Princess Victoria attends the Baltic Sea Future Congress

Princess Victoria of Sweden attended the inauguration of the 2017 Baltic Sea Future congress held at the Stockholm International Fairs and Congress Centre on March 6, 2017 in Stockholm, Sweden. Baltic Sea Future is organized by Stockholmsmässan on behalf of Stockholm city, Stockholm University and the Sustainable Seas Foundation.
Crown Princess Victoria carried Dagmar Taylor Tote Bag, Ralph Lauren Suede Celia Pump and Malene Birger blouse. Charlotte Bonde Sthlm Louise Ribbon Earrings
Crown Princess Victoria carried Dagmar Taylor Tote Bag, Ralph Lauren Suede Celia Pump and Malene Birger blouse. Charlotte Bonde Sthlm Louise Ribbon Earrings
Crown Princess Victoria carried Dagmar Taylor Tote Bag, Ralph Lauren Suede Celia Pump and Malene Birger blouse. Charlotte Bonde Sthlm Louise Ribbon Earrings
Crown Princess Victoria carried Dagmar Taylor Tote Bag, Ralph Lauren Suede Celia Pump and Malene Birger blouse. Charlotte Bonde Sthlm Louise Ribbon Earrings
Crown Princess Victoria carried Dagmar Taylor Tote Bag, Ralph Lauren Suede Celia Pump and Malene Birger blouse. Charlotte Bonde Sthlm Louise Ribbon Earrings
Crown Princess Victoria carried Dagmar Taylor Tote Bag, Ralph Lauren Suede Celia Pump and Malene Birger blouse. Charlotte Bonde Sthlm Louise Ribbon Earrings
Crown Princess Victoria carried Dagmar Taylor Tote Bag, Ralph Lauren Suede Celia Pump and Malene Birger blouse. Charlotte Bonde Sthlm Louise Ribbon Earrings
Crown Princess Victoria carried Dagmar Taylor Tote Bag, Ralph Lauren Suede Celia Pump and Malene Birger blouse. Charlotte Bonde Sthlm Louise Ribbon Earrings
Crown Princess Victoria carried Dagmar Taylor Tote Bag, Ralph Lauren Suede Celia Pump and Malene Birger blouse. Charlotte Bonde Sthlm Louise Ribbon Earrings
Crown Princess Victoria carried Dagmar Taylor Tote BagPrincess Victoria wore Ralph Lauren Suede Celia Pump
                           Dagmar Taylor Tote Bag                          Ralph Lauren Suede Celia Pump

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  1. Wow! Victoria looks gorgeous!

    1. She'd look better still if she changed her hair style.

  2. Wow that mic pic of all the women heading to take care of business. That is a powerful photo! Now fashion- I love this- sharp! I am afraid that I pray for the pussy bow's quick passage (extinction is too hopeful), am I wrong?

    1. So many women hate the bow but I love it!

    2. Thank you @Cara! Give me time, I need one perfect look to make me cone around...Letizia or Madeleine might change my mind one of these days (;

  3. Welcome back! She looks energetic and well-rested so the vacation was a success. I do like that pony tail - it is much preferable to the bun.

  4. Yay she's back! And in style. 😊

  5. Lovely! I love the cut of the suit.

    Can we talk about the handbag?! I am IN LOVE with that peek-a-boo blue lining and I don't even like blue.

  6. She looks great! Nice to see her here again.

  7. Lovely! Bit boring but well cut basic suit, good top, simple accessories but a masterful pairing altogether. This navy really suits Victoria!

  8. She looks radiant as back to business.

  9. Nice to see her out and about again. She looks lovely.

  10. Back in the limelight after 3 months... And not pregnant (as the rumours suspected).

    1. Two months actually. On December she had many official duties, she was among other things making official visit to Italy.

  11. Victoria looks great! Very happy and well rested. Nice suitc great fit on her, she looks stylish and I even like the ponytail.

  12. -very nice. I wish the blouse was in a different color.

  13. Bom regresso Princesa Vitória!Um fato lindíssimo, com belos acessórios. Só trocaria a cor da blusa :))

  14. What a powerlady! and in what good shape she is, fit as a fiddle! if you see her among the other women on the photo, wow, what a great figure, and great posture! With Daniel she has the best personal trainer she could ever find. Mette-Marit and Stéphanie should take lessons with him ;-))

  15. The pant suit is nice and she looks slim and trim, but I don't like the blouse with that little crooked bow, or her hair. Time for her to have a nice haircut and let it loose, it would soften her face.

  16. She's back !! love the suit looking very great !!

  17. She looks very fit and the suit is perfect for the occasion- colour cut and shape. Shoes and handbag also perfect. However, she is in serious need of a good facial - even with the makeup one can see the spots, blemishes and wrinkles in her face and neck. It is a shame

    1. For some reason Victoria seems to struggle with bad skin throughout her adult life. I can't see any wrinkles on her neck, looks perfectly normal to me. Some tiny wrinkles around the eyes are normal for her age. I hope she does not go for Botox.

  18. Nicht feminin! Viel zu hart.

    1. Sehe ich nicht so. Für mein Empfinden ist das hier die perfekte Mischung aus femininer Eleganz - schau dir die Highheels an :-), und Victoria kann darauf perfekt laufen - und professionellem Businesslook. Dazu ihr warmes Lächeln und ihr interessierter Blick. Wirkt auf mich absolut feminin :-)
      Man muss sich klar machen, was für eine Rolle die Kronprinzessin hat. Ein Aussehen und Auftreten wie ihre Schwester Madeleine würde zu ihren Pflichten nicht passen.

    2. Sie wuerde viel huebscher mit offenen Haar aussehen (CP Mary of Denmark), einfach etwas weicher... Nichts gegen den Anzug und die Higheels, u. die Handtasche ist chic! (Great handbag)

    3. Volle Zustimmung, Beth! Und so weit ich es beurteilen kann, sind in Schweden alle sehr froh, dass Victoria Kronprinzessin ist.

    4. Rainha, ich verstehe vollkommen was du meinst, offene Haare würden weicher wirken, aber man muss sich einfach klar machen, dass Victoria meistens keine reinen Repräsentationstermine hat, sondern Arbeitstreffen, wo sie mit den Gesprächsteilnehmern am Konferenztisch sitzt und auch Unterlagen bearbeiten muss, vielleicht stören sie die langen Haare dabei, und was gar nicht gehen würde in ihrer Position, so wie Catherine das macht, sich ständig durch die Haare streichen :-((
      Vielleicht sollte sie mal einen gut geschnittenen Bob probieren.

    5. Alles in allem ein wirklich gelungener Look. Ich erinnere mich an einen echt schlecht sitzenden Hosenanzug vor einigen Monaten. Und ich schließe mich denen an, die die Frisur kritisieren - IMMER straff zurückgebunden. Das ist einfach langweilig. Aber ansonsten finde ich ihre Outfits klasse.

  19. Navy blue looks really good on her.

  20. Såå snyggt!! Perfekt!


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