Queen Letizia attends 2017 ABC Journalism Award ceremony

Queen Letizia of Spain attended the 'Mariano de Cavia', 'Luca de Tena' and 'Mingote' 2017 ABC Journalism Awards ceremony and dinner held at House of ABC in Madrid, Spain. ABC is a Spanish national daily newspaper. It is the third largest general-interest newspaper in Spain, and the oldest newspaper still operating in Madrid.
Queen Letizia wore Carılina Herrera Jumpsuit, Carolina Herrera Print-Clutch Bag, Carolina Herrera Suede pumps
Queen Letizia wore Carılina Herrera Jumpsuit, Carolina Herrera Print-Clutch Bag, Carolina Herrera Suede pumps
Queen Letizia wore Carılina Herrera Jumpsuit, Carolina Herrera Print-Clutch Bag, Carolina Herrera Suede pumps
Queen Letizia wore Carılina Herrera Jumpsuit, Carolina Herrera Print-Clutch Bag, Carolina Herrera Suede pumps
Queen Letizia wore Carılina Herrera Jumpsuit, Carolina Herrera Print-Clutch Bag, Carolina Herrera Suede pumps
Queen Letizia wore Carılina Herrera Jumpsuit, Carolina Herrera Print-Clutch Bag, Carolina Herrera Suede pumps
Queen Letizia wore Carılina Herrera Jumpsuit, Carolina Herrera Print-Clutch Bag, Carolina Herrera Suede pumps
Queen Letizia wore Angel Schlesser Jumpsuit - Fashion Designers Fall Winter 2017 Collection
Angel Schlesser Fall Winter 2017 Collection
Queen Letizia carried Tita Madrid Spiga ClutchQueen Letizia wore LODI Sara Rodas Shoes
                             TITA Madrid Spiga Clutch                                         LODI Pumps

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  1. Beautiful burgundy jumpsuit. Really nice. Harsh makeup, not flattering today.

  2. Stunning as always, So love the cut and style of this outfit, its so superb and fits her. Envious..lol

  3. Too busty, especially in the first two photos. It looks like she´s constricted in some type of corset.

    1. ¿Cómo? ¿Dónde ves algo de "teta"? ¿Un corset? El traje lleva un pliegue lateral de arriba hasta abajo. Abre los ojos.

    2. I´m not sure whether we understand each other correctly, but just to clarify what I meant: I´m not referring to anything undecent, but to the proportions, especially the bust-to-waist ratio which looks somewhat unnatural, hence my guessing it was defined by some type of corset. That´s all. If she not actually wearing a corset, I think the impression I get is caused by her pose as she tends to push her chest out quite a bit, and does so here too.

  4. I actually gasped at how stunningly beautiful she is tonight. The rich deep claret color and design is perfection for her. What a figure. I think the dramatic makeup suits this ensemble.

  5. I'm not sure I like this. The colour is wonderful but the style makes her not look like herself. It's ageing, I think, and the rather harsh makeup reinforces that.

  6. She looks So great that I have no words

  7. Beautiful makeup, beautiful hair, beautiful color of the season! Queen Letizia looks stunning as always. Love her!!!

  8. Queen Letizia looks gorgeous as always - lovely hair, beautiful burgundy color, wonderful earrings and bracelet. However, I'm sorry to say it, but her face starts to look more and more frozen and masklike...

  9. Está guapa, pero no sé si me gusta esa sombra de ojos tan marcada. Le endurece las facciones y le echa años encima. Resalto el saber estar de S.M. El Rey que se quedó en su despacho ante la situación que estamos atravesando. Inteligente gesto de Felipe VI.

    1. De acuerdo con todo! Sin duda Joan UR, el Rey en su sitio en estos terribles momentos.

  10. Replies
    1. Se equivoca completamente. Ella es la Reina de España y muy buena en su trabajo. ¿Dónde hay algo indecente o inapropiado en su comportamiento o su traje?
      Mucha envidia es lo que hay por aquí.

    2. Creo que se refiere a que parece una "it girl", un término del inglés común para referirse a chicas de la moda y del espectáculo cuando están a la moda, y son guapas; pero que su imagen no es muy "regia". Creo que tiene razón. No tiene el aspecto al que estamos acostumbrados para una Reina. Lo cual no es ni bueno ni malo, es diferente. No es la primera vez que la Reina Letizia sale con un look así.

    3. What exactly do you mean by that? OK, she doesn't wear a crown ....😇

    4. No, Joan, no quiere decir eso. No hace falta que me traduzcas. Tú eres nuevo por aquí, pero yo no, conozco bien el percal y de qué pie cojea cada cual ;)

    5. Ah ok. En ese caso me callo. jeje Un saludo.

  11. Great color, great accessories, lovely haïr and make up, the suit is a bit too large for her figures. She is, as always, a very beautiful woman with a great fashion taste . Very hardworking and professional.

  12. A rare fail in my opinion. Makeup too harsh and unflattering and I cannot say that I find the outfit at all flattering either.

  13. I love the color and a mor dramtic makeup is okay from time to time. But although pants suit Letizia more than anybody else and she looks in pants as elegant as in a dress, I must say this pantsuit is not flattering, it does snot fit properly, to wide on the thighs and hips, and the voloumious top part makes her look heavy on the top.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Highly recommended!! what style, what grace...omg. Stunning..

  16. She's ready for Halloween.

  17. Esta guapísima. Cierto que la parte superior tiende a dar volumen. También en la modelo. Le gusta arriesgar. .

  18. Her hair is beautiful, make-up too heavy, outfit is in a great colour, but the style is awkward. Still, she looks very striking.

  19. A very up-to-date and fresh image of monarchy.

  20. Even though she is too thin for the suit, she still looks wonderful! And what a handshake!


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