The Emperor and the Empress received Donald and Melania Trump

On November 6, 2017, US President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania who make a visit to Japan as part of Asia trip were welcomed by Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko at Tokyo Imperial Palace. US President Donald Trump currently visits Japan in order to have a talk with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan about firstly North Korea problem and commercial relations and to have a series of official talks.
Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump met with Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko at Imperial Palace
Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump met with Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko at Imperial Palace
Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump met with Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko at Imperial Palace
Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump met with Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko at Imperial Palace


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  1. To me Empress Michiko looks elegant as always. First Lady Melania wears her dress well and although not a particularly flattering colour or style as far as I am concerned, it may have been selected to reflect Japanese culture. Her hair is very beautiful and she should wear it more tied up like this.

  2. The Empress's suit is so elegant with the delicate colour shading, and her shoes are also perfect for the outfit.
    Melania looks okay but seems swamped in fabric when sitting down.

    1. The chairs are made to fit small people, I guess.

  3. Nice that melania used some Japan inspiration.

  4. Both ladies look very elegant. The side view of Melania shows off the design of the dress better than the seated photo where the shape disappears. But lovely fabric and good color for her.

  5. Melania should not have sat down first before the Empress. Not only because she is royalty but also in deference to her age.

    1. Maybe the Empress invited her to sit down

    2. Maybe the Empress invited her to sit down

    3. The host always lets the guest take a seat first before sitting down himself/herself. The order in which they all get seated is therefore given: first the ladies: Melania (guest) then Michiko (host), then the men: Trump (guest), finally Akihito (host). In the photo, we can observe that very clearly, and you can see Trump waiting for Michiko to be properly seated before sitting down himself, despite Akihito already inviting him to sit. They are all being very polite.

  6. I am not any great fan of Melanie´s dress here, nice up-do. Michiko looks nice.

    I have wondered many times why these tall first ladies like Melanie here, Maxima etc. want to wear such a high heels when coming to see tiny Japanese royals. Would it not be much more polite (and comfortable) to be with lower heels.

  7. This dress reminds me if a monk's habit, a little better when photographed from the side. What happened to her hair? I do agree that she should wear it up more often, because personally I find her usual style very model (canlendar model) but this bun?? What Happened? It looks like the hairdresser ate too much sugar๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  8. I love Mrs. Trump's dress -- utterly elegant! Empress Michiko looks very elegant as well.


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