Princess Stephanie's and Prince Guillaume's visit to UAE 2nd day

Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume and Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie of Luxembourg visit United Arab Emirates (UAE) between the dates of October 9-12, 2017 together with an economic mission. On the second day of UAE visit, Prince Guillaume and Princess Stephanie of Luxembourg visited Dubai Chamber of Commerce, Expo 2020 Dubai construction site and Dubai harbour. The purpose of that visit is to strengthen the political and economic relations between two countries.
Prince Guillaume and Princess Stephanie visited Dubai Chamber of Commerce, Expo 2020 Dubai construction site and Dubai harbour
Prince Guillaume and Princess Stephanie visited Dubai Chamber of Commerce, Expo 2020 Dubai construction site and Dubai harbour
Prince Guillaume and Princess Stephanie visited Dubai Chamber of Commerce, Expo 2020 Dubai construction site and Dubai harbour
Prince Guillaume and Princess Stephanie visited Dubai Chamber of Commerce, Expo 2020 Dubai construction site and Dubai harbour
Prince Guillaume and Princess Stephanie visited Dubai Chamber of Commerce, Expo 2020 Dubai construction site and Dubai harbour
Prince Guillaume and Princess Stephanie visited Dubai Chamber of Commerce, Expo 2020 Dubai construction site and Dubai harbour
Prince Guillaume and Princess Stephanie visited Dubai Chamber of Commerce, Expo 2020 Dubai construction site and Dubai harbour
Prince Guillaume and Princess Stephanie visited Dubai Chamber of Commerce, Expo 2020 Dubai construction site and Dubai harbour
Prince Guillaume and Princess Stephanie visited Dubai Chamber of Commerce, Expo 2020 Dubai construction site and Dubai harbour
Prince Guillaume and Princess Stephanie visited Dubai Chamber of Commerce, Expo 2020 Dubai construction site and Dubai harbour
Prince Guillaume and Princess Stephanie visited Dubai Chamber of Commerce, Expo 2020 Dubai construction site and Dubai harbour
Prince Guillaume and Princess Stephanie visited Dubai Chamber of Commerce, Expo 2020 Dubai construction site and Dubai harbour
Prince Guillaume and Princess Stephanie visited Dubai Chamber of Commerce, Expo 2020 Dubai construction site and Dubai harbour
Prince Guillaume and Princess Stephanie visited Dubai Chamber of Commerce, Expo 2020 Dubai construction site and Dubai harbour
Prince Guillaume and Princess Stephanie visited Dubai Chamber of Commerce, Expo 2020 Dubai construction site and Dubai harbour
Prince Guillaume and Princess Stephanie visited Dubai Chamber of Commerce, Expo 2020 Dubai construction site and Dubai harbour
Prince Guillaume and Princess Stephanie visited Dubai Chamber of Commerce, Expo 2020 Dubai construction site and Dubai harbour
Prince Guillaume and Princess Stephanie visited Dubai Chamber of Commerce, Expo 2020 Dubai construction site and Dubai harbour

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  1. Perhaps she should not had worn a dress which exposed her chest?

    1. I agree …… she hasn't done her 'homework' before the visit!

    2. "exposed her chest" .. in which century do you live? omg..
      there's nothing inappropriate with this dress.. also for UAE standard.

  2. What a strange dress. It looks like a home ec project that went wrong. And a poor hairstyle.

    1. Home Ec project is exactly right. What an embarrassment.

  3. OMG, where did she buy that dress???
    In the local market???
    It doesn't fit her and looks cheap.

  4. first of all,,had it been floor/ankle length it would be just fine, second, she needs to ditch the scrunchies or she'll start looking like princess stephanie.

  5. Slightly awkward poise going on in the top photo where she's seated, she should try the legs crossed at the ankles and back straight.

  6. She looks like she just picked up the first items she saw in local basar. Looks totally cheap, scruffy and incompatible. The dress is so unbecoming sack, earrings and necklace do quarrel, hair looks uncombed with that domestic donuts. I cannot believe a royal lady can look like this in official visit. Also cannot believe Marie Theresa or somebody else does not tell her what to wear.

  7. I really can not get over the difference when in opening page of this blog where are this first pic and stylish Mary in Japan next to each others. Mary, please loan your stylist to Stephanie. I know it is time for the annual meeting of European crown prince couples, please talk to Stephanie.

  8. This is very nice dress, she probably bought it somewhere on the way, it has arabic fleur. Perfect for traveling around - but is it good enough for a state visit?

  9. Is that a scrunchie around her ponytail? Poor dear. If she would stand up straight it would help a little. But I am afriad not much will help that dress. She always looks so sad to me, like she's depressed. I think she is very pretty, just a needs some polishing.

  10. I think it´s a lovely dress, it´s flattering, cheerful colour, it´s climate appropriate, and I think it fits her well enough. I also like the style which is a nod to the hosts without looking like a costume.
    I don´t think it´s insensitive culture-wise or exposing too much skin.

    1. Flattering? Really??? I think that flesh color beige may be the worst color ever to her. It takes away all her own color. And that beige does not match to the main color of the dress at all. Looks just musty and blank.

  11. The idea of he dress is not bad, purple with gold and a oriental touch. Could have looked great as a long evening gown, with a good cut and material.

    But as it is....No! It looks like a cheap beach dress or home dress, it is too short has no cut and with the 'cheap' ponytail and the ballerinas totally inappropriate for a State Visit. Good grief! Is there nobody to help this girl??? Together with her poor poise and posture, sorry but this does not show respect, not to her country and not to the visiting country.

    Earlier this year Stéphanie had some good appearances, nice modern clothes, good hairstyle. I am sure she had the help of a stylist. Where ist this tylist now? What happened?

    1. Yes! You totally nailed it. The dress looks like something you would see along the boardwalk at a beach. At one if those knick knack stores. It would make a cute bathing suit cover up but in this environment it doesn't work.


    2. Yes! You totally nailed it. The dress looks like something you would see along the boardwalk at a beach. At one if those knick knack stores. It would make a cute bathing suit cover up but in this environment it doesn't work.


  12. She changed from heels to flats. Sensible! She looks okay...needs a more polished hairstyle. She has terrific legs in the 2nd photo.

  13. Mir ist sie sympathisch. Ich bin auch der Meinung, dass Mode nicht alles im Leben ist. Im Falle eines Staatsbesuches aber nun doch. Es gibt unzählige Beispiele von royalen Damen, die sich bei ihrer Garderobe wirklich etwas haben einfallen lassen. Sei es bei der Farbwahl, dem Schnitt oder dem Druck. Alles, um das Gastland zu ehren. In den UAE kommt nun noch hinzu, dass es Kleidervorschriften zu beachten gilt. Knie zeigt frau nicht, und zu viel an Dekolleté ist auch nicht gut. Nur ein bisschen Cyclam und Gold reichen da nicht. Die Ballerinas, der Zopfgummi (ist das einer?!)sind eine Beleidigung für die Gastgeber. Als Beispiel sollte sie sich die Arbeit der Damen Mary (Japan) und Maxima (Portugal) ansehen. Wie ich schon gestern schrieb. Style hat man, oder eben nicht. Wenn es aber zur Arbeit gehört, modisch nicht allzu trampelig rüberzukommen,dann holt man sich einen Fachmann/Fachfrau. Hübsche Beine übrigens, allerdings nicht für die Emirate!

  14. I just hid every sharp object on my desk. It makes me crazy seeing her dress so oddly. Clearly she needs a stylist. Whether she cares or not she is putting out an image of her country. Her people. Herself. People like to think a person makes an effort to show up and think whatever it is that you find it important enough to look appropriate. Plastic clips and scrunchies ?? That dress is awful. It does look like a home ec project. Color is nice but it is so off ... where to begin.

    Another step back

    1. LOL, Diane! It could also double as a Christmas play costume... Seriously, I wonder whether we'll know whether her advisors:
      1. Are incompetent
      2. Do not exist
      3. Are ignored

  15. Stephanie, Stephanie, Stephanie. As the Hereditary Grand Duchess the public is watching and observing. You represent the people of Luxembourg. It looks like everything is an after thought and just thrown together. She was so lovely at the engagement dinner and wedding, I expected more elegance.

  16. Stephanie clearly likes ease in her clothing. She was visiting a conservative country, this outfit should be fine. I just read her bio on Wikipedia, her mother passed away between her engagement and wedding. I'm more inclined to defend than criticize. The sleeves are the right length, let's hope that continues from now on. I also see Guillaume holding her hard hat for her. He is smitten, no matter what anyone says about her clothes.

  17. Lovely colour on Stephanie.

  18. I am sorry, but if I came from Luxembourg I would be so embarrassed to see the Hereditary Grand Duchess looking like an senior citizen who bought her clothes on the boardwalk in New Jersey. On what planet is one from that thinks PLASTIC jewelry and a mumu is appropriate? Like I said - sorry, she looks like a total train wreck. My God.


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