Princess Mette-Marit and Haakon attended Starmus Festival

On June 20, 2017, Crown Prince Haakon and Princess Mette-Marit of Norway attended the Starmus Festival 2017 in Trondheim, Norway. The Starmus International Festival is an international gathering focused on celebrating astronomy, space exploration, music, art, and allied sciences such as biology and chemistry.
Crown Prince Haakon, Princess Mette-Marit, Jean-Michel Jarre and Neil de Grasse Tyson attend Starmus Festival 2017.Stephen Hawking Medal
Crown Prince Haakon, Princess Mette-Marit, Jean-Michel Jarre and Neil de Grasse Tyson attend Starmus Festival 2017.Stephen Hawking Medal
Crown Prince Haakon, Princess Mette-Marit, Jean-Michel Jarre and Neil de Grasse Tyson attend Starmus Festival 2017.Stephen Hawking Medal
Crown Prince Haakon, Princess Mette-Marit, Jean-Michel Jarre and Neil de Grasse Tyson attend Starmus Festival 2017.Stephen Hawking Medal
Crown Prince Haakon, Princess Mette-Marit, Jean-Michel Jarre and Neil de Grasse Tyson attend Starmus Festival 2017.Stephen Hawking Medal

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  1. MM jacket too big and the prince jacket too small

  2. It's awful.

    What is she wearing? A wrinkled coat with short sleeves?

    1. Anonymous22/6/17 07:17

      Not everybody has an iron with them on events so they can borrow a room and iron their coat before they leave the you take it with you everytime you go out ;)

    2. Of course not, but I am not a Crown Princess!

      Any case, I'm sure CP MM doesn't iron her clothes herself.

  3. wow, I like the pic where Mette-Marit looks at her husband, it looks like a lot of love.
    I remember an older pic where Hakoon looks almost in the same way on his wife.

    Lovely <3

  4. I have to say: on the last picture - where she walks through the corridor, she looks really good!!! Her hair, the swinging coat, the creamy-colours, the shoes... That's a pleasant look:).

  5. I like how she looks in this - especially in the last photo. Those creamy colours do work well for her.

  6. I think she is trying to find her way. Clearly she isn't comfortable in the 'regal crown princess' outfits à la Kate or Mary. To some extent I think she's trying to fit some kind of a 'future queen model'. Clearly that's how we judge her (and the others). But it's not who she is. I believe she is a quiet and shy person, perhaps uncomfortable in the lime light. The happiest I have seen her is when surfing on vacation with her family. It sort of pains me when i look at her outfits in general.

    An honest stylist is long overdue. Not one who will dress her like the other crown princess, but find a classy version of what she feels comfortable in. Not that hard, I believe


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