Princess Elena Attends the Thanksgiving to Medinaceli's Christ

Princess Elena of Spain attended the traditional thanksgiving to Medinaceli's Christ at the Jesus of Medinaceli Church on March 3, 2017 in Madrid, Spain.
Princess Elena attended the traditional thanksgiving to Medinaceli's Christ at the Jesus of Medinaceli Church in Madrid.
Princess Elena attended the traditional thanksgiving to Medinaceli's Christ at the Jesus of Medinaceli Church in Madrid.
Princess Elena attended the traditional thanksgiving to Medinaceli's Christ at the Jesus of Medinaceli Church in Madrid.
Princess Elena attended the traditional thanksgiving to Medinaceli's Christ at the Jesus of Medinaceli Church in Madrid.
Princess Elena attended the traditional thanksgiving to Medinaceli's Christ at the Jesus of Medinaceli Church in Madrid.
Princess Elena attended the traditional thanksgiving to Medinaceli's Christ at the Jesus of Medinaceli Church in Madrid.

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  1. Sourire chaleureux et il semble sincère.

  2. She is not Princess Elena. She is Infanta Elena...

    1. Beat me to it! There's ONE person who can claim the title Princess of anything in Spain, and that's Leonor. Leonor, The Prince/ss of Asturias. Anyone else is an infant/a de espana or a don/dona of Spain.

  3. It seems to me to be too casual an outfit for a religious service [which appears to be an important one, judging by the crowd]. And perhaps her hairstyle is a bit too youthful?

    1. No hay ningún servicio religioso. La gente está haciendo cola para entrar en la iglesia y hacer sus peticiones al Cristo.

  4. Nice to see pictures of Elena. Fashion - not bad as Elena style.

  5. In this family it seems Felipe has taken all the good look and left nothing to his sisters.

    1. Thought that myself...

    2. Ha ha ha, that's true!

    3. Elena looks like her father, not good looking at all, Cristina was good looking but now looks not so good.

  6. Cristina is a nice looking woman but Elena looked a lot better when she was married to Marichalar, they look more like their mother, while Felipe takes after Juan Carlos, in my opinion.
    From head to toe,this is not one of Elena's best looks.

    1. Just the other way round. Felipe looks very much like his mother and Leonor looks like her Dad and her Grandmother, take a look at pictures of Queen Sofia as a child.

    2. El Rey Felipe es como su madre, físicamente y de carácter. Lo único heredado de J.C. es la estatura.

    3. You're right, Romana, Felipe looks like his mother.

  7. I still can't believe that because of la ley salica she's not entitled to become the Queen of Spain because of her gender. She's such a noble person.

    1. Usted no sabe lo que dice. No hay Ley Sálica en España, sólo preferencia del varón. Si hubiera L.Sálica, Leonor no podría ser la heredera Princesa de Asturias.

    2. En nuestros días esta ley no está derogada y el heredero al trono es el varón, es decir, el Príncipe Felipe, sobre su hermana mayor la infanta Elena. El problema se reabriría si los Príncipes de Asturias tienen un hijo varón ya que la primogénita que sucedería al Príncipe Felipe es su hija mayor, la Infanta Leonor.

  8. Just one note. Lets make it clear, girls: the best looking member of the family is??? Yes, the King! And, sorry: this outfit of the Infanta was made of good fabrics, but it looks very boring and pale, as her hair needs bit fresh color too. Would make a'n immense effort. She seems to be a nice person, but depressed. And about Cristina: the look has gone, maybe with the husband too. That's life.


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