Princess Charlene, Gabriella and Jacques at St. John's Day Festival

In the evening on June 23, 2017, Princess Charlene of Monaco and her twins Princess Gabriella and Prince Jacques watched the traditional celebrations of St. John's Day procession (Fête de la Saint-Jean) at Palace Square in Monaco. (The "Fête de la Saint Jean" (feast of St John), traditionally celebrated with bonfires (le feu de la Saint-Jean) that are reminiscent of Midsummer's pagan rituals, is a Catholic festivity in celebration of Saint John the Baptist. It takes place on June 23-24 on Midsummer day.)
Princess Charlene, Princess Gabriella and Prince Jacques watched the traditional celebrations of St. John's Day procession at Palace Square in Monaco
Princess Charlene, Princess Gabriella and Prince Jacques watched the traditional celebrations of St. John's Day procession at Palace Square in Monaco
Princess Charlene, Princess Gabriella and Prince Jacques watched the traditional celebrations of St. John's Day procession at Palace Square in Monaco
Princess Charlene, Princess Gabriella and Prince Jacques watched the traditional celebrations of St. John's Day procession at Palace Square in Monaco
Princess Charlene, Princess Gabriella and Prince Jacques watched the traditional celebrations of St. John's Day procession at Palace Square in Monaco
Princess Charlene, Princess Gabriella and Prince Jacques watched the traditional celebrations of St. John's Day procession at Palace Square in Monaco
Princess Charlene, Princess Gabriella and Prince Jacques watched the traditional celebrations of St. John's Day procession at Palace Square in Monaco
Princess Charlene, Princess Gabriella and Prince Jacques watched the traditional celebrations of St. John's Day procession at Palace Square in Monaco
Princess Charlene wore PREEN BY THORNTON BREGAZZI Aurora Devoré Dress
Princess Charlene wore PREEN BY THORNTON BREGAZZI Aurora Devoré Dress
Princess Charlene wore PREEN BY THORNTON BREGAZZI Aurora Devoré Dress
Princess Charlene wore PREEN BY THORNTON BREGAZZI Aurora Devoré Dress
Princess Charlene wore PREEN BY THORNTON BREGAZZI Aurora Devoré Dress

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  1. Why not a little earrings?

  2. wat prachtig ,echt een gelukkig gezinnetje !!en mama zo bezorgt ,en wat worden ze
    groot .echt mooi ,ik kan er zo van genieten !! ik bedankt ook voor de mooie foto,s!!!!

  3. Gabrielle and Jacques are nice boys. It´s clear Charlenne cares their looks. Gabrielle is very similar to Charlene. It is interesting that Gabrielle be the first woman in Monaco can heir Principality by own right and without having choose a husband.......The little Couness of Carladess and future Duchess of Valentinois is a little nice girl........ A Danish Prince will be perfect for her in future.

    1. Désolée mais Gabrielle n'est pas la princesse héréditaire,c'est son frère qui sera prince de Monaco.La princesse Caroline aurait aussi dûe être princesse régnante mais à Monaco les femmes n'héritent pas du titre .

    2. Si, es una lastima, pero es la ley de Monaco. 🇲🇨 Me encanta la personalidad en la cara de Gabriella.

    3. Je crois qu'elles heritent s'il n'y a pas d'heritier male, e.g. Princesse Charlotte, mere de Rainier.

    4. Excuseme. The new Constitution of Monaco gives to Gabrielle same and equal rights that Jacques. She can be Princess of Monaco without any back existing condition; for that reason, I said Gabrielle is just only girl is not subject to "Salic Law". But it is real Charlenne has a good taste for dress her sons.

  4. Süsse Bilder. Erstaunlich, dass der Junge schon halben Kopf grösser ist als die Schwester, obwohl sie gleich alt sind. Ich liebe diese Familie.

    1. Also mir tun die eher leid. Ich glaub kaum eine Familie ist so "fake" wie diese.

  5. Jacques looks like Prince Rainer, and Gabriella looks like her Father. Lovely photos.

  6. What can one say but "Stunning" always great to see photos of this family

  7. I should have said in first place that all them look so lovely, most of all Princess Charlene, very relaxed which is what make her more beauty.

  8. This is a fashion fail-for me, when I see Charlene today. It looks very much "Mummy" (the dress, I mean0. Nethertheless she is a lovely Mum! It is a pity, that Grace kelly never knew the spouses of her children and their children now.

    1. she is a mum and a great one too, those kids look very happy!!

  9. Sweet pictures but I agree with Rainha Leonor - I find the dress a bit frumpy and mumsy, not Charlene's usual sleek elegance.

    Gabriella's dress is sweet and Jacques looks cute although I don't especially like the long hair.

    I think he looks very like Charlene but with a little Grimaldi pout going on - at the moment I see Albert in Gabriella.

  10. I agree, I don't care for Charlene's look at all in these, though it's hard to say it because she is so lovely and lovely with her children. Strictly speaking clothes, though, it's a no for me. So often she favors a sporty casual or sleek high fashion look, and this is neither. Doesn't flatter her in the least.

  11. The twins look quite classically Irish to me, which is the Kelly line of their Grandmother, Princess Grace. I also cannot recall seeing a single member of the current Monaco princely family with red hair--or very curly hair. I wonder whether Gabriella is a first.

    1. There are redheads on Princess Antoinette's side of the family - some of the great-grandchildren have red hair. The gene has to be present on both sides for a child to have red hair.

    2. None of the children has redhair. Its blonde/ brownish.

    3. Carolines youngest boy Pierre had blond curly hair when he was two years old. Also a bit long as I remember. Maybe caroline back then and charlene now doesn't like to cut away the curls?

    4. Gabriella's hair is red. Jacques' hair is blonde and curly and, as Charlotte said, it resembles the hair of his cousin Pierre as a young child.

  12. Jacques seems to be taller than his sister. Beautiful photographs of the Princess Charlene and twins. She is a mother and don't have to look like a model when she is with her children. Many times photos on this blog of crown princesses and other royal ladies that have an informal look. Sometimes good to see that they can also looked "normal" and don't have to dress up to satisfy people like rainha.

    1. What? Speaking for myself, I just don't particularly like the dress she's chosen because it isn't her normal look. (It is a fashion blog first and foremost). It isn't a criticism of Charlene as a person.

    2. Anna-Marie, I guess you had a rough night??? I NEVER! mentioned, that Charlene has to satisfy my fashion taste. I like her usually in most! of her outfits, sports- or party- or just "in Family"... Please, feel free to see all my comments. I just noticed, that THIS! particular dress is not MY taste today. So, I say it just like Diane Brown ones did- and with reason on another theme: Please,shut up!!!

    3. Dear raina,pls do ignone her.i have noticed this person has a history of jumping on us whenever we try to comment all because we criticise her precious Duchess of cambridge.I remember when ppl literally attack the character of sophia of sweden,then this person dosent defend her at all.This all started with the recent posts of the Duchess of Cambridge,which we comment and why shouldnt we.....

    4. Chippy, Love and sun to you :). (Sometimes I think how funny it would be, if we would all meet and could sit together, a glass of champagne in our hands, stickers with our names on our dresses, meet and greet each other and have talks about us, about the "Royals" and so on... On a beautiful place, just laughs, music and a great time for a week-end or so.)

    5. Rainha, what a wonderful idea '

  13. Where is Albert ?.... LOL

    1. Ils font du mi- temps,chacun son tour !

    2. Kazakhstan with Stéphanie and Camille for Expo 2017.

  14. Aboslutely beautiful picture. Gabriella is so cute! I like very much what charlene is wearling. I will take anything with color and prints, than the usual black and white and the ocassional red :-)

  15. Charlene dress is just gorgeous, Jacques is quite handsome already, Gabriella soool lady like just like mum, beautiful family, well done charlene!!!!

  16. It's funny and good to see, that little Gabriella is no longer so shy as before in front of the public. Lovely first picture-, how they are embracing the scenery in front of them clearly - with the explanations of their Mum! (I think there is even a resemblance between Gabriella and her aunt Stephanie of Monaco?- Anyone noticed "big" shoes of Jacques? :)

  17. Funny rainha very funny actually hilarious LOL You made my day. I have great admiration for Diana Brown comments and regard her as very cool, intelligent and pure bred lady, but rainha....!!!!??? Good luck finding out!!Enjoy your ride on the broom!!!

  18. Looks like Gabriella has the attitude of her auntie and cousins: "Yea, go for it! Here I come, world!" and, yes, Rainha, The big boy loafers on Jacques and the way he stands is already very "cool-guy." The apple doesn't fall very far from the tree here.

  19. Charlene is a wonderful parent, those kids are already comfortable with cameras, crowds, they are my favourite royal kids plus swedish royal kids all are too cute!!


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