Charlotte Casiraghi attends Chanel Cruise 2018 collection show

Charlotte Casiraghi attended the Chanel Cruise 2017/2018 Collection Show held at the Grand Palais on May 3, 2017 in Paris, France.
Charlotte Casiraghi of Monaco attended the Chanel Cruise 2018 Collection Show held at the Grand Palais in Paris, France. Chanell Dress
Charlotte Casiraghi of Monaco attended the Chanel Cruise 2018 Collection Show held at the Grand Palais in Paris, France. Chanell Dress
Charlotte Casiraghi of Monaco attended the Chanel Cruise 2018 Collection Show held at the Grand Palais in Paris, France. Chanell Dress
Charlotte Casiraghi of Monaco attended the Chanel Cruise 2018 Collection Show held at the Grand Palais in Paris, France. Chanell Dress
Charlotte Casiraghi of Monaco attended the Chanel Cruise 2018 Collection Show held at the Grand Palais in Paris, France. Chanell Dress
Charlotte Casiraghi of Monaco attended the Chanel Cruise 2018 Collection Show held at the Grand Palais in Paris, France. Chanell Dress
Charlotte Casiraghi of Monaco attended the Chanel Cruise 2018 Collection Show held at the Grand Palais in Paris, France. Chanell Dress

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  1. Huge fashion faux pas, never wear a white bra underneath dark clothing. I would have thought Charlotte knew that.

    1. At least there is a glimmer of a smile!

    2. She probably doesn't care. Those Grimaldis live according to their own rules in their own golden bubble.

    3. I really don't know much about fashion but this is a rule even I know!

    4. A dark bra would have shown through too. It can really only be avoided with proper lining or a singlet worn underneath.
      But I agree with Romana - I think Charlotte doesn´t care.

    5. Haha Coralie, every woman knows it! I really don't see how she could have not known.

    6. @ Chelsea: je suis d'accord avec vous. Je n'aime pas du tout ce soutien-gorge blanc en-dessous d'une robe transparente. D'ailleurs, sur un autre site, on peut voir qu'il n'y a pas seulement que la lingerie du haut qui est visible. De dos, on voit très bien la petite culotte. Par contre, et ça n'arrive vraiment pas souvent, j'adore la robe, le sac et les bottes.

  2. Elegant, distinguished and beautiful flower. This woman is fascinating.

  3. And here we go again, visiting uncle Karl... Dark blue is a good colour for her, but Chelsea is right. But I really don't know what to think about the boots? Odd pictures with her friend... Hmmm.

  4. Its actually a lovely dress on Charlotte...but...who wears white undies under dark dress??? She should know better how this ends up looking on the photos. Sorry but thumbs down from me.

  5. I think she looks lovely - one of her best looks in a while. Love the soft hair and make up and she seems very relaxed.

    As for the bra - it might not be white but flesh coloured. Whichever, I suspect it's the flash photography that has created the effect because it's not visible in other photos.

  6. C'est une robe prêtée pour assister au défilé,on a dû la lui donner au dernier moment .

  7. Lovely dress - but always that grumpy face!

    1. There are plenty of other photos not published here where she is smiling and relaxed.

  8. Dress is better than anything she has had for ages. And extra plus for keeping this time her mouth shut. Bra thing is unlucky incident.

    1. The poise has it, that carries off any style. Also to keep the line of color from the foot to garment - fashion us

    2. The poise has it, that carries off any style. Also, to carry the line of color from foot to the garment - fashion plus

  9. AN ALLE : der weiße BH ist gewollt, um darunter eine Silhouette erkennen zu lassen...Das hat sie sich nicht selbst ausgedacht :/

    1. Interessanter Gedanke, etwa wie ein Unterkleid unter einem Spitzenkleid? Vielleicht hast du recht!

    2. The see-through effect only happens with flash fotography. In natural lightling the dress looks opaque, so the bra´s outline wouldn´t show.
      I don´t think she wanted her bra to be seen this directly, but now that it happened, I think she doesn´t mind. One can even see her undies shine through a bit. I´m sure however that she chose the bra carefully to optically enhance her (non-existing) curves. To see her with wearing a bra is rare actually.

  10. Der weiße BH gehört dazu = Silhouette !!!! Das überlegt sich ein Stylist !!!!!

  11. Lotte-daw. Pass on everything but her nails and the friend's yellow leather fanny pack.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Ich danke ihm immer über Social Media, also auch hier: Lieber Karl, vielen Dank für eine weitere tolle Kollektion. Bewundernswert, wie Chanel immer Neues mit Altem so vermischt, dass etwas Eigenständiges entsteht. Außerdem macht die Cruise-Kollektion tatsächlich Lust auf Urlaub. Ich bin außerdem froh, dass wir wieder zurück zur Midilänge gekommen sind, da sie mir sehr gut steht und ich sie auch bequem finde. Charlotte steht das Kleid auch bombig. Monochrome, ein alter Trick, auch Perlen gehen immer. Ein Zurück in die 90er ist das helle Unterteil (damals trug man gerne schwarze Bras unter weißen Blusen). Eine Reminiszenz an die 90er, n'est-ce pas, Karl? CBK hätte so wunderbar zwischen deine griechischen Göttinnen gepasst. Charlottes Make-up gefällt mir auch sehr. Ich mag es natürlich - und schlicht, deshalb eine 10 für dieses Outfit.

    1. Actually, it is a "Maxi"-length-dress, not "Midi". (High-Heels)
      That's nice that you send Karl your gratitude via SocialMedia and that "Midi-dresses" are perfect for you too :)
      Charlotte has a beautiful "chignon" here, but the string under the dress and the blue nails are never 10 of 10. Sorry.

    2. Length is midi because it doesnt covet feets and blue nails are very chic...

    3. Grazia, "google it": "Maxi" goes to the ankles... Nethermind.

  14. Attending yet another important and socially meaningful event? Yawn.👎👎👎

    1. No, just a fashion show of designs by one of her mother's oldest friends.

    2. ...and Charlotte's Godfather...

    3. Franny, my comment was sarcastic. I would be shocked, shocked, if she was seen doing something more meaningful than attending a fashion show!

    4. So was mine! I don't see anything wrong in attending fashion shows - especially if it's one produced by someone you have a personal or business connection with.

      She's a rich, untitled private citizen - she doesn't have to do something meaningful if she doesn't want to. I agree it might be a rather vacuous life...

      Thing is I don't agree her life is meaningless - she's involved in different things and we don't know what she supports privately.

  15. Dommage que vous ne nous l'ayez pas présentée de dos ,elle a un superbe chignon natté et on voit trés bien son string !

    1. '' .. et on voit très bien son string''. Ce qui, à mon avis, lui enlève la touche chic qui aurait dû se dégager de l'ensemble.

  16. Cette robe lui va à merveille et elle est tout simplement magnifique !

  17. very right dress for charlotte but she should never worn white bra


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