Duchess Maria Teresa attended ADA's Microfinance Event

Yesterday, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg attended the 40th "Midi de la Microfinance" conference held by ADA Microfinance in Luxembourg. The ADA conference brings together Luxembourg financial aid organizations, businesses and Luxembourgish residents for female entrepreneurs in Africa.
Maria Teresa attended the 40th "Midi de la Microfinance" conference held by ADA Microfinance in Luxembourg. Maria Terase wore Elie Saab jacket
Maria Teresa attended the 40th "Midi de la Microfinance" conference held by ADA Microfinance in Luxembourg. Maria Terase wore Elie Saab jacket
Maria Teresa attended the 40th "Midi de la Microfinance" conference held by ADA Microfinance in Luxembourg. Maria Terase wore Elie Saab jacket
Maria Teresa attended the 40th "Midi de la Microfinance" conference held by ADA Microfinance in Luxembourg. Maria Terase wore Elie Saab jacket
Maria Teresa attended the 40th "Midi de la Microfinance" conference held by ADA Microfinance in Luxembourg. Maria Terase wore Elie Saab jacket
Maria Teresa attended the 40th "Midi de la Microfinance" conference held by ADA Microfinance in Luxembourg. Maria Terase wore Elie Saab jacket
Maria Teresa attended the 40th "Midi de la Microfinance" conference held by ADA Microfinance in Luxembourg. Maria Terase wore Elie Saab jacket
Maria Teresa attended the 40th "Midi de la Microfinance" conference held by ADA Microfinance in Luxembourg. Maria Terase wore Elie Saab jacket

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  1. elle est très belle avec ce pantalon et veste, je pense qu'elle est gentille mais elle n'aimait pas sa belle-mère.

    1. Et je pense que sa belle mere ne l'aimait pas non plus...

  2. She looks better with a patterned top and plain pants than the reverse, but the jacket seems very big.

    1. I agree. Also, she tends to have too much shoulder padding which squares her silhouette.

    2. True. As this is her favourite style I assume she thinks a boxy look somehow makes her look slimmer. It justs makes her look square.

  3. The jacket is enormous and the flower pattern isn't very flattering

  4. I like the pattern of the jacket and how it's lovely fitting around her neck, but the shoulders of her outfits are often quite "heavy" and to "oversized".
    The pants are a big "No" from my side. Something more soft and silky would have been nice.

    1. I'm thinking that the shoulders are extended a bit to let sleeves drape better. It is what I had suggested about Mette-Marit's looks, that to give her upper arms more space, she could extend shoulders a bit more and be lightly padded there. It is a compromise for the shape.

  5. Anonymous8/7/17 01:59

    Her daughter in law dresses and looks better than Marie Therese lately. I remember when it was the other way around.

  6. I like that she is wearing pants more and, from what I can see, they are definitely custom made for her. There does not seem to be any puckering or pulling in the fit. I am sure she is comfortable in them. On another note, I do think her makeup is getting pretty heavy lately especially the eyes.


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