Princess Charlene met with Cape Town Mayor Patricia de Lille

Princess Charlene of Monaco went to Cape Town in order to prevent drownings in Cape Town because of increasing number of drownings especially in children due to the coming summer in South Africa and to start community-based programs. The foundation of the Princess which is called "The Princess Charlene of Monaco Foundation" and Cape Town municipality establish a partnership for the purpose of preventing drownings. Princess Charlene met with Cape Town Mayor Patricia de Lille in order to start programs relating to water safety and to develop strategies.
Princess Charlene met with Cape Town Mayor Patricia de Lille. Princess Charlene of Monaco Foundation. Princess Charlene wore red blouse
Princess Charlene met with Cape Town Mayor Patricia de Lille. Princess Charlene of Monaco Foundation. Princess Charlene wore red blouse
Princess Charlene met with Cape Town Mayor Patricia de Lille. Princess Charlene of Monaco Foundation. Princess Charlene wore red blouse

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  1. Méconnaissable, est-ce la photo ou encore de la chirurgie.

    1. Sa coiffure, qui n'a rien d'attirant, certainement ne la flatte pas. Ni sa blouse, qui expose ses larges epaules de nageuse. Quant a la chirurgie, qui sait?

  2. Princess Charlenne looks stunning, although I would have preferred white or nude shoes.

  3. ik ben nog steeds weg van charlene!!!!

  4. welcome to Cape Town Charlene. my home town. Charlene looks nice. Dis wonderluk om haar hier in the Kaap te he

  5. It's difficult to recognize the Princess un these photos. What happens with her face?

    1. What always happens: too much plastic surgerey.

  6. Ou sont les enfants ?

  7. The very pale blonde hair colour Looks so artificial. And those pants are far too tight.

    1. Totally agree about the hair and the pants are far too tight. Her face looks so fake in these pictures, I wish she would lay off the cosmetic procedures. Her face looks like wax


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