Princess Mary and Prince Naruhito visited Langelinie

Crown Prince Naruhito of Japan on a boat trip with Crown Princess Mary of Denmark on June 20, 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark. The trip went through the channel in the old harbour to the Little Mermaid statue (Den lille havfrue) at Langelinie . Crown Prince Naruhito is on a 6-day visit to Denmark to commemorate 150 years of diplomatic ties.
Crown Princess Mary wore Rupert Sanderson Navy Patent High Heel Pumps and carries Quidam Alligator Clutch
Crown Prince Naruhito of Japan on a boat trip with Crown Princess Mary of Denmark. Princess wore Prada coat and Prada skirt
Crown Prince Naruhito of Japan on a boat trip with Crown Princess Mary of Denmark. Princess wore Prada coat and Prada skirt
Crown Prince Naruhito of Japan on a boat trip with Crown Princess Mary of Denmark. Princess wore Prada coat and Prada skirt
Crown Prince Naruhito of Japan on a boat trip with Crown Princess Mary of Denmark. Princess wore Prada coat and Prada skirt
Crown Prince Naruhito of Japan on a boat trip with Crown Princess Mary of Denmark. Princess wore Prada coat and Prada skirt
Crown Princess Mary wore Rupert Sanderson Navy Patent High Heel PumpsCrown Princess Mary carried Quidam Alligator Clutch
                              Rupert Sanderson Pumps                               Quidam Alligator Clutch

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  1. La princesse Mary a de belles jambes et cette longueur de jupe n'est pas flatteuse.

  2. Too black and grey for such a sunny day!

    1. Vous avez raison .La princesse broye du noir en français,a du "dark " blue en anglais

  3. Very dark colour for the summer. It's hard to distinguish her from the men! I wonder about her wearing such high heels when going on a boat.

  4. Always high heels... much more modern and personal with flat shoes.

    1. Not clear why high heels are more personal. It's quite the uniform, nothing shows personality (and certainly not black Rupert Sanders). If anything, the confidence to wear something out of the norm (which could include, but isn't limited to, flats) would show some flair. As long as is ocasion-appropriate

  5. Mary's skirt looks very sloppy without anything underneath IMO!
    Crown Prince has been on a 6 days state visit in Denmark …… and we haven't seen anything at all to Joachim and Marie, really strange. Prince Henrik is retired, as we all know.

  6. It would be polite to wear low or flat heeled shoes.

    1. Because His Imperial Highness Crown Prince Naruhito is not a very tall person. CP Mary towers him on all these occasions.

    2. They're all taller. I looked it up: Maxima wore heels when Naruhito visited the Netherlands, Victoria wore heels when he visited Sweden, and Leticia wore heels when he visited Spain. He didn't seem to mind.

  7. She looks very professional and polished, like the men and other women going on the boat. Everyone else is wearing suits and ties so Mary's look fits right in. For modesty and professional reasons she usually wears her skirt and dress hems at or just past her knees. I imagine Mary is trying to avoid looking too grandmother-like which is why she wears very high heels with her outfits.

  8. Also diese Mary - für mich sieht sie immer distanziert und unnatürlich aus.

  9. ...Kann man so nicht sagen, kommt auf die Umgebung an. - Aber: sie liebt es zu repraesentieren! Frederik haette keine bessere zukuenftige Koenigin finden koennen. Man hat bei vielen Fototerminen den Eindruck, sein "Job" nervt ihn oft gewaltig. Mary macht es mit Bravour. (Sie kann auch sehr normal und herzlich auf Fotos wirken.)

  10. I agree! She certainly often looks like she is playing a role, rather than being herself.


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