Princess Madeleine was seen in downtown of London

Princess Madeleine of Sweden was seen when she was walking with a beverage in downtown of London on Wednesday
Princess Madeleine of Sweden was seen when she was walking with a beverage in downtown of London
Princess Madeleine of Sweden was seen when she was walking with a beverage in downtown of London

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  1. the beverage seems to be healthy although people need to stop taking photos of others like that :)

  2. In my opinion, people wearing sunglasses everywhere attract undue attention.

    1. It's sunny! Unless you want cataracts or eye cancer it is very wise to use good quality sunglasses.
      She doesn't look very impressed being photographed. And who can blame her?

  3. Sunny in London in March isn't anything like sunny in Miami or Los Angeles or New York in the summer. Not saying she wants to attract attention but that's how it is.

    1. It is like "Hello,it's me! You may take your picture now!!"
      I think she is vain.

  4. I see absolutely nothing wrong with wearing sunglasses anywhere at anytime, is up to the individual. I have never heard sunglasses attract attention!

    1. Agree with you. You wear sun glasses when you need to, that is not depending of the country or season.

  5. Ich weiß nicht, warum hier über die Sonnenbrille diskutiert wird oder ob es nötig, eine zu tragen.
    Auf diesen Fotos sieht Madeleine doch mal wieder richtig gut aus. Viel besser als bei offiziellen Anlässen.
    Wie übrigens die meisten royalen Ladies.


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