Princess Caroline of Hanover visited Kinshasa, DR Congo

President of the World Association of Children's Friends (AMADE), Princess Caroline of Hanover visited the Kinshasa city in the Democratic Republic of Congo. As part of her work with AMADE, Princess Caroline on a visit to the Kinshasa to see the progress of the Association’s programs. AMADE is an NGO with international recognition.
President of the World Association of Children's Friends (AMADE), Princess Caroline of Hanover visited the Kinshasa city
President of the World Association of Children's Friends (AMADE), Princess Caroline of Hanover visited the Kinshasa city
President of the World Association of Children's Friends (AMADE), Princess Caroline of Hanover visited the Kinshasa city
President of the World Association of Children's Friends (AMADE), Princess Caroline of Hanover visited the Kinshasa city

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  1. Mon Dieu! Est-ce que c'est juste moi ou on dirait que la princesse Caroline a pris un coup de vieux? Ma première idée en voyant cette photo a été de penser qu'elle avait quasiment l'air d'avoir le même âge que la reine Sylvia de Suède qui elle, doit bien avoir au moins 20 ans de plus!! J'espère que c'est seulement une mauvaise photographie.

  2. Hope Baker Mon Dieu indeed 🤤 she has aged very badly. I am shocked actually. I admire her allowing herself to age gracefully and not worry about going without make up BUT it is somewhat a shame as she was a beauty w wonderful skin. Smoking, sun,and so much tragedy takes a toll. Again, I do applaud her "here I am and take me as I am" attitude! Not to mention her work in the DR Congo.

    1. Why the need to to comment always on a woman's age and the way she looks in regards to that? She is 60 years old and who cares if she looks young, her age, or older than her years? I think she looks lovely and is so sure of herself she can actually let nature take its course without resorting to the plastic bragade that we see everywhere now. I for one much prefer to see a woman ageing naturally. Absolutely nothing at all remotely wrong with that. I haven't read one comment on this board regarding a man who is 60 + and has had comments like My God he looks old he doesn't take care of himself. He must smoke an awful lot for his skin to look so bad. Enough!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Amazing lady - love her dedication to the AMADE cause. Nothing special about the outfit but it's practical and a bright colour so she can be seen - I like the new haircut.

    As to aging - good for her. It's nice to see someone who is quite happy to assume the life she's lived and accept the traces it leaves, rather than desperately trying to hold back time. She's smoked, she's tanned, she has a drink from time to time - it shows. So what - I still think she looks good.

  5. Age catches up with all of us. Very few people, especially people who have been blessed with good looks in their youth, age well. Good health is more important. Carolyn has had misfortune, but lots of privilege too. She looks dignified.

  6. I think that, as having said, traces of life can´t be erased from the face, even in this case, in Princess Caroline´s face, there is an element of beauty, dignity and even elegance...from my point of view, she has been an beauty and elegant woman and it can´t be hidden.

  7. Come on ladies! She is 60. I think she looks wonderful, elegant and graceful. She is doing a great job in Congo.

    1. We all get old, there is nothing to shame about wrinkles. Also no need to pretend to be at teen age, not her or anybody.

    2. Absolutely true! DR Congo is one of the most terrible places on earth, especially for women. I know a doctor who was several times there (for Médecines sans frontières). He did not treat one woman that had not been raped (by "official" soldiers, by rebels, by ordinary criminals). Horrible. It is so wonderful that Caroline supports the people there. Especially the first photo is amazing. And: Caroline is a genuine Beauty and will always be.

  8. J'aimerais juste mentionner que mon impression sur la photo de la princesse Caroline n'enlève en rien à sa gentillesse, à son élégance et à sa grâce ainsi qu'à toute son implication pour de grandes et nobles causes. Probablement qu'en regard de la beauté légendaire de sa maman, la princesse Grace, j'ai eu un choc en regardant ce cliché.

  9. To Those of you commenting on HRH Caroline's looks please remember that she is a very very thin woman. Without the "padding" that extra weight gives you, you will look somewhat aged.

  10. Anonymous28/9/17 16:41

    I love her. She is one of my favorites and don't you worry she will wow us all again!! Viva la pricesse Carolina!!

  11. IKH Caroline von Hannover sieht toll aus. Sie war früher eine bildhübsche Frau und heute ist sie immer noch schön. Ich bin froh, noch ein Gesicht zu sehen, dass nicht mit Botox oder dem Messer bis zur Unkenntlichkeit verändert wurde. Außerdem ist Caroline ein starke und mutige Frau. Sie hat sich gegen die Medien durchgesetzt (zumindest in Deutschland), und sie setzt sich immer wieder für gute Sachen ein. Sie liebt aber auch das Leben und hat vieles ausprobiert. Viele Schicksalsschläger, aber auch viel Glück waren ihr beschienen - und das spiegelt sich in ihren Zügen wider. Ist doch toll!


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