Princess Sofia and Prince Carl Philip attend WABF2017 Forum

Princess Sofia and Prince Carl Philip of Sweden attended the opening of the First World Anti-Bullying Forum (WABF2017) held at the Quality Hotel Friends on May 08, 2017 in Solna. Friends is an non-profit organization, dedicated to the prevention of bullying. Princess Sofia wore a '& Other Stories' floral crochet dress
Pregnant Sofia Hellqvist Style. Princess Sofia wore a & Other Stories floral crochet dress at World Anti-Bullying Forum Quality Hotel Friends
Pregnant Sofia Hellqvist Style. Princess Sofia wore a & Other Stories floral crochet dress at World Anti-Bullying Forum Quality Hotel Friends
Pregnant Sofia Hellqvist Style. Princess Sofia wore a & Other Stories floral crochet dress at World Anti-Bullying Forum Quality Hotel Friends
Pregnant Sofia Hellqvist Style. Princess Sofia wore a & Other Stories floral crochet dress at World Anti-Bullying Forum Quality Hotel Friends
Pregnant Sofia Hellqvist Style. Princess Sofia wore a & Other Stories floral crochet dress at World Anti-Bullying Forum Quality Hotel Friends
Pregnant Sofia Hellqvist Style. Princess Sofia wore a & Other Stories floral crochet dress at World Anti-Bullying Forum Quality Hotel Friends
Pregnant Sofia Hellqvist Style. Princess Sofia wore a & Other Stories floral crochet dress at World Anti-Bullying Forum Quality Hotel Friends
Pregnant Sofia Hellqvist Style. Princess Sofia wore a & Other Stories floral crochet dress at World Anti-Bullying Forum Quality Hotel Friends
Pregnant Sofia Hellqvist Style. Princess Sofia wore a & Other Stories floral crochet dress at World Anti-Bullying Forum Quality Hotel Friends
Princess Sofia wore a & Other Stories floral crochet dress
& Other Stories Floral Crochet Dress

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Sofia is a pretty woman but man it's taking her a while to understand what it means how to dress as a Royal! That dress should have been a couple of inches longer and she should have worn a proper coat with it instead of borrowing one from her security detail!

    1. Agree the dress is too short. And yes she should have came prepared with a coat in case she got cold.
      It was actually a suit jacket from one the hotel staff workers, that's even worse.

    2. Can only reinforce what was already said. She is now a royal princess and over thirty. Not telling her to dress matronly, but time to lower the hemlines.

  2. Les 2 princesses suédoises et leurs cheveux ! Quelle catastrophe !

  3. Teenie mini dress and granny hairstyle. Complete desaster. Her smug face doesn't make it any better. This woman is so full of herself.

    1. She has no taste...

    2. She can never be a royal in my opinion...

    3. Well she is Iris.

  4. She buys and wears trendy outfits, instead of dressing for the specific event. She does not seem to realize she represents the Swedish Monarchy. This dress is too short and perhaps not the best choice for a public speaking event. I hope she gets a stylist soon.

  5. Carl Philip and Sofia are a lovely couple!

    1. Shocking @coraile has something nce to say! !

    2. Susan, are you strong enough to recover from the shock by yourself or shall we call a doctor?

  6. I'm not saying anything because I don't have anything nice to say about Sofia, her hair and her dress.

    1. I am with you, Lizzie! Man, her taste is :-(

    2. In fairness to Sofia, I should have said I have nothing nice to say about her hair and her dress. I can't seem to like her but certainly have nothing against her. Her husband has eyes only for her and that's what matters.

  7. Oh dear how short that dress is. Big no for that although color is becoming to her.

  8. Das Positivste, was mir hierzu einfällt: Wie gut, daß in Schweden vor knapp 30 Jahren das Thronfolgegesetz geändert wurde...

    1. Es ist zum Heulen, oder ? Augen auf bei der Partnerwahl, kann ich da nur sagen. Spätestens, wenn Madeleine mit den Kindern zurück nach Schweden MUSS, wird sich nicht mehr verbergen lassen, wie Sofia die Familie zerstört hat.

    2. Bine, wovon reden Sie? Warum und auf welche Weise sollte Sofia die Familie zerstört haben?

    3. Schwierig zu beantworten, wenn hier nur positiv kommentiert werden soll. Ich versuche es so: Es bringt sicher “frischen Wind“ ins Familienleben, wenn neue Mitglieder dazu anregen, langjährige Bekleidungsgewohnheiten ebenso zu überdenken wie jahrzehntealte Freundschaften und auch angeheiratete Kinder müssen von den Schwiegereltern nicht gleich behandelt werden - aber irgendwie hat's schon ein “Gschmäckle“, wenn der eine Schwiegersohn seine beruflichen Aktivitäten nach der Hochzeit einschränken soll, die Schwiegertochter aber für ihre neu gegründete Firma ganz dreist sogar das Schloß als Firmenadresse angibt oder plötzlich langjährige Freundinnen der Schwägerinnen zu Familienfeiern nicht mehr eingeladen werden können, weil das neue Prinzesschen Grund zur Eifersucht vermutet...

      Sorry, ich weiß grad nicht, wie ich es deutlicher formulieren könnte, aber es ist sicher hilfreich, wenn Sie hier auf dem Blog aufmerksam die Kommentare der letzten Wochen lesen oder alte Fotos betrachten (z.B. von den Nobelpreisverleihungen der letzten Jahre). Da wird einiges klar.

    4. Da kann ich Ihnen gar nicht widersprechen, Bine, denn ich bin in das Thema Schwedisches Königshaus nicht so gut "eingearbeitet". Ich habe schlicht das subjektive Gefühl, dass Sofia ihrem Mann gut tut (z.B. bei der Bewältigung seiner Legasthenie) und ich finde, sie kommt recht herzerfrischend rüber. Deshalb mag ich sie. Aber wie gesagt, Infos habe ich nicht viele.

    5. I am lost in this comversation. Quite confused. Are you saying these two get special priviledge?

    6. Diane, Bine says that Sofia has a negative impact on the swedish family. She uses the term "Sofia destroyed the family". And I doubt that, because I believe that Sofia has a good impact on her husband, and I simply like her without having reasons for that. Bine seems to have more information about the family than I have.

    7. Daniel had to quite his GYM busines in order to marry Victoria. Im sure he is glad but it was something he had to do. Chris had to make a decision as well. He chose to continue working for his business. Therefore he did not accept royal titles. CP his a royal ( the king's fav) and he has a design business. He had more companies. He gets to be a royal and have businesses. Sofia created a business company as well with her father her and sister. She can also be a royal and have businesses. It's quite clear that CP and Sofia has been priviled in ways thats hisb sisters and husbands cant.

    8. Thanks Coralie and Raquel

  9. It's a no from me I'm afraid. I don't have a problem with length or style but the material looks it's come from a 1970s sofa! Agree she needs a coat and I always find her hair over dark and a bit harsh for her fine features.

  10. Estampados grandes y mujer pequeña no es buena combinación.
    Ese peinado es terrible y le hace una frente enorme.

  11. This has to be 'it looked better on the hanger' moment ! Too short, too loud, and not flattering at all !

    1. Great comment, Annabel! Others made similar comments. Too, too short and too loud.

  12. The dress is too short.

  13. Maybe I am the only one, but I like the dress, the colors are becoming to her, and I don't find it too loud, it has a lively flower-power sixties appeal, that I like, the cut is good for a maternity dress. It should have been a few inches longer of course and needs different shoes, not so pointed, with a low block heel, that would have looked better. And yes of course she would need a coat with it. I also agree that her hair is too dark. Maybe I am the only one again, but I think the hairstyle is okay, the low bun suits her and at least it is a hairstyle not just loose long hair hanging down, that we see much too often and that bores me.

    Carl Philip seems to be madly in love with her and can't keep his eyes from her. Sometimes I feel that is too much on an official event and I wonder if he does at all concentrate on the subjects of the visited event and the people they meet. Does anybody know how is the reception in the swedish press on these two?

    1. It's not her hair as much as it is the part in the middle. Old-womanish, like the Duchess of Windsor in the forties

    2. Das Kleid per sehr finde ich auch nicht häßlich - nur paßt es weder zum Anlaß noch hat es die richtige Länge. Meine Güte, sobald der Bauch auch nur 10 cm mehr Stoff beansprucht, steht sie im Höschen da...
      Sich vom Securityservice eine Jacke auszuleihen, geht meiner Ansicht nach gar nicht. Wer glaubt sie, daß sie ist ?? Warum soll jemand anderes frieren, nur weil sie den Wetterbericht nicht gelesen hat ?
      Wenn schon, wäre es die Aufgabe ihres Mannes gewesen, ihr sein Jacket umzulegen - und eigentlich hätte er ihr auch sagen müssen, daß da irgendwie Stoff an ihrem Kleid fehlt...

      Überhaupt finde ich Carl Philips Rolle in diesem Schauspiel langsam wirklich tragisch. Die Art, wie er seine Ehe in der Öffentlichkeit führt, sagt mehr über sein Selbstbewusstsein sein, als ihm angenehm sein dürfte, wenn er gerade klar denken könnte.
      Mein Schwedisch ist leider immer noch nicht gut genug, um die schwedische Presse völlig zu verstehen, aber das, was ich verstehe, geht stark in die Richtung, daß dieses Paar nur sehr marginal vorkommt, weil sich der Großteil der Meute auf Madeleine und Chris als Hauptärgernis eingeschossen hat, während Victoria und ihre Familie völlig nachvollziehbarerweise geliebt und verehrt werden.

    3. You mean how popular they are there?
      One magazine did a study of the people's favorite, victoria was a favorite, CP and Sofia were on the bottom. On expressem study, the most recent, they got 0%. The media talked about this and why they think this is the results etc.

      Svenskdam, i think thats how its called, is always highliting everything Sofia does, 10 articles or so are written by assignment just to talk so greatly about her. People seem to get tired of this exagerations. CP is barely ever talked about.
      Expressen is more unbias, as well as The rest of press, and they are more critical. But overall, they are not that liner it seems (press and people).

      I always things this "cant keep my eyes away from you" when the cameras are arround very "emotionally chorographaned". The papa pics show them as a normal couple, acting very notmally.

    4. As far as I know Victoria is very popular, a lot of people regard her already as their queen. And of course they love her husband and children too. All the rest of them, including Silvia, have approval rates below ten percent.

    5. Yes coralie. I agree. Victoria is the second queen LOL. But the queen and daniel for example are still popular. Madeleine, CP and Sofia are on the bottom. I'm no counting with Chris of course. Even though many studies counted with him. I think it's unfair because he is not even swedish.

  14. The only beautiful, remarkable thing are the looks between her and her husband. But otherwise? Where did she found that dress and jacket? And the hair. Oh, it's not good...

  15. I think I may be the only person on this blog that actually likes Sofia. While I do agree that the dress is a bit too short, I see nothing wrong with it.
    It's cute, fun, youthful and the color looks good on her. I don't see Sofia trying to be too trendy, like others have implied. I see her dress in what she likes.

    Call me wrong or disagree with me all you want but I think it's sad how much online hate Sofia gets. I feel like she's always going to be judged on her past and what she used to do. So she's always getting overly critical comments, saying things like she has no taste or talent and to me it's a little unfair.
    Carl Philip obviously loves and adores her and I think that people need to cut her some slack and stop being so judgemental for no reason.

    1. You are not the only one. Chelsea!

    2. You are not the only one. Actually I don't know much about her past apart from what is said now and then on this blog, I do not follow the yellow press, and I don't care. I am only interested in fashion and on how people present themselves on official events (That's why I don't comment on private or paparazzi photos) I think she is a beautiful young lady, I like her look and even her tooth gap ;-)). They are a nice couple with great chemistry and a nice young family. Sometimes they seem to be even too much into each other for my taste. But in general I think she has adapted well to her role, dresses often fine, but sometimes fails and that's what we discuss here. I have not the slightest idea of how is her relationship with the in-laws and the rest of the family. And honestly it's not my business.

    3. Chelsea I like Sofia too but I do not like all clothes she is wearing. To me CP is so much more with Sofia and they look out very happy, that is what matters. I have no reason not to like her.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Well my comment looked chopped up so I deleted. Then it looked fine.

      Bottom line I do like them. The dress is not a fave today for me.

    6. To the press I say ~Leave them alone they seem very content and happy. That is all that matters

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. Carl Phillip I love you? Very creepy. I am out of here for good.

  16. Anonymous9/5/17 07:26

    Please girl give her a break. We see royal all the time with just as short skirt even blue blood royals.

    1. This comments are nothing compares to what Stephanie usually gets. You should read some of that comments. Who gives her a "break" ?

    2. This is true and I am sooo happy to see her current fashion choices. I think I want something other than black pants! She is sooo beautiful!

    3. you have a weird idea of beauty

  17. These two are unexciting and bland

  18. The dress is not my favorite but it must be comfortable for a pregnant lady and I agree is a little short. I wish she wouldn't copy Victoria's boring hairdo. But just looking at Carl Philip the way he looks at her, warms my heart. For sure one of the most in love royal couples.

  19. I can´t understand why people dislike even hate Sofia?? They actually don´t know her at all! I don´t either but you can not hate a person you don´t know! It´s an awful behavior.
    I like the print of her dress but is too short.

    1. You are saying pretty much the same that people are saying tgat its too short. How are people being haters but you arent? People are talking about hairstyle and fashion. I like flowerly patterns but i dont really like this dress either. The hair is up which is good but i also dont like the middle part on top. Does this "cons" make me a hater? Does it make anyone? People as assuming that peoples taste have to do with her past, no one is talking about the past or sugesting it. The dress is indeed a bit short ( the same comments that Mathilde already got) and the hairstyle looks a bit odd. Stephanie usually gets the worst comments/jokes but no one Cares. Its because Stephanie doesnt have a "past"? 😑

    2. Couldn't agree more, she gets so much online hate that I feel sorry for her. She's harshly judged for no reason at all.

  20. Anonymous9/5/17 14:07

    Why is she wearing her hair in such a severe part like this all the time? Very distracting and unbecoming.

  21. Oh my, a story about Anti-bullying campaign just got all the bullies out :(
    Please consider what you write, could you go and tell these things to her right in front of her??

    1. Of course I could. Dress is much too short - fact, style of shoes does not work with the style of the dress - fact, coat is missing - fact, hairdying is too dark for her skin - fact, the middle parting is not an ideal hairstyle for her face - fact. This overly amorous behaving of a couple in their midthirties on official engagements, some people may find it not suitable. This is not hate - these are facts. And if someone in her surrounding would speak openly with her about these facts, she would be able to learn and to make less fails fashionwise. That is what we discuss here on this blog, this is by no way bullying.

    2. Beth, you summed it up well!

    3. Bullies? people are talking about fashion and hairstyle.
      Again, with stephanie everyone says worse and no one defends the woman incuing talking and commenting on her fertility. And that's ok? So her fashion needs improving... that's not bullying. no one insulted anyone, made fun of her etc... This comments are moderated even.
      If someone doesnt like sofia, its a bully.
      No one has something nice to say about stephanie, for example, its just opinions.

      PS. I agree with beth and heather, I could say to her that I think her dress is a bit short and her hair needs some improvement.

    4. I like Stephanie amd Sofia. I don't like the way they dress at times. I have commented about Stephanie and concerns. Never said she HAS any ILLNESS. I was not alone. But I do not consider any of mine or other posters comments regarding fashion OR worry about WHY someone seems to have really changed in appearance. A LOOK is part of fashion. That includes affect. None of this is bullying.

      I do think there are some bullies of other posters here now and then. I do think that Sofia gets bashed for her past. A past that matters not here. They look happy. I wish she would cut her hair....bangs? But her past? Glass houses, high horses and rocks.

  22. Adoro este casal :)).Gosto do look da Princesa Sofia: vestido simples e bonitas cores. Quanto ao penteado, não aprecio: acho que a torna mais velha, o que é uma pena :((

  23. Mir gefällt das Kleid von & Other Stories, ich gehe dort auch sehr gerne einkaufen. Die Farben und der Häkellook würden ein sehr schönes Outfit für Sofia abgeben, wenn es etwas länger wäre. Wie Beth schon schreibt, wären andere Schuhe (z.B. R. Viviers) eine viel bessere Wahl. Ein Trench dazu und sie könnte eine dunkelhaarige C.Deneuve sein (wobei diese ja tatsächlich eigentlich eine Brünette ist - war...)Wie ich sehe, geht Sofia mit dem Headset von einer Location zur nächsten. Vielleicht hängt ihr Mantel in der Garderobe, wir wissen es nicht. Wie wir sowieso sehr wenig wissen über die Royals. Das dies nicht Sofias beste Wahl ist, kann man aber schon getrost sagen. Dafür hat sie einen tollen Mann und ein süßes Kind und bald sogar zwei:-)

    1. Roger Viviers Schuhe, ja, genau solche meinte ich, z.B. die mittelhohe Podiumsandale aus der neuen Kollektion in schwarz würde perfekt zu dem 60 er Stil passen.

      Wow, @CatchTheScoop, du kennst dich wirklich mit den Designern aus, immer wieder ein Vergnügen deine Beiträge zu lesen.

  24. @Beth, die Sandale ist wunderschön, finde ich auch! Vielen Dank für deine netten Worte. An deinen Sachverstand komme ich nicht heran. Und, ich liebe deine Kommentare, so wohlformuliert und kenntnisreich.

  25. Re comments. My attempt to translate the German resulted in changing of English comments too. Oy.

    Mystery solved Hellen. I thought I was going crazy LOL

  26. I may need to scroll on by more. So much German. I just cannot read German. Translating makes for comments that make no sense LOL

    1. Yes peope, I think it is not very polite to write so many comments in German Language. Not everybody is able to understand. We should try to write more in English. (As most of the german commentators are well capable to do so...) :) Thanks for your understanding.

    2. Thanks Rainha. I wish I spoke German but I do not. Seems to be many more German commentators lately. Which is great but wow I miss alot. Maybe that is the reason ? LOL I say too much anyway.

  27. Oh my, did she get plastic surgery? Hair looks awful, and the frock is ugly.


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