Queen Sonja and King Harald Celebrate their 80th Birthday

King Harald’s 80th birthday was in February, and Queen Sonja’s is in July. A large celebration are being held in between their birthdays on Tuesday 9 May and Wednesday 10 May 2017. The celebration began on the Palace Square at on 9 May. Norwegian Royal Family and royal guests greeted crowd from the balcony of Palace.
Princess mette-Marit, Queen Mathilde, Queen Silvia, Queen Maxima, Princess Victoria, princess Sofia, Princess Mary
Princess mette-Marit, Queen Mathilde, Queen Silvia, Queen Maxima, Princess Victoria, princess Sofia, Princess Mary
Princess mette-Marit, Queen Mathilde, Queen Silvia, Queen Maxima, Princess Victoria, princess Sofia, Princess Mary
Princess mette-Marit, Queen Mathilde, Queen Silvia, Queen Maxima, Princess Victoria, princess Sofia, Princess Mary
Princess mette-Marit, Queen Mathilde, Queen Silvia, Queen Maxima, Princess Victoria, princess Sofia, Princess Mary
Princess mette-Marit, Queen Mathilde, Queen Silvia, Queen Maxima, Princess Victoria, princess Sofia, Princess Mary
Princess mette-Marit, Queen Mathilde, Queen Silvia, Queen Maxima, Princess Victoria, princess Sofia, Princess Mary
Princess mette-Marit, Queen Mathilde, Queen Silvia, Queen Maxima, Princess Victoria, princess Sofia, Princess Mary
Princess mette-Marit, Queen Mathilde, Queen Silvia, Queen Maxima, Princess Victoria, princess Sofia, Princess Mary
Princess mette-Marit, Queen Mathilde, Queen Silvia, Queen Maxima, Princess Victoria, princess Sofia, Princess Mary
Princess mette-Marit, Queen Mathilde, Queen Silvia, Queen Maxima, Princess Victoria, princess Sofia, Princess Mary tiara
Princess mette-Marit, Queen Mathilde, Queen Silvia, Queen Maxima, Princess Victoria, princess Sofia, Princess Mary tiara
Queen Margrethe, Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary arrived at the Danish royal ship Dannebrogen
Princess mette-Marit, Queen Mathilde, Queen Silvia, Queen Maxima, Princess Victoria, princess Sofia, Princess Mary tiara
Princess mette-Marit, Queen Mathilde, Queen Silvia, Queen Maxima, Princess Victoria, princess Sofia, Princess Mary tiara
Princess mette-Marit, Queen Mathilde, Queen Silvia, Queen Maxima, Princess Victoria, princess Sofia, Princess Mary tiara

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  1. I realize that photos only capture a moment in time but the first two balcony photos show a sour-looking group. And the rest are not significantly better. Who is the woman in the red dress with the modern tiara?

    1. On the first photo the Norwegian Royal Family are moved by the speech or songs that were performed. Obviously you can not see the difference between someone that is moved or sour-looking.

  2. Too pink and shining -Mary.
    Victoria wins -this blue colours is perfect.The most beautiful tiara -Maxima.

  3. Oh my there are so many photos all over the internet! Waiting to see full photos. Sophie Countess of Wessex looks great in one. I think I like MM but need to see more. Mathilde looks glamourous! Sofia has on a big bang tiara finally.

    Hopefully Hellen will get more as they come out.

  4. Here we go: Many interesting sights for a Royal blog today!!
    Two questions (beside that the Norwegians look very good today. And long live stunning Queen Sonja!!) So,the Lady in Red, she forgot her bra at home? Who is she? -Second picture.- Why are the Swedish Royals so grumpy looking? Great event, is'nt it?
    One "dislike": CP's Mary's dress. Not the world for my eyes. But looks "comfy".

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Absolutely, no words can describe the red dress the lady standing by CP Victoria is wearing.

  7. The woman in the red dress (2nd pic) is killing me. :o
    Victori looks amazing: hair, blue navy dress, the tiara...
    I dont like Sonja dress :( not a becoming color on her I think.
    Like MM in white, she looks good in pastel, neutral colors. :)
    No one wears the blue sapphire tiara like Maxima! She looks wonderful in that tiara. Overall everyone looks good.

  8. Victoria is wearing my absolute favorite dress, Maxima in my favorite tiara and Mary FROM HEAD TO TOE took my breath away! I am excited to see everyone's attire if better pictures are released. Happy birthday to their majesties!

  9. Gratulerer med dagen, konge og dronning! Königin Sonja war eine der ersten (vielleicht sogar die erste) Bürgerliche, die in ein königliches Haus eingeheiratet hat. 9 Jahre hat es gedauert. Heute würde ich sagen, die Norweger (und Harald) hatte sehr viel Glück mit ihr. Sie zählt für mich wirklich zu den bestgekleideten Royals, auch heute noch. Sie hat der verstaubten königlichen Mode Pep gegeben, ohne dabei das Protokol oder die Grenzen des guten Geschmacks zu verletzen. Tradition mit einem Hauch Zeitgeist modisch zu verbinden, das gelingt ihr bis heute und sie ist sicherlich eine Vorreiterin für all die ihr nachgefolgten königlichen Bräute (Silvia, die von 0 auf 100 Königin wurde, hat es auch sehr gut hinbekommen). Wer mit den ewig gleichen Frisuren der heutigen Generation hadert, dem empfehle ich Sonja zu googeln. Über ihr Outfit von heute kann ich nicht viel sagen und über die anderen mag ich nichts sagen. Man sieht, es ist kühl in Oslo. Margrethe und Mary gefallen mir in 'zivil' ausgesprochen gut. Die dänische Königin sollte sich öfter an Marineblau und Weiß halten, das lässt sie so jung wirkten; schwarzer Rolli, rote Slacks, Mäntelchen, große Brille und die geliebten Nietenschuhe (dieses Mal in Rot) gehen immer und verleihen der Trägerin Klasse. Dann hoffe ich mal, dass sich alle königlich amüsieren. Mehr Bilder wären natürlich auch toll!

  10. Who the hell is the woman with red dress and a golden tiara ????

    1. She is a cousin of the Swedish royal family, it's a headband. There are photos of her circulating on Twitter and it's just horrible. She's not wearing a bra and you can see her clearly see her nipples.

    2. Thanks for letting us know who she is. Dreadful looking--even without the peep show.

    3. Chelsea; she is actually cousin of King Harald and rather far relative to Swedish Royal house, Desiree Kogevinas. Her grandfather was King Harald´s mother´s brother. To Swedish King Carl Gustaf we need to go four generation up to king Oscar II and three generations down other branch.

    4. She is not a cousin of King Harald, but her Mother, Countess Madeleine Bernadotte is. Desiree is second cousin of Crown Prince Haakon, and also second cousin of King Philippe and of Grand Duke Henri. As you are correctly mentioning, she is far relative to the Swedish Royal House.

  11. Auf dem 5. Foto hinter Beatrix - ist das etwa Mabel ??
    Ach,es würde mich SO sehr freuen, sie wieder so herzlich lachen zu sehen...

    1. Ja es ist Mabel. :)

    2. ja, das ist Mabel

    3. Mir fiel dann heute Nacht noch ein, daß König Harald ja der Patenonkel von Prinz Friso war. Ich finde es wunderschön, daß er offenkundig bis heute Mabel verbunden ist.
      Diese tapfere und wunderschöne Frau mag ich wirklich sehr gerne.

      Aber weiß jemand, warum das spanische Königshaus auf der Feier nicht vertreten zu sein scheint ?
      Und um Madeleine und ihre Familie mache ich mir langsam wirklich Gedanken, da scheint irgendwas passiert zu sein. Hoffentlich sind sie alle gesund.

    4. Bine, I wish I had your "fears" about "VIP's": Princess Madeleine is on holidays in Florida with her folks. She doesn't care.
      King Juan Carlos and wife are attending in Oslo, and Felipe and Letizia have other things do do.

  12. Think it very disrespectful of the woman in red dress, to have dressed so appallingly ! She obviously didn't get the memo, re the dress code, or the obvious need to wear underwear !
    Tatiana was the winner for me ! She looks stunning !
    Mary was surprisingly disappointing. The colour seems to lack luster.

    1. Tatiana always looks sooo classy :)

    2. Mary: I dislike the colour and even more the cut. It looks like the first try of a tailor apprentice.
      Tatiana is just wow.

    3. Me too, Tatiana looks gorgeous and Mary disappointing.

    4. Agree! Tatiana is absolutely the winner and Mary is the most disappointing.

  13. "The Lady in Red": I think it is Desiree Kogevinas, born 1977 as daughter of Madeleine, Countess Bernadotte and the late Nicos Kogevinas. So, it is "Family" too. But reading through genealogy and ancestry, all the Royals are connected to each other in one way or another.

  14. Mostly very very nicely dressed ladies. Most I like Mette Marit, Victoria, Mary, Silvia and Tatiana. Only total miss is lady in red.

    About bras; many of you could surprise knowing how few of these ladies have bras really. Those dresses are many times designed to be worn without bra, they have kind of build in something like bra feature. But the lady in red does not have that.

  15. Mary looks stunning, both formally and informally dressed.

  16. http://www.tv2.no/a/9118406/ apparently Desiree's dress was worn before ......


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