Princess Mary gave an interview for Ud & Se Magazine

Crown Princess Mary of Denmark gave an interview for the latest issue of Ud & Se magazine. Available for free on any DSB train in Denmark, Ud&Se is one of Denmark's biggest magazines with an estimated count of readers at around 700.000.
Crown Princess Mary gave an interview for Ud & Se magazine. Princess Mary wore skirt, Prada bag, Jesper Høvring dress
Crown Princess Mary gave an interview for Ud & Se magazine. Princess Mary wore skirt, Prada bag, Jesper Høvring dress
Crown Princess Mary gave an interview for Ud & Se magazine. Princess Mary wore skirt, Prada bag, Jesper Høvring dress
Crown Princess Mary gave an interview for Ud & Se magazine. Princess Mary wore skirt, Prada bag, Jesper Høvring dress
Crown Princess Mary gave an interview for Ud & Se magazine. Princess Mary wore skirt, Prada bag, Jesper Høvring dress
Crown Princess Mary gave an interview for Ud & Se magazine. Princess Mary wore skirt, Prada bag, Jesper Høvring dress
Crown Princess Mary gave an interview for Ud & Se magazine. Princess Mary wore skirt, Prada bag, Jesper Høvring dress
Crown Princess Mary gave an interview for Ud & Se magazine. Princess Mary wore skirt, Prada bag, Jesper Høvring dress
Crown Princess Mary gave an interview for Ud & Se magazine. Princess Mary wore skirt, Prada bag, Jesper Høvring dress

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  1. She' s smart and professional ....

  2. Gorgeous clothes she is wearing in this article!

  3. That lady is wonderful! She will be a great queen!

    1. Yes, Frederik couldn't have done better in terms of picking a wife for that role.

  4. As always; Looking gorgeous and professional!

  5. I think that many other females who love beautiful clothes and loves to show them selves all the time,also could have done the same work as Mary.
    Perhaps Denmark will be a republic,as many nordic countries today are suggesting .

    1. Believe me, HRH CP Mary's Job is NOT an easy one and only few can do it - and to look stunning all the time (that is actually not a part of the job, but then, this blog would be obsolete, right!?).
      What many nordic countries are you talking about?

    2. Karen, do you want to suggest that YOU could do that job? Do it even better than her?

    3. im curious...what job are you talking about?

  6. I used to think she was quite shooty but then I read an article that people who are shy can come off that way by pursing their lips or trying to speak better than they can and I think it was that. She is or was shy in the beginning and who wouldn't be ?!! She's really grown. ;o)

  7. Mary looks particularly stunning in the first photo.


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