Spanish Royals attend the 2017 National Day military parade

On October 12, 2017, King Felipe, Queen Letizia, Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofía of Spain attended the National Day Military Parade 2017 in Madrid, Spain. (October 12 is Armed Forces Day. So actually many different things are celebrated on this day. It is also the religious Feast Day of the Virgin of Pilar, and Festival of the Guardia Civil).
King Felipe, Queen Letizia, Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofía attended the National Day Military Parade 2017
King Felipe, Queen Letizia, Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofía attended the National Day Military Parade 2017
King Felipe, Queen Letizia, Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofía attended the National Day Military Parade 2017
King Felipe, Queen Letizia, Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofía attended the National Day Military Parade 2017
King Felipe, Queen Letizia, Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofía attended the National Day Military Parade 2017
King Felipe, Queen Letizia, Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofía attended the National Day Military Parade 2017
King Felipe, Queen Letizia, Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofía attended the National Day Military Parade 2017
King Felipe, Queen Letizia, Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofía attended the National Day Military Parade 2017
King Felipe, Queen Letizia, Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofía attended the National Day Military Parade 2017
Infanta Sofia wore Pili Carrera dress from Fall 2017-2018 Collection and Princess Leonor wore Carolina Herrera dress from  Children Spring/Summer 2017 Collection
Pili Carrera and Carolina Herrera

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  1. Elegante, sobria y hermosa la reina Letizia; perfecto peinado y maquillaje. Lleva por primera vez un broche histórico de Victoria Eugenia.
    La Princesa y la Infanta son cada día más bonitas y educadas.
    El Rey Felipe es la PERFECCIÓN con uniforme.

  2. Sofia is looking like the older sister now!
    Also, Politics aside: Felipe's address last week was the first time I ever heard his voice. I always imagined it would be deeper.

  3. The dress is fabulous! Grey and navy blue combined with the brooch, earrings.. I love everything in this look. Lately, she has climbed a step further into sophistication.

  4. Letizia looks very elegant, but her skirt is slightly too long. Not even her super high heels can elongate her legs enough to get the proportions right.

  5. Apparently Infanta Sofia broke her arm ... that is what I am reading

  6. Letizia's outfit makes her look a lot older.

    1. Yes, but don't forget she is 45...though most ocassions she looks younger.

  7. Letizia looks so much a queen here, gray is great color to her. She has also the best posture of this bunch we are following.

  8. Yesterday, It was a warm day in Madrid. This autumn outfit with that fabric was a very bad choice. I'm sure HM wasn't comfortable.

    1. Por las mañanas hace fresco. La temperatura aumenta por la tarde. No hay más que observar a las otras señoras: Cospedal, Cifuentes... No creo que pasaran calor.

  9. She looks very elegant. (I wonder if the subdued colour was in consideration of the political situation.)
    The princesses always look charming. And the king - impeccable as always.

    1. Luckily the parade took place in Madrid and not in Barcelona. Festival of the Guardia Civil...?

    2. Hmmm... ¿qué quiere decir, Coralie?

    3. Que tengo miedo, Angie. Miedo porque no entiendo que pasa en Europa. Brexit, Cataluna, y entonces? El pais vasco? Corcega?
      Y no estoy segura con la Guardia Civil, su papel en Barcelona en la votacion.

    4. En Europa no pasa ni pasará nada Coralie. Lo de Cataluña es un una crisis política provocada por un puñado de políticos golpistas que llevan años intoxicando a la sociedad y sembrando odio y división. Te hablo con conocimiento de causa porque soy español de Cataluña, nacido en Barcelona. No tienen ninguna posibilidad de éxito. La Guardia Civíl el día de la votación ilegal, repito, ilegal, no hizo más que cumplir con una orden judicial (no del gobierno). Dicha orden era requisar el material electoral con el que se iba a celebrar esa votación ilegal. Evidentemente si hay gente que se interpone entre la policía y el objetivo de la policía, habrá que apartarla. Eso pasa en España y en cualquier lugar del mundo. Un saludo.

  10. I prefer the length of Leonor's dress to that of Sofia's. It is chic. Admittedly, Sofia is only 10-1/2 years old, but she seems taller than Leonor, and I don't find her dress/outfit very becoming in style, although I think it would not be nice at all if longer.

  11. Love Letizia's style.


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