Queen Elizabeth, Prince Philip, Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, Sophie, Countess of Wessex, Lady Louise Windsor, James Viscount Severn, Princess Anne, Princess Beatrice, Princess Eugenie, Peter Phillips and Autumn Phillips attend the Easter Day service at St George's Chapel on April 16, 2017 in Windsor, England. |
Catherine and Sophie have much more class than those York princesses.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely right!
DeleteAgreed! Eugenie coat is too small!
DeleteRight. York girls look good very very seldom. Although Eugenie looks here a step better than Beatrice.
DeleteLady Louisa has got adult clothes first time, not any fantastic choice here but let time go by. She looked before a bit ridiculous in child clothes.
Leave them alone. Do you look fabulous 100%of the time
DeleteI agree that they don't need to look fabulous 100% of the time. No one does. But this is a special outing to Church on Easter Sunday with their Grandmother, the Queen. It happens once a year.
DeleteWear a coat that fits and stop trying so hard to be fashionable that you become a fashion victim. Exercise a bit of common sense and stop reminding everyone of your clueless mother.
My first look at this photo was " Oh my goodness Eugenie and Beatrice look horrible". Neither of these outfits are flattering to either of them!! Then I look at Kate what a contrast! Looks elegant and smart and the outfit fits her perfectly. Can't see too much of Sophie but it looks equally as lovely as Kate and Louise looks sweet too. Mimi #1
ReplyDeleteBeatrix ne doit pas avoir chaud avec cette robe pleine de trous qui ressemble beaucoup Ă une robe de Victoria ou de Catherine .
ReplyDeleteLes soeurs York, plantureuses, ont de qui tenir. Elles manquent autant de gout que leur mere en ce qui a trait a leur tenue. Par contre, personne ici ne les connait personellement, elles sont peut-etre chaleureuses, charmantes, et toujours releguees a l'arriere plan.
Deletetranslation: the buxom York girls take after their mother, no sense of fashion. But no-one here knows them personally, they might be warm and charming in personality, and they're always relegated to the background.
DeleteAgree. Kate looks elegant, and Sophie too.
ReplyDeleteThe york girls are a disaster as usual. No mirrors in their homes? No taste for sure.
Louise's jacket is ill-fitting and the overall look is frumpy and matronly on such a young girl. Another mystery.
Louises outift...>>Another mystery.<<...Yes, a mystery indeed.
DeleteStrange thing is that Sophie who emphasizes on a good look for herself, modern, stylish, elegant...dresses her daughter like this. Indeed one of the mysterys we get to see on this blog.
I find that this time Sophie does not look her best, the coat does not fit well, this thing of a hat is not flattering and her shoes are a bit over the point in my opinion for the occasion.
And the York sisters? No comment, they have in my eyes since long crossed a borderline, where no reasonable argument makes sense anymore.
I agree!!!!!!!!!!
DeleteIt is a pleasure to see Catherine looking so elegant and appropriate in clothes that fit her perfectly. Why is that so hard for other ladies who also have access to money and connections? Autumn Kelly did not grow up with the advantages of the York girls and she manages to look fine. Same for Sophie. Eugenie, if a coat is too small, wear a different coat.
ReplyDeleteI really like what Catherine wears: she looks very beautiful and elegant in her light coat and dress, great accessories. Sophie looks lovely as well.
ReplyDeleteYork princesses...don't get their style. Too unflattering!
The Duchess looks stunning and very elegant.
ReplyDeleteUm Gottes Willen, was hat die arme Louise ihren Eltern angetan, daĂź sie Omas Klamotten auftragen muĂź ???
ReplyDeleteDas ist ein blutjunges Mädel, die muß man noch nicht in dunkelblau mit riesigen goldenen Knöpfen stecken - die darf noch bunt und süß daherkommen !
Die Knöpfe sind weiß. Aber ansonsten stimme ich zu.
DeleteGreat comment! Agree completely.
DeleteSie ist bald 14, da muss sie auch nicht mehr bunt und süß daherkommen, schau dir mal an wie Teenager in diesem Alter gekleidet sind, ganz sicher nicht so, ich kenne keine 14 jährige, die sich freiwillig so ein olles Blumengesteck auf den Kopf binden würde. Was sie dem Mädchen antun ist ein Verbrechen, denn diese Bilder werden die Ewigkeit überdauern.
DeleteIch finde das wirft auch kein gutes Licht auf Sophie, die doch angeblich so viel Sympathie für alle hat und so stylish ist. Ich bin selbst Mutter von Teenagern, das tut mir weh, das Mädchen so zu sehen. Und Letizia zeigt ja, dass es geht auch royale Töchter chic und modern und trotzdem angemessen zu kleiden. Allerdings macht sie sich auch die Mühe, die Haare ihrer Töchter immer schön zu pflegen und mit kleinen Zöpfchen oder Schleifchen zu schmücken, anstatt, zack, ein Gummiband ins ungekämmte krause Haar, und eine Oma-Plastikblume auf den Kopf geknallt. Sorry, aber ich finde es gruselig :-((((
Stimmt, Beth. Frisur und der sogenannte Kopfschmuck des armen Mädchens sind gruselig. Sophie fürchtet wohl nachwachsende Konkurrenz.
DeleteBeth, ich hab's vielleicht ein bißle blöd formuliert: Ich meine NICHT dieses "bunt und süß", wie man es mit Kindergartenkindern in Verbindung bringen würde, sondern dieses "bunt und süß" der jungen Mädchen auf dem Weg zur Frau.
DeleteSorry, ich kann's grad schwer in Worte fassen. Meine eine Nichte wird dieses Jahr ebenfalls 14, sie trägt Klamotten in allen Farben des Regenbogens und ja, mit ihren leuchtenden Augen und ihrer ganzen frischen Art ist sie einfach süß !
Im Übrigen teile ich den hier geäußerten Verdacht, daß Sophie schlicht und ergreifend die Konkurrenz im eigenen Haus fürchtet und das auf eine ganz ungute Art und Weise.
Sie hält ihre Tochter bewußt häßlich und dumm - angeblich hat Louise erst vor einem Jahr zufällig in der Schule erfahren, daß ihre Großmutter die Queen ist(!) - und ja, auch ich finde, daß das ein Verbrechen ist....
Bine, die Geschichte darüber, dass Louise erst in der Schule von ihrem verwandtschaftlichen Verhältnis zur Queen erfahren hat, habe ich auch gelesen und war fassungslos. Wenn das stimmt, frage ich mich, was das für eine Familie sein soll, höfische Regeln hin oder her...
Delete@Bine,ah okay, wir meinen dasselbe :-)))
DeleteAber, das mit der Großmutter kann ich nicht glauben, Louise war doch immer bei den Familienfeiern dabei, auch als Kind. Ich verstehe auch, dass die britischen Roylas generell einen mehr klassischen Stil bervorzugen, auch bei den Kindern. Aber es wäre durchaus möglich, für Louise etwas Klassisches zu finden, was trotzdem nett aussieht. Auf jeden Fall braucht sie einen besseren Haarschnitt und bessere Pflege für ihr krauses Haar. Für mich grenzt das an Vernachlässigung was Sophie da tut. Absolut unverständlich. Ich sehe auch keinen netten Umgang in dieser Familie, weder zwischen Sophie und Edward noch zwischen den Kindern. Sehr befremdlich v.a. wenn man es vergleicht mit den sympathischen Osterbildern der spanischen Royals, die ja durchaus auch sehr traditionsbewusst sind, aber man sieht auf en Fotos immer wieder liebevolle Gesten zwischen Felipe und Letizia wie auch der Großmutter und den Kindern. Das fehlt mir bei den Winsors total.
Both Kate and Sophie and Autumn look lovely.
ReplyDeleteWonder what HM thinks when she steps out the car, and sees the York girls !
Love the buttons on Louise's jacket, but over all, a little too matronly for a young woman.
While I appreciate Kate's beauty and grace, I am not blinded by them. Her hat and fussy chignon make her look like she walked off the set of a WW1 movie, in which she plays a nurse. These poor York princesses; I have seen them looking worse, and today's comments are particularly harsh.
ReplyDeleteThank You Darla I agree. I don't think the York sisters look so bad and honestly I admire them for taking fashion risk and not being boring with their clothes and I also think the comments today are particularly harsh. I personal think Catherine outfit looks very boring and splash of color wouldn't have hurt.
DeleteWell, in truth I do think the York girls' outfits are tacky... but after all, they've worn some spectacularly awful things in the past. I don't expect a lot from them, and am pleasantly surprised when they get it right. Since we all know Kate is capable of sheer perfection, I suppose I hold her to a higher standard. It's disappointing when she wears an ugly hat... looks just like an old nurse's uniform... imho
DeleteI don't care much for any of the outfits, especially the younger ones. But my first impression of Kate was that even though correctly dressed, she looked like a nurse.
ReplyDeleteCatherine looks fabulous! Still loving her vintage vibe lately w the pillbox hat! So Jackie O!
ReplyDeleteI saw a video of her curtseying to the Queen as the Queen arrived. I still love the respect of a curtsey. Sophie also curtiesed (sic).
The Yorks ~ the apple doesn't fall from the tree and I think they inherited their style or lack of from Sarah.
Louise ~ she dressed like a little girl so long and now she matronly. I think she is one who really doesn't care about clothes at this point hehe
Good to see them all out today w the Queen at Windsor.
Side note ~ Meghan Markle has ended her contract w the Canadian clothes line. Last week it was her Tig site. She seems to be tidying up her life. I think it will not be long before he puts a 'ring on it'
Really? I look forward to their wedding!
DeletePrince Charles, who is next in line to the throne, married Camilla at Windsor in a registry office because she was a divorcee. I doubt with H and M there will be a big state wedding, since he is 5th in line. But who knows, Harry is so used to getting his way, we may see him and Megan at Westminster. As for Kate, she is very beautiful and elegant. Exactly what a future queen should be. Love her!
DeleteI think St Georges Chapel is probably the place for a wedding Colleen. But who knows.
DeleteSo, where to start (except Catherine)??? And the "Creme de la Creme": Andrew's daughters! 10 of 10 points. Again.
ReplyDeleteThey are reminding me always to "Cinderella", those 2 sisters, you know...
And then, poor Lady Louise. What is her mother thinking, dressing the girl like that??? Cruel. Ha ha...
the queen lookings stunning, catherine elegant aswell as sophie. i dont care much for the york girls.
ReplyDeleteThey all look lovely for Easter, including Eugenie and Beatrice!
ReplyDeleteI like Kate's outfit, although I must admit I prefer her in larger hats, I am not fond of pill box hats and the likes on Kate.
ReplyDeleteSophie is not up to par, which is unusual because she is normally very elegant, and dresses beautifully when attending family events.
As for the York sisters, they dearly need to take a leaf or two out of their Grandmother's book and learn how to dress and groom themselves.
As for Lady Louise, I am not at all surprised by her manner of dress, the British Royals tend to dress their children in a very old fashion, prim and proper manner. Personally I prefer the way the Scandinavian Royals dress their youngsters, much more up to date and less fussy.
What comes to York girls wersus Their mother Sarah´s taste, I think Sarah did and is doing much better than the girls today.
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