Prince Henrik refuses to share grave with his wife Margrethe

Danish Prince Henrik announced yesterday that he will not as planned accept to be buried with his wife Queen Margrethe. In an exclusive interview with the Danish daily, BT, royal communication manager Lene Balleby said that the Prince's decision is a consequence of the fact that he has not had equal status to the Queen. The Palace underlines that this does not mean that the Prince would be buried in another country.
Danish Prince Henrik announced yesterday that he will not as planned accept to be buried with his wife Queen Margrethe

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  1. I really don't like him.. how can he pretend to be equal to The Queen? I agree he has a title and should deserve respect, but he should take look at Prince Philip. Being in the shadow of the Queen doesn't make you less important...

    1. Never mind Prince Philip, look at Queen Victoria, her Albert never aspired to be king or king consort. Margrethe should have divorced him and booted him back to his native France and his Chateau de Caix a long time ago.

    2. It's a person who deserves respect, and not because he has a title - respect for the 'crown' , his position, blah, blah - I can understand that. Respect for a whining little boy? I don't think so.

  2. A sad turn of affairs, Poor Queen Margrethe. Humiliating for her,

  3. Queen Margrethe married a french diplomat. He has been Prince consort. Their son Frederik married an Australian lawyer. While er is Crown Prince, she's Crown Princess and will be Queen consort when he becomes King. A man can bestow his titles on his wife, a woman can not do the same, not even in Denmark, a country that doesn't tolerate gender unequality. Makes you think.

    1. I don't like the behaviour of Prince Henrik, but I agree with Sakurashime when it comes to unequality. Well spoken. I share you view.

    2. Me too! But I also must add that his behaviour is disgusting.

    3. Yes - it's an antiquated system, no doubt about it. In this particular case the trouble is the fact that the title king outranks the title queen and since the queen is the regent that won't work. I'm aware that he would be king consort, but in daily use that distinction would never be used. Still I'm inclined to say that we ought to push for full gender equality anyway and most likely we would get used to it soon enough, and had you asked me three years ago I would have been all for it...however Prins Henriks behaviour in the last two-three years has been so selfish, childish and rude to Margrethe that I no longer feel he deserves the title.

    4. Princess Mary was a lawyer?????

    5. Nanyalynn, not exactly. She is Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Laws but graduated about advertising and direct marketing. So she has only lower university degree about law.

    6. I do not think so. She has a Bachelors degree.

    7. I do not think so. She has a Bachelors degree.

  4. Heis and has always been a pompous petualant arse 😒

    1. I could not have said it better - never did like him

    2. Oh dear, I had to use dictionary to see what Diane wrote. But that is absolutely true. He seems to be just nasty selfish little man with continuous man flu, who gets his pleasure as insulting his wife. Tittle prince has been more than enough to him really. There is not even amount of pinkie nail king in his person.

    3. I used to have a lot of respect for him and sympathy if not understanding of his grievances with regards to his title. That ended when he did not attend Margrethes birthdayparty but chose to go on holiday instead, everything since has just confirmed that I was mistaken in my earlier respect. I feel so sorry for Margrethe, that her legacy will be tarnished by him is so unfair.

    4. At least Queen Margrethe will have peace in her final space. I cannot imagine how very difficult it has been all these years with that insufferable man. No wonder she smokes! Probably keeps her from pummeling him with a spiky tiara 🙄

  5. Good grief! What an insult to his wife. I agree wholeheartedly with what Diane said.

  6. I now see that this news has "gone viral" on the Internet. How dare he do this. Compare this to the elegant and classy retirement of Prince Phillip, who had a far more difficult role yet performed it impeccably for 70 years.

    1. Well put. Completely agree.

    2. I saw it on the internet this morning and posted it on my Facebook page, commenting what a petulant little boy he was being. Like Donald Trump, it's only himself that he makes ridiculous.

    3. Also agreed. Prince Philip is a true gentleman at the bottom of his heart. Born an raised with deep respect for the crown. Sadly Henryk didn't follow his example.

    4. Also agreed. Prince Philip is a true gentleman at the bottom of his heart. Born an raised with deep respect for the crown. Sadly Henryk didn't follow his example.

  7. I know the inequality issue has been Henrik's problem for many years. However, the decision not to be buried next to his wife and his decision not to accompany her for royal engagements speaks volumes about the state of their marriage. As one poster pointed out before, maybe they are unofficially separated.

  8. Enter the future Queens: Elisabeth of Belgium, Catherina-Amalia of the Netherlands, Ingrid of Norway, Leonor of Spain, they should have prenuptials specifying that their husbands will not be named 'king', 'king consort', etc. I don't think that Victoria of Sweden's Prince Daniel will want to be named 'king' when she becomes queen, or will pout about about not being.

    1. Don't forget Princess Estelle..

    2. You present an interesting question- how will it be handled moving forward? And I believe you are right about Swedish the royals.

    3. Sorry I forgot Estelle, probably because she's not crown princess, her mother is.

    4. Sorry I forgot Estelle, probably because she's not crown princess, her mother is.

  9. Anonymous5/8/17 01:31

    Let's not forget Prince Claus of the Netherlands who also carried his role impeccably. Henrik has had plenty of good examples to follow. Such a sad person.

  10. Anonymous5/8/17 01:32

    Let's not forget Prince Claus of the Netherlands who also carried his role impeccably. Henrik has had plenty of examples to follow. What a sad man.

  11. It's sad that it came to this. I understand that he has some issues with gender equality but please for the sake of his family he should just go with the flow. He is humiliating his family especially the Queen, who I think is a very likable woman and does great things for her country. He should realize that being buried to Queen Margrethe is not him being equal or not to her but because she is his wife. They should be together. On the other side I think he is experiencing age related issues in his brain, do you think he has dementia or something related? I read others opinion that maybe they are already separated as a couple which is really might be true. But I hope not. I wish her sons and their family are all with her at this trying moments of Queen Margrethe's life.

  12. A Prince with dignity, class and respect would never behave like that as being a representative of a monarchy and a country (DK)! He wants to be called His Majesty King Henrik of Denmark .... he is ridiculous, he has never been an heir to the throne. But there must also be something wrong in their marriage, he didn't want to celebrate their golden wedding anniversary in public- and on the Queen's 75th birthday, he didn't attend any of the celebrations. It was announced he had flu, but early the next morning, while the guests still were in the castle, he secretly drove away and had flown to Venice, where he was seen on Piazza San Marco drinking wine with some friends!
    He makes the Danish Royal House looks like a soapopera (IMO)!!!

    1. Mille, I didn't know these details. Now I find him even more disgusting.

  13. Very sad. When compared to loyal consorts such as Queen Sofia, Queen Silvia, Prince Claus of the Netherlands and Prince Phillip (of Greece) who as a young man served in the British Army during WW2 before he was officially "British", Prince Heinrik comes across as very childish. He has and is acting like a very spoiled child, which is very sad, a man of his age should know better. I wonder how his grandchildren view this statement?

  14. Surely he married and loves the woman not the title ! If he hasn't been able to separate the two in life, then there was little of hope of him doing it in death ! What's even sadder, is that he felt it appropriate to have it announced, causing embarrassment and upset to the whole family.

  15. just a question: what has all this stuff to do with fashion???

    1. Nothing, but the blog is also about royals

  16. And to think he used to be a diplomat!!!! There has been nothing diplomatic in his behaviour for as long as I remember.

    1. I think he was a very minor diplomat.

  17. Maybe he has taken his wedding wows to the letter:for better for worse till death do us part....
    Agree with others it is an insult to his wife and chidren.

  18. Dernière ruade d'un âne .last vicious kick by a donkey

  19. One does wonder about dementia or Alzheimer's disease. But! When he dies his wife and children can put him wherever they wish, right? What can he do about it anyway? I read up on him and he did get his name to be included with his descendants, so he isn't ignored in history. (Monpezat) from Wikipedia: "On 30 April 2008, shortly before the wedding of his younger son, Prince Joachim, to Marie Cavallier, the Queen conferred the new Danish title "Count of Monpezat" (Danish: Greve af Monpezat) on both of her sons and made it hereditary for their male-line descendants."

  20. I always remember Frederik's words when he held a speech for his father: if it is true, that you beat what you love, then you loved me very much.

    This says all...

    1. Oh no! This is really bad. Similarities to the Jackson-family??

    2. The word was not beat: Danish "tugter" would translate more correctly to English "chasten". According to various interviews and biographies Henrik was the more engaged parent and quite strict with high expectations but rarely violent (and back then it was not yet illegal to beat your kids, so it was not that unusual).

  21. Prétentieux sans le titre de roi. Imaginez ce que ça aurait été s'il l'avait eu!

  22. And he no longer wishes to get buried in the sarcophagus that has been made for, costing the Danishs taxpayers 25 million!

  23. I honestly wonder if she could care two hoots about a man who chooses to throw a public tantrum unbecoming of his age and status. She has always seemed to be a wise woman of integrity.

  24. Well now he is saying Margarethe has disrespected him....can we just take him to the Tower now? I am sure EII would allow for a nab him in the night and imprison him....the Danes are family. HE IS NOT.


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