Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia in South Africa

On January 26, Friday, Princess Sofia and Prince Carl Philip of Sweden met with attendees of Project Playground in Cape Town, South Africa. Project Playground is a non-profit organisation which focuses on improving life opportunities for children and young people. It was founded in 2010 by Princess Sofia and Frida Vesterberg. The Project currently helps about 750 children and youth in South Africa.
Princess Sofia and Prince Carl Philip of Sweden met with attendees of Project Playground in Cape Town
Princess Sofia and Prince Carl Philip of Sweden met with attendees of Project Playground in Cape Town

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  1. Why South Africa? Doesn't charity begin at home?

    1. Lizzie read the caption at the photo. Princess Sofia started this project in 2010!! Why not South Africa or for that matter any other country in on the African Continent.

    2. @ lizzie
      👍 ... but Africa is more effectively for the media

    3. Sofia did not start PP, it was her friend Frida Westerberg who started it all and she lives in South Africa and keeps a very low profile. Sofia joined about the same time as she met Carl Philip.

    4. Hört, hört 😶 😏

  2. I believe that Frieda Westerberg is the founder Sh just hoked up. Frieda is the one who came up with the vision. More power to her, she runs the camp.

  3. Frida vesterberg is the founder of Project Playground. Which she started in 2009. She said that in a interview back in 2011. Sofia was 'a college'. However thats not what sofia or the royal court said. Btw, the article was about swedish women that made a difference in África. The title was 'Frida and project playground' and a PIC of her back in 2009 in south africa.

    1. This is a little weird, tells clearly that it was founded with both Frida and Sofia. Also this article tells about it

    2. No offense but PP will say what the royal family wats it to say and expressem is ntorious to do great PR for CP and Sofia. Madeleine and Chris do not got that deal. 😂😂😂😂😂 i read the interview that Frida gave in 2011. I would think less of sofia for the facto she didnt found it, as long as she worked hard for it. Its the missrepresentation of it that bothers people i think. Sofia gets the Credit while Frida is overlooked. I actually feel sorry for Frida. 😞

    3. I cannot understand what you Raquel try to write in your last text because your language there is so poor. But I assume you try to tell all people in Project Playground etc. are telling lies about it when telling Sofia and Frida did found it together. But things are not done that way in Sweden. You cannot lie about such things years later. And of course royal family has no influence at all in it.

      Here is what Project Playground tells and because they belong to certain Svensk Insamlings Kontroll (fundraising control of Sweden) their basic information is of course checked. .

      Here is copy of their first year (and a little more) financial statement raport where Sofia is the first to sign it

    4. Frida vesterberg was the one saying it in 2011 in a interview. Plus, no offense but that PDF is from 2010/2011. Not from 2009. Everyone already knows that sofia was a part of it in 2010. That doesnt mean she found it. Again, is the missrepresentation of the sitution not who found what.

    5. Raquel; Project Playground was founded 2010, not 2009. You can check it from company register if you like. That PDF I linked was their first financial statement report.

    6. Was the interview the one in Make-up Store´s campaign one? That is the only interview I can find year 2011 where Frida talks. In that interview (13.9.2011) she tells at first Projects Playground was founded (passive imperfect, not I founded it) year before, what was 2010 (as I wrote and also what several sources tell). After the start she talks whole time in "we", not a single time I. Do you think also Frida is telling a lie there?

    7. No it was not that one.

  4. I see the 'Sofia hate club' is out in full force today.
    ATL who keeps referring to Princess Sofia as 'SH' and of course Raquel who seems obsessed with everything Sofia does even though it's obvious that she dislikes her.

    1. Loool. I cant speak for ATL, but I find it hilarious that when I merealy speak facts, then youre a hater, like ' dont say anything isnt good image for her' thats the type of think people act like, when they have no arguments.
      Btw, lisa Nilsson say the some as me basicaly. Any thoughs? Or its just me and ATL?
      Anyway, im glad im a critical thinker, So anyone else can keep talking. It doesnt really bother me. I guess people will eventually get tired 😄😄😄😄

    2. Raquel I think you're confused about the definition of critical thinking. It's strange I've never seen someone who is so obsessed with a person they strongly dislike.
      You've already been called out once before on here for your obvious disdain of Sofia. Yes it's mainly you and ATL. No one else seems to thrive on it like you do.
      It's ok though of course you'll deny it but then the next time there's a post on Sofia, there you will be with your "critical comments" and silly emojis.

    3. Raquel, you merely SPEAK FACTS!!!!!!!!!!! Indeed. LOL. You and facts considering Sofia is a big joke what of course everybody can see here.

    4. What did I said it wasnt a fact ? Frida founded it? Fact
      Frida gave an interview talking about it? Fact
      With exeption of when talking about clothes of course, that depend on taste. Everything else...

    5. Raquel ones again, Frida did not found it alone - that is the fact
      Frida did gave an interview talking about PP telling "it WAS FOUND year before (at September 2011, what makes it was found 2010) and she is whole time talking WE.

    6. It was a written interview for a newspaper. Defenitly not that one.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. Maybe the article is this one Raquel, written 2012

      Frida Vesterberg – Project Playground

      But again this tells just that the girls did it togeather and year was 2010. I translated the begining and there is also copy of original text later:

      Pany people know name Frida Vesterberg and tie that to her modeling career. Those people do not know that Frida has always wanted to help poor and vulnerable people.

      Today Frida works at her established company (no where says she was alone) PP, what is leisure home for children at Langa districk. She found the project with her friend Sofia Hellqvist and when that begun 2010 there were four employers. It was then place for 70 children per week, today there is 12 employeers and place for 230 children per week.

      Många känner igen namnet Frida Vesterberg och kopplar det till hennes modellkarriär. Det många inte känner till är att Frida alltid brunnit för att hjälpa fattiga och utsatta människor.

      Idag jobbar Frida med hennes egenstartade organisation Project Playground som är ett fritidshem för barnen i kåkstaden Langa i Kapstaden. Hon startade projektet med hennes kollega Sofia Hellqvist och sammanlagt var de fyra stycken anställda när det hela drog igång 2010. Då hade man plats för ca 70 barn i veckan, idag har man 12 anställda och kan ha plats och tid för 230 barn i veckan.

    9. 10.10. message again in readable form:

      This is so ridiculous really. I have put here several links to real information when you can give us no links at all. Actually magazines and paper can write to an interview a lot untrue, there can be wrong translations, what we all of course know, but FRIDA IS TELLING HERSELF WHAT I TOLD IN THAT VIDEO. Everybody can of course listen it. Do you think she was not telling the truth there 2011? If what you are harping is true you could put here some real links to prove it.

      If their first financial statement report was from year 2011 it can no way be from behind 2,5 years, everybody knows that. There can only be little more than the first year in the same first statement. And the financial statement is obligatory. When there is no 2010 statement that means PP could no way have been established 2009.

      I could put here hundred links to interviews and stories about PP and in every single one it would be written established 2010 and by Sofia and Frida. I even opened about 20 and in no one there were year 2009 or established just by Frida. But that must be just a big conspiracy, must it not? All changed so later.

      Here are some more links:

      Frida Vesterberg : Who are you?
      "I am one of the founders of the registered NPO Project Playground, and I manage our operational arm in South Africa.”

      This link is to pic when they were celebrating their second PP anniversary 25.10.-12 (what of course makes it was found October 2010

      Here is link to one of Frida´s interview 2013 where she tells about PP start. This is her personal interview to Oriflame (she was their Swedish face that year) not actually related to PP:

      ” I worked first as a volunteer, but felt there was so much poverty, so I started to think making my own organisation.” Frida met Sofia 2009 by friends (Sofia had done there also volunteer work, this is my comment). I send her (Sofia) mail and we met with coffee one evening. Soon WE registered nonprofid company to Sweden.

      Project Playground started 2010 – kind of free time with 300 children and teens from Langa district. In Sweden´s office is Sofia with two other workers, they work with marketing and sponsoring.

      That was my own translation from the article´s first part. And the same by Swedish:

      Jag arbetade först som volontär, men kände att det fanns så mycket brister så jag bestämde mig för att starta min egen organisation istället”, berättar hon. Frida träffade Sofia Hellqvist 2009 genom en kompis. ”Jag mejlade henne och vi tog en kaffe en kväll. Snart registrerade vi en ideell förening i Sverige."
      2010 startade de Project Playground – ett slags fritids med 300 barn och ungdomar från kåkstaden Langa. På kontoret i Sverige sitter Sofia tillsammans med två andra tjejer och jobbar med marknadsföring from och sponsorer. På plats i Langa driver Frida organisationen

  5. welcome to Cape Town, my home town.

    1. Lovely town indeed. Good cause and a happy couple. I like!

  6. Sofia has not put a foot wrong since she met Carl Philip, and he has become a much happier person since they met. He used to be so shy.

    1. Really? This is what I AM talking about... "Sofia has not put a foot wrong since she met Carl Philip" , the exageration... Sofia has founded a business company with the Palace adress on it, which is againt the swedish constituion, she was largerly critized for it, including in swedish media, german media, french... I read pretty nasty comments on hola magazine facebook. There is other things but if I say the FACTS people get angry So... I will end here.

      If people were more honest like 'yes she is not perfect, she still makes mistakes... " they would get more consideration from people. This "shes perfect, she never did anything wrong after...." just makes people be more critical. It doesnt help. I will give her Credit when its due. But certainly im not going to be like that.

    2. Raquel honestly why does all this matter so much to you? I've never seen someone so strangely obsessed with a person that they dislike. It's like you know everything about Sofia's life. Are you Carl Philip's ex girlfriend or something?
      Why can't you just give Sofia credit where it's due? You claim that you do but I have never seen it.
      All you do is try to make her look bad. You thrive on that negativity.

      No one is saying Sofia is perfect, but I think she's doing a pretty good job since marrying Carl Philip.
      But it's people like you, who are always watching and waiting for a person to mess up, so you can say "see I told you so".
      You can deny and downplay it all you want, but other people on this blog have seen it too.
      How about instead of being so judgmental of Sofia, try putting yourself in her shoes.

    3. His ex??? Omg, that is by far the most hilarious think anyone said to me here! Im sorry but honestly? I dont ser myself taking certain decision as she did until now. BUT , again, im also critical of the other members of the family ( comemt below). I DO think all charity is great, that includes SOFIAS WORK FOR PP. (Giving her credit) Its the missrepresentation that bothers me and the 'she never messed up since...'. Frida vesterberg should have been given more credit for PP.
      "No one is saying Sofia is perfect, but I think she's doing a pretty good job since marrying Carl Philip." thats the thing: she hasnt been doing a pretty good job, a good enough job yes, but people exagerate. If im very negative/critical, then many are being very unrealistic too. I will try to give her more credit in the future! But many really need to see the reality instead for the pr. ☺☺☺

    4. Obviously the comment about you being Carl Philip's ex gf was a joke. Don't take it seriously. I'm just saying that your issues with Sofia are odd. Like you put so much energy into making for sure that people know the "facts" about her.

      My last comment to you. It's just sad that you're so judgmental of her. Of course we're all entitled to our own opinions, but you state your opinions like they're the truth.
      Pretty good or really good regardless of how you put it, Sofia is trying. Who are you to say that what she's doing isn't good enough?
      It's not exaggerating to say someone is doing a good job.
      I think your version of "reality" is vastly different from other people's.

    5. Raquel; Lisa is so right about your obsession with Sofia. All others here but yourself can see that your comments are very seldom facts but your very anxious opinions served us as facts. And none of those opinions is ever positive to Sofia. One example was the christening tread, there were no end about your messages how unsuitable Sofia´s folk costume was when nobody in Sweden had any problems with her clothes, quite opposite. Also you had very strong opinion (served as fact) how neutral Madeline´s clothes were. After christenings there were quite a big polemic in Sweden, almost a scandal, surprise surprise about Madeline´s clothes not Sofia´s.

      About Sofia´s company, Swedish royals can own companies or parts of them and they of course do, Daniel owns still his health club, Madeline is partial owner of Chris´s business, all of them have lots of shares of different companies and that is legal. They cannot sit at board of directors and that does not also do Sofia. Also to my knowledge that company of Sofia has no revenue.

      I do not know what Frida did found 2009 or did she anything really, but Project Playground was established 2010 and they did establish it together.

      What comes to nasty comments about Sofia, I am very sure you are a real expert and know all of them well.

  7. Im a big fan of victoria BUT i believe she shouldnt have accepted the 40th b-day gift from the prime ministério cause it was paid by the swedes. I think it was wrong.
    I also like Madeleine BUT she does many things wrong. Spending a lot of money ( and yes i know her husband has money), not enough assigments... Etc etc. So I AM critical of all. Lets not talk about the king... I have a strong opinion about him too. So this not 'sofia hate club' some here just think So. Im sure there will be situions that you will see! ☺☺☺

    1. Oh dear. Your opinion is that Victoria should not have accepted the gift her country´s government and parliament gave her? That is what prime minister gave her. Of course it is paid from tax. I haven´t read what that cost but it did not sound to be any crown jewel.

  8. I had a fews things to say about the royals having companies according to tge constituion and madde that was force to abdicate of shares in companies linked to chris and daniel that does not run his former company unlikr sofia... Etc etc but i will end here although none of this change mu opinion or thr fatcs peoplr say its my opinion. Glad to see people agreeing with me and having the same opinion anyway. Moving on...

    1. Where is anybody actually agreeing with you in this thread??? I know well enough no fact can never change your opinions but please do not talk about facts in the same sentence.

    2. Sorry but how can people have different def. Of the word facts?? Frida gave an interview for a newspaper in 2011 where she said she founded PP in 2009. That is a fact. Period. Probably in mid/late 2009 thats why the first fiscal year is in 2010/2011. Anyone can enter a charity in 2010 and have theire name in the first fiscal papers in 2010/2011.
      The number of assinments etc that I also talked about in the past are also facts. If u say she did x assignments thats not an opinion, its fact. If u say sofia doesnt have a job in PP since 2015, its not opinion, its fact. PP is mannage by new (since 2015) man. Etc etc...

    3. So put the link here about that article. No way PP could have established 2009 and the first years statement made 2011, no way. If it was 2009, the first obligatory statement would have had to be made 2010 not 2011.


  9. Lisa NilssonJanuary 29, 2018 at 12:50 AM
    Sofia did not start PP, it was her friend Frida Westerberg who started it all and she lives in South Africa and keeps a very low profile. Sofia joined about the same time as she met Carl Philip.

    ATLJanuary 28, 2018 at 10:21 PM
    I believe that Frieda Westerberg is the founder Sh just hoked up. Frieda is the one who came up with the vision. More power to her, she runs the camp.

    An example in this post.


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