Princess Victoria visited Gripsholm National Museum

Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden visited Gripsholm Castle yesterday and attended unveiling of her portrait granted by Nationalmusei Vanner (National Museum Friends) to National Portrait Collection (Statens porträttsamling).
Crown Princess Victoria wore By Malina Trousers and Greta short jacket, Erdem and H&M collection blouse
Crown Princess Victoria wore By Malina Trousers and Greta short jacket, Erdem and H&M collection blouse
With a ceremony held at White Hall of Gripsholm Castle, the portrait of the Crown Princess taken by photographer Thron Ullbergs at Gustav III pavilion in Haga was unveiled and a presentation of the portrait was made. The portrait was given as a gift earlier this year by National Museum Friends (Nationalmusei Vanner) to National Portrait Collection on the occasion of 40th birthday of the Crown Princess.
Crown Princess Victoria wore By Malina Trousers and Greta short jacket, Erdem and H&M collection blouse
Crown Princess Victoria wore By Malina Trousers and Greta short jacket, Erdem and H&M collection blouse
Gripsholm Castle contains National Portrait Collection (established in 1822) which has more than 5.000 works of art. National Museum has been responsible for the portrait collection since 1860s.
Crown Princess Victoria wore By Malina Trousers and Greta short jacket, Erdem and H&M collection blouse
Crown Princess Victoria wore BY MALINA Trousers
BY MALINA Trousers

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  1. What a strange portrait - so dark, severe and rather disturbing. The way the line of her body cuts across the heavy horizontal line of the mantel is quite jarring. And she is dressed in something vaguely Victorian (!) that is also quite ugly and the skirt seems to hang badly.
    I'd hang this in a dim back hallway, if not leave it in a closet.

  2. Nice to see victoria but I dont like this portrait at all.

  3. The portrait is indeed dark. Looks like pants and she has her feet crossed?

    1. Indeed. She´s wearing a pantsuit and standing casually with her legs crossed. Still a severe portrait.

    2. A pants suit? So it's baggy pants with a tight jacket! It still looks bad.

  4. I see it quite different. I like the portrait. It shows an other side of Victoria.

  5. This is a sad and awkwardly forced portrait to me. But I like very few portraits. The one of Catherine in the National Gallery I found repulsive--the artist even changed the color of her eyes so they would match her dress!

    1. You probably know that Catherine wanted the portrait be very much natural and look like her, there is no change of eye color. I think we seldom have any portraits looking more like their model than that one.

      Interesting video, the painter tells about her work with that portrait:

    2. The artist did change Catherine's eye color to blue instead of green to match her blouse. He was quoted as saying so at the time. But any cursory glance at the painting can verify that sad fact. He is purported to be an ultra realistic detail painter and yet he botched her nose and failed to correctly plot the proportions of their features. Yes, poor Catherine did chose the artist and, after he did a dreadful job, was kind enough to give a nice response.

  6. Couldn't she have loosened the ugly hairdo for the portrait?

  7. No me agrada mucho. Falta algo, un cuadro, un jarrón. Algo que de "calor". Se ve triste

  8. You can see the portrait here:

    Verdict: Black and white art photography portrait, not any ordinary pose. I would not have taken such pic, but I am no art photographer. Too much harsh shadow to my taste, also playing with dark scale grey otherwise make it go deep and very severe. But I think this one will stand time well.

  9. Im Schloss Gripsholm sind die Portraits und Fotos bekannter/berühmter Schweden ausgestellt. Ein Anspruch an die Fotos sind, dass sie eben nicht wie ein normales Bild von Gil, Jack und Heather aussehen sollen. Die Kunst hat hier auch noch ein Wörtchen mitzureden und bei ihr liegt die Schönheit immer im Auge des Betrachters. Ich empfehle die Site zu googeln und sich die Fotos und Bilder berühmter Schwedinnen wie Lindgren, Garbo und auch das der jetzigen Königin anzuschauen. Aus meiner Sicht ist das Foto der CP sehr gelungen und passt gut zu den anderen ausgestellten Damen (und Herren).

  10. Ich mag die versteckte Botschaft in diesem Portrait - da haben sich ein sensibler Künstler und eine ebenso sensible Kronprinzessin getroffen und ein sehr schönes Werk geschaffen. Die Art, wie Victoria einerseits ihre berufliche Rolle ausfüllt und sich andererseits als Mensch weiterentwickelt (hat) - und auch, wie sie hin und wieder ihre private Seite ein wenig in der Öffentlichkeit hervorblitzen läßt - , gefällt mir ausgesprochen gut.

  11. Like others said it, the portrait is not evoking a happy era. All seems rather somber. As if taken during a war or something. And I cannot possibly understand the hairdo. I am positive a good hairdresser would have many great ways for her to style beyond the omnipotent pony tail.


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