Prince Charles and Camilla attended the fundraising event at Ascot

Prince Charles and Duchess Camilla of Cornwall attended the Prince's Countryside Fund Raceday at Ascot Racecourse. The Prince's Countryside Fund was founded by Prince Charles in 2010 to help secure a brighter future for British farmers and the countryside. Projects funded range from apprenticeships for budding hill farmers, training for young people to gain employment in the rural economy, community transport schemes in isolated rural areas, and providing village shops and services.
Prince Charles and Duchess Camilla of Cornwall attended the Prince's Countryside Fund Raceday at Ascot
Prince Charles and Duchess Camilla of Cornwall attended the Prince's Countryside Fund Raceday at Ascot
Prince Charles and Duchess Camilla of Cornwall attended the Prince's Countryside Fund Raceday at Ascot
Prince Charles and Duchess Camilla of Cornwall attended the Prince's Countryside Fund Raceday at Ascot
Prince Charles and Duchess Camilla of Cornwall attended the Prince's Countryside Fund Raceday at Ascot
Prince Charles and Duchess Camilla of Cornwall attended the Prince's Countryside Fund Raceday at Ascot

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  1. Ces couleurs donnent à Camilla un air doux. Sincèrement, je trouve que ça lui va à ravir.

  2. Camilla is no favorite (after all she's done to Diana) but I have to admit that she's actually getting more beautiful with age. This coat fits her very well and the hat looks cosy!

    1. Elin, I agree. She looks really good!

  3. She looks so radiant with her wrinkles and proves aging is nothing to shame for.

  4. Looking wonderful - smart English aristo in the country look and it works for her. I like her a lot.

  5. Boring Brit couple in the country. At least 50 years out of date. No fashion here.

  6. El abrigo le sienta muy mal. Toda la zona del busto y la cintura está ancho y mal ajustado. El gorro es espantoso.

    1. Totalmente de acuerdo. Ni siquiera en las tiendas de los chinos es posible encontrar un abrigo que siente tan mal.

  7. Charles a une predilection pour cet affreux manteau qu'on dirait sorti tout droit d'un 'bargain bin' d'un magasin d'articles usages.

  8. I like Camilla. She dresses to suit her body and it works beautifully. She does not try to wear clothing that is trendy. Most of her dresses and gowns are made very similar in shape and she always looks comfortable and classic. Her wrinkles show that she has lived and both her and her husband seem very happy and content with each other.


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