Queen Letizia attended meeting of Student Residence Foundation

On June 14, 2017, Queen Letizia attended the annual meeting of the Student Residence Foundation at the Students Residence (Residencia de Estudiantes) in Madrid, Spain.
Queen Letizia wore Hugo Boss floral dress and Magrit Shoes, carried Felipe Prieto clutch bag at the Students Residence
Queen Letizia wore Hugo Boss floral dress and Magrit Shoes, carried Felipe Prieto clutch bag at the Students Residence
Queen Letizia wore Hugo Boss floral dress and Magrit Shoes, carried Felipe Prieto clutch bag at the Students Residence
Queen Letizia wore Hugo Boss floral dress and Magrit Shoes, carried Felipe Prieto clutch bag at the Students Residence
Queen Letizia wore Hugo Boss floral dress and Magrit Shoes, carried Felipe Prieto clutch bag at the Students Residence
Queen Letizia wore Hugo Boss floral dress and Magrit Shoes, carried Felipe Prieto clutch bag at the Students Residence
Queen Letizia wore Hugo Boss floral dress and Magrit Shoes, carried Felipe Prieto clutch bag at the Students Residence
Queen Letizia wore Hugo Boss floral dress and Magrit Shoes, carried Felipe Prieto clutch bag at the Students Residence
Queen Letizia wore Hugo Boss floral dressQueen Letizia wore LODI Saray Pumps
                                      Hugo Boss Dress                                                 LODI Saray Pumps

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  1. Lovely fresh looking dress. Only negative, she would have looked better with short sleeves. Nice earrings.

  2. What a beautiful dress and accesorries! She looks perfect.

  3. Wow! Cool and fresh "like a summerbreeze"! (Just a bit tired and pale like I noticed before).

    1. Anonymous15/6/17 00:46

      I have long wondered if Queen Letizia's health may be compromised since she is extremely thin and has been for many years. You are not the only one to notice that she looks "tired" or "pale," and quite often, and for a long time now. She is always the thinnest (to the point of bony) in photos and yet she is praised for her appearance :( From what I have seen she is a hardworking woman and a good wife and mother but a role model... well, I think it sends the wrong message to her daughters and to her subjects for her to be clearly underweight to the point of comment and concern. Because of the clothes she wears that frequently expose her frail frame she must think she looks nice, but I wish for her own sake that she didn't. She looks like a pre-adolescent but she's 44! And that takes a toll on a woman's body as we age.

    2. Unknown, I agree with your analysis. Although the Queen has remarkable work ethic and dedication for her role, there is something OCD about her. Like she analyzes her appearance too much, which leads to frequent cosmetic procedures and changes in her facial appearance, while strictly controlling her weight and figure.

    3. Caramba, hacía tiempo que no aparecían los aprendices de médico, haciendo suposiciones falsas y afirmando rumores de sitios trolls. Ocúpense de su propia salud y dejen a la reina de España en paz. ¿Es un pecado ser delgada? Más vale delgada que gorda.
      Y sí, ella es un ejemplo para los jóvenes: comprometida, trabajadora incansable, el mejor apoyo para la Monarquía y una madre y esposa extraordinaria.
      Sí, a veces tiene cara de cansada y es lógico; la Casa Real española son 6 personas, 2 muy mayores y 2 muy niñas, así que Letizia y Felipe VI tienen muy poca ayuda y toman menos vacaciones que los demás Royals.
      Esto es un blog de moda, váyanse a hacer prácticas de medicina a un hospital.

    4. I think she is perfectionist and far too hard to herself. That is common mistake to very hardworking and big sense of duty persons, Princess Victoria had same problems. Probably last king made Letizia think she is not enough and now she is just killing herself with work and trying to make so nice appearances. What makes that to herself she is never beautiful/slim/stylish/young/good/clever/what so ever ever. So sad when she really is very intelligent and hard working woman. Someone should tell her to stop and relax.

    5. Falso, Blondini. La princesa Victoria estuvo enferma; la reina Letizia, NO. Y todos los "supuestos arreglos" no son más que rumores extendidos por "gente interesada" que no por ser repetidos 1000 veces se van a convertir en verdad. Todo muy Goebbels, sí.

    6. Anonymous15/6/17 16:14

      Angie, with respect, how do you know Queen Letizia is not ill. Regarding the fashions, the Queen frequently dresses to emphasize her arms and shoulders, and her facial features have changed over the years. This is part of the appearance she puts forth in public. Please don't attempt to silence discussion about these issues. Commenters here have stated their opinions as you have. Your opinions are not more informed or important than those of others and the Goebbels comment is really unnecessary.

    7. Angie; what are you talking about? Victoria had/has the same high standard sense of duty. She has talked about it in public several times. About Letizia we can see that. That is not illness but it can lead to illness, that we all know. I was really trying to praise your queen but even that was wrong to you. Heavens what Goebbels it had???

      You have of course all the rights not to see what problems your queen has but we others are as permitted to our own opinions. As Unknown said, you have really no better information than rest of us. Your opinion is that there can never be any problems to her, what is of course just absurd. We all have our problems really, so do Letizia.

      As you Angie took the discussion to her weight, look those pictures some moths ago when she was shopping with her kids. Kids are thin 10 and 11 years. The thinnest legs were Letizia´s. That really makes wonder.

    8. Unknown: Diagnosing a person's health from pictures is completely out of bounds.Putting the children into the mix equally tasteless. In the picture today you can see that the dress is becoming too small, meaning she has gained weight. Compare this woman with the one in the gray gown at the pre-wedding dinner. Seems more like using disinformation as a weapon to hurt her image.

    9. Unknown:You asked Angie about the reasons why she thought Q. Letizia was not ill. I can give you the reasons why I am sure she is not ill. First of all, one cannot be anorexic during 20 years without interruption. She wouldn't be alive, and certainly she would not be able to get children. Secondly, she keeps a toned musculature in arms and legs. To build muscle is needed a high level of carbohydrates and quality proteins, that is, good nutrition. Thirdly, she was appointed Special Ambassador for the for nutrition by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) , in Rome in 2015. FAO is a serious organization. They don’t appoint a person with an eating disorder, ambassador for nutrition. Fourth place, she attends an annual average of 250 events representing the Royal Family. And not only “as a flower vase”. She makes speeches, gets involved, has initiatives… How could a sick person develop such a busy agenda?
      I respect everyone's opinions, buy as time has shown, the supposed anorexia was a falsehood from the beginning.
      In any case, anorexia should be nothing to be ashamed of. I find absolute admirable the attitude of P Victoria who is an example to us all.

  4. Waouh ! Qui est la plus belle,la reine ou la robe ?

  5. Wow, indeed! Gorgeous dress! Light and summery and perfect for the occasion. And I love her hair like that.

  6. she pretty i love her whole ensemble for the engagement.

  7. I like the dress and her low ponytail. She does seem thinner lately.

  8. Este precioso vestido de HB me trae buenos recuerdos porque fue el que ella usó en su primer acto como Reina. Sigue tan bella como aquel día.

  9. What a beautiful and well fitted dress. I wish Queen Mathilde would have a look at it to see what a difference it makes, when a dress fits properly,(waistline on the right place) and right length.

  10. Very pretty, Letizia's longer hair looks much nicer taken back in a ponytail.

  11. She always wins with this dress, it is feminine and fits her like a glove. I find the speculation and judgement about her body extremely irresponsible, yes, she is thin, and it is rumored that she works out a lot, and practices yoga habitually, she has been thin since she was a child. We don't know whether she has any eating disorder, but to simply cast aspersions and accuse her of being a bad example, is just ignorant and mean spirited.
    Then again, unknown hardly makes any kind comments.


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