somehow looks like you must look like an overdone model to belong. Furthermore, if the intent is to hightlight the athletic gear, they should have aimed for a natural look more in accordance with how women look while exercising.

  20. wat jammer dat de mensen altijd wat weten ,ik vind het een hele prachtige vrouw
    maar ze kan niet veel goed doen ,ik denk dat er jaloezie bij komt !!!!

  21. Si c'est une pub.elle est trés laide .Si Il faut être déguisée et maquillée comme ça dans ce club ,Je reste chez moi.

  22. S.A. volunteers for the djungle?

  23. Stunning Princess Charlene. Gorgeous photographs of the Princess.

  24. Anonymous12/5/22 13:34

    Persoonlijk vind ik dat dit een prachtige fotoshoot is ,,,,
    Sommigen vinden altijd iets om haar te becritiseren,,,, Men kan nooit 100 pct goed doen ,,,,,


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