Mother and her daughter: Princess Madeleine and Leonore

Mother and her daughter: Princess Madeleine and Princess Leonore

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  1. Very cute! Leonore is such a little hellion though. I hope she grows out of this unruly stage..

    1. Her mother was doing the same 'wild' moves and she has turned out just fine.

  2. Leonore est pleine de vie comme sa cousine Estelle, trop mignonne !

  3. Maybe with some discipline she will.

  4. Un si jeune enfant ne DOIT pas être sage mais il faut lui apprendre à être sage .

  5. Leonore is one of the kind type of child 👌

  6. For goodness sake she is a Happy Little Girl

    1. Right, she's just full of life, let her be a child.

  7. I'm hoping some enlightened discipline is all that is needed. Her behavior continues to be "special". It's getting old and not so cute as times goes by.

    1. Agree. There is cute and precocious and then Is misbehaving, not sitting in your chair, running around and bad manners. That was not just at Victoria's service. She almost hurt herself at Oscar's christening climbing over her chair. She only got under control that day when Victoria scooped her up and when she went to her nanny. Story, but this is parents that aren't teaching her how to behave. Excellent example of the opposite? Estelle and Oscar.

    2. Yes, NC. And I hate to be hard on a child--and comparisons are not always fair. But the contrast in behaviors is very striking. Did you notice that Leonore did not appear in the group photo of the family taken for Victoria's 40th?

    3. She ran away before it was taken.

    4. She has ADHD. She will need therapy and probably medication in order to not "misbehave" as much as this. She will learn and will be treated and will most likely be treated well enough that it will not be as noticeable once she is an adult. I have a younger brother with ADHD and Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and his issues didn't start to resolve until he was 10 and being treated by a different doctor.

  8. Pine, you are absolutely right. Maybe she needs Estelle's and Oscar's Nanny ;)

    1. Right you are Rainha! ;-) Estelle and Oscar's nanny is impressive based on their behavior. Also, George and Charlotte in Poland and Germany are behaving well, in spite of George's shyness and grumpy face. He is not tearing off running down the airport runway! Charlotte is beautifully attuned to what is going on around her--at age 2.
      I actually wondered how those airplane scenes might have ended with Leonore and her endless running and not listening. That could have been very alarming. Perhaps Leonore's young nanny is just not experienced enough. Or Madeleine and Chris are confused about what to do.

  9. I would have not given Estelle's photo to the press & public (as a Mum).

  10. Anonymous20/7/17 03:47

    She's adorable and acting her age. Estelle is the daughter or a crown princess and if in the future there're still royal houses, she might be the queen after her mother. So maybe they discipline her more, but Leonore is just an active kid having fun, I cannot understand all the criticism. BTW Oscar is still not smiling in any picture's I've seen.

  11. Wow!!! Excuse me, does anyone here has children that does not know how to sit still like Leonore? I do and I hope people can be kind and gracious to us and our children because we are not lousy or bad. Sometimes things do not happen the way we want.

    BTW, Leonore fell over the chair at Oscar's Christening because she was curious to see the singer performing right behind her and Victoria scooped her up because she was curious to see what they were doing at the baptismal font. Leonore was just being inqusitive and observant.

    Madeliene mentioned that she always runs away and hide when they were having these usual phototaking sessions when she was young. She said that her parents have lots of headaches because she did not want to cooperate. She was dragged out of her hiding and forced to take these pictures. I think she understand what she had been through and did not want Leonore to go through the same nightmare she went through. We were looking at just a few pictures here and what horrible judgements people make about Leonore and her parents???

    Leonore was behaving very well in the church, there were no crying, no screaming, no tears , no pacifiers and no toys, she managed to control herself and sat through the whole ceremony, She deserved to be praised and not all these nasty criticisms. She only started running when they left the church.

    There are so many disabled children in the world and I think these parents wish that their children are like Leonore, happy, healthy, full of life and energy.

    Please remember Leonore is not Estelle and Oscar and her parents are not Victoria and Daniel. Every child is different, she does not behave like the so perfect Estelle, but that does not mean she is bad or hopeless.

    A little bit of kindness goes a long way.

    1. LIm Ling, the only person who introduced mean words like "bad" and "hopeless" about Leonore is you. Not one comment that differs in opinion from yours uses such mean words. Concern about Leonore's ongoing affect is true concern. A little kindness, understanding and tolerance from you about different points of view on this board would go a long way. We all wish Leonore well.

    2. Pine, thank you for your concern about Leonore. I made such comments because I had been through these experiences when my son was young, he had meltdowns and temper tantrums in public and I had received lots of ugly stares from people because my son is "out-of-control". Its hurtful to feel you are a lousy parent because your child is not behaving properly.

      As I said, we are only looking at a picture or a few pictures, I think we should look at a bigger and broader picture before saying that Leonore is being unruly and her parents are confused, they dont know what to do or her nanny is not as good as Estelle's. There are lots of videos in youtube everyone can watch. Leonore is really behaving very well in Church and she only started to run when they left. She ran only once in the courtyard and did a little bit of dancing. That's what she did that day and she did not behave unruly.

      May I ask the author,Helen, why did you post this picture of Leonore and Madeleine? It has nothing to do with fashion, is it because both of them stuck out their tougue? I apologise if I sound offensive to you, I am just curious to know.

    3. Dear LIm Ling, I do understand why this is a sensitive subject for you and I am sorry that comments triggered bad memories. I hope that all is well with your son. And I hope that all will be well with Leonore. Parenting is the most difficult job in the world. Every child is their own new world on this earth and the parent must figure out that new landscape.

    4. I agree with you Lim Ling. Leonore is only a child. She is running around and that is normal. She is her own person with, a little free spirit.

    5. Lim Ling, I'm sorry for your troubles with your son.
      I'm sure that every parent has had to deal with over-energetic, over-tired or tantrum-throwing child (I haven't seen Leonore throwing tantrums in public though but always looking happy and curious).
      I don't know why strangers act so hostile/scowlful in these situations, instead of smiling and saying some kind words to the parent, they scold or just scowl at the parent. Good news is that usually the children grow out of this phase.
      And you are right - there are too many disabled children who can not freely run or walk long distance, so the more we should cherish what we have!

  12. As my parents have similarly unruly pictures of me as a small child, then I can not critisize neither Madeleine nor Leonore for their behaviour :D
    I'm grateful that I didn't have to grow up in front of the cameras, all mischief captured in the pictures and for all the world to see.
    I turned out fine - at least so my parents say, - so there must be hope for Leonore, too :)

  13. So much of what people think as disobedience in small children is actually just natural, exploring, curious, learning behaviour. Or reacting – in the only way they know how – to a situation over which they have no control.

    A very young child isn't meant to be obedient and meek all of the time. So I've never been worried about little Leonore's behaviour. I've never understood why people compare her to Estelle and say she's a bad child [especially compared to always-perfect Estelle]. TBH I'm more worried about princess Estelle who always act so meek. I sincerely hope she won't have to deal with the same insecurities her mother had to deal with years ago.

    People say your kids turn into a monster if you don't put your foot down/show them who's boss but did e.g. Madeleine turn into monster? Or did she have to face the same insecurities her sister had? I honestly find it more problematic when parents have created a false self because the children sense their parent will only love them if they are obedient. Children's need for autonomy doesn't vanish because kids have been cowed into doing what they're told.

    I wish all the best for all the children and I'm sure that their parents will do everything they can for their children!

    1. Well said, Karl! There's so much sincere happiness in Leonore face and posture, you can only see in very small children. I'm glad that her parents take her to the royal events and not ban her from attending in fear she won't stand still and then people might think bad of her. All children are individuals. Whenever I think of Leonore, then for some reason Pippi Longstocking comes to my mind ;)

  14. het is geen slecht kind ,alleen heel erg verwend ,ze iedereen de baas ,dat maakt je
    niet veel mee !!!!ik hoop, dat het toch nog een leuk meisje word!!!!!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Estelle is a 5 year old child about ready to start school. Leonore is a very busy normal 3 year. The two year age difference you cannot really compare. Both are acting age appropriate.

    1. That is so true. Two years is a lot when they are so young. And heavens, people are different. Some people are calmer and others more spirited and both are just fine. I was the calm, polite older child and my little sister was the wild one. My sister is now a lovely young woman working as a social worker who is passionate about helping people.
      I'm sure Leonore will grow up to be a nice young woman. But please, let children be children. They are not always well behaved, they have bad days and temper tantrums. As adults we should be able to understand that and sympathize.

  17. It has to be discussed very sensitive, but there is a possibility, that Leonore is one of the many children who suffer from ADHD. These children have normal intelligence but they have difficulties with their impulse behavior. There are several possibilities of therapy. Parents should take this disorder seriously - otherwise those children will have a hard time at school.
    But we all know some pictures only and some postings from her mother. Perhaps it's just a reaction to the many flashing lights. I could understand it, because it must be a real pain, for a child especially.

  18. Anonymous17/7/18 21:27

    I love her free spirit! She's her own person.


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