Monaco Rose Ball 2017 in Aid of Princess Grace Foundation

Princess Caroline of Hanover, Charlotte Casiraghi, Pierre Casiraghi and his wife Beatrice Borromeo, Princess Camilla and Prince Charles of Bourbon-two Sicilies, Prince Serge of Yugoslavia and his wife Eleonora, Princess Deena Aljuhani Abdulaziz attended the Rose Ball 2017 in aid of the Princess Grace Foundation at Sporting Monte-Carlo on March 18, 2017 in Monte-Carlo, Monaco. (The Rose Ball is one of the major charity events in Monaco. Created in 1954, it benefits the Princess Grace Foundation)
Princess Caroline, Pierre Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo, Charlotte Casiraghi, Prince Serge, Eleonora, Princess Camilla, Prince Charles at Rose Ball 2017
Princess Caroline, Pierre Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo, Charlotte Casiraghi, Prince Serge, Eleonora, Princess Camilla, Prince Charles at Rose Ball 2017
Princess Caroline, Pierre Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo, Charlotte Casiraghi, Prince Serge, Eleonora, Princess Camilla, Prince Charles at Rose Ball 2017
Princess Caroline, Pierre Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo, Charlotte Casiraghi, Prince Serge, Eleonora, Princess Camilla, Prince Charles at Rose Ball 2017
Princess Caroline, Pierre Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo, Charlotte Casiraghi, Prince Serge, Eleonora, Princess Camilla, Prince Charles at Rose Ball 2017
Princess Caroline, Pierre Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo, Charlotte Casiraghi, Prince Serge, Eleonora, Princess Camilla, Prince Charles at Rose Ball 2017
Princess Caroline, Pierre Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo, Charlotte Casiraghi, Prince Serge, Eleonora, Princess Camilla, Prince Charles at Rose Ball 2017
Princess Caroline, Pierre Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo, Charlotte Casiraghi, Prince Serge, Eleonora, Princess Camilla, Prince Charles at Rose Ball 2017
Princess Caroline, Pierre Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo, Charlotte Casiraghi, Prince Serge, Eleonora, Princess Camilla, Prince Charles at Rose Ball 2017
Princess Caroline, Pierre Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo, Charlotte Casiraghi, Prince Serge, Eleonora, Princess Camilla, Prince Charles at Rose Ball 2017
Princess Caroline, Pierre Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo, Charlotte Casiraghi, Prince Serge, Eleonora, Princess Camilla, Prince Charles at Rose Ball 2017
Princess Caroline, Pierre Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo, Charlotte Casiraghi, Prince Serge, Eleonora, Princess Camilla, Prince Charles at Rose Ball 2017
Princess Caroline, Pierre Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo, Charlotte Casiraghi, Prince Serge, Eleonora, Princess Camilla, Prince Charles at Rose Ball 2017
Princess Caroline, Pierre Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo, Charlotte Casiraghi, Prince Serge, Eleonora, Princess Camilla, Prince Charles at Rose Ball 2017
Princess Caroline, Pierre Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo, Charlotte Casiraghi, Prince Serge, Eleonora, Princess Camilla, Prince Charles at Rose Ball 2017
Princess Caroline, Pierre Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo, Charlotte Casiraghi, Prince Serge, Eleonora, Princess Camilla, Prince Charles at Rose Ball 2017
Beatrice Borromeo wore Alberta Ferretti crystals embroidery silk-chiffon gown

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  1. Charlotte dress is a bit to "nude" for me. Beatrice is good but a bit "meh". Caroline' dress with the right changes could be something fun, but it's a bit much as it is for me.
    Beatrice looks energetic for someone who recently gave birth.

  2. Charlotte looks better than she has in a long while--dress is flattering. Beatrice looks exquisite--a glowing new mother and Pierre looks supremely happy. Love Beatrice's luxurious wrap; she could have left off the necklace as the earrings were enough. Caroline looks over-the-topToulouse Lautrec Belle ร‰poque nightclub--but somehow carries it off.

    1. Spot on Pine w Caroline ๐Ÿ˜…

    2. I totally agree with all of your comment @ Pine, we see a glowing young mother, a happy grandmother and a very rare laughing all over the face Charlotte. This portrait of her with the beautiful hairdo and lipstick is Wow! and so is the photo of Caroline from 2000.

  3. Wow, so that's how Charlotte can look! Beautiful!

  4. Yawn with the exception of Charlene, I'm so over with the Monaco royal family.

    1. Charlotte Casiraghi doesn't have her Mother's style or charm, her Mother wore that gown better 17 years ago.

  5. Looks like a costume ball, Charlotte is the belle today, her hair is fantastic, she could wear a softer red lipstick. Don't like her dress, she's too skinny and bony for it, it fitted her mother better 17 years ago. Hate Lagerfeld, he gives me the creeps.

    1. True, let's say I dislike his appearance, after all, I don't know the man, but he does give me the creeps.

    2. I agree with you totally!! Charlotte looks less than enthused...Caroline's dress does nothing flattering for her!!
      Of all the best clothing she could have choosen,that one belongs in the "What was I thinking?" category!

  6. Charlotte actually looks elegant, as does Beatrice.
    But how does anyone like what Caroline is wearing? It's a joke, right?

  7. So, here we are. Dear Charlotte can not even manage a smile next to her godfather Karl the Great. Miserable for a privileged young woman.
    Good choice with her mother's dress from 2000. But Caroline looked more sparkling in that year with the outfit than her daughter tonight.-
    What a change for Ms. Borromeo-Casiraghi from the feminist-shirt to that robe and fur. So, what should we think now??-
    Caroline is the Belle of the ball, although it is all a little bit to much, especially that piece around the neck. Like "Moulin Rouge". But she is! the star. She and Lagerfeld: quite a couple. I think she is "aging gracefully", good one. 60, but really beautiful.- It's a pity that Albert, Charlene and maybe even Alexandra are'nt there... And Stephanie? Maybe she is visiting a circus-event...

  8. Caroline aurait dรป garder sa robe qui lui allait bien mieux qu'ร  Charlotte qui est trop maigre pour ce genre de robe oรน il faut รชtre un peu sexy .Et surtout se fรขcher avec Karl qui cette annรฉe lui a donnรฉ les plus horribles invendus !

  9. Caroline looks like something out of an Aubrey Beardsley drawing. Strange but fascinating .

  10. Oh i love all monaco princess spwcially princess charlene looks elegant how come beatrics looks so good never been exhusted like new mothers do

  11. And one more thing i love charlotte looks good in her mother dress

  12. Charlรจne was propably happy that she could travel to the Special Olympics. So she had a reason to miss the ball...

  13. Best is Charlotte, very nice hair and make-up, even dress is nice, what I have not written ages for any of her clothes. Caroline; too much is too much really. Would have been much better without that collar thing and with different neckline. Earrings (what are beauty) are not talking with necklaces. Beatrice; not her best but probably a bit difficult to find good choice just after giving birth. Again earrings and necklace are not talking same language. Good to see how happy she and Pierre are. Camilla of Bourbon-Two Sicilies looks very good. Saudi Vogue princess, would have been nice to see whole outfit. She does not look happy at all.

    What is story of that Lagerfeld ghost with Grimaldis? Why is he always there in the same line like mafioso?

    1. Caroline is his muse and they are real close friends for decades. And he is the godfather of Charlotte. Do not forget his age... Well, he is Lagerfeld, a genious of his own.

    2. Rainha; sometimes (quite often) they do not look at all happy together. That is what make me wonder.

    3. Blondiini, you are right. Maybe that's there "image". You know, "money alone makes not happy and so on...".

    4. Why do you use the word mafioso?? Do you know What it means? I dont think this is the right contest to write such an adjective.

  14. Well I don't know what to make of Caroline's dress. To me when I saw the first photo of her my immediate reaction was she looks like the court jester! I really like Caroline and have followed her for many many years but over these past number of years many of her choices in clothing are horrid. I'm assuming it's a Chanel outfit ??? One for prince Karl maybe? Whatever it is an absolute mismash a terrible outfit.

  15. Pierre and Beatriz look very good but for her necklace. I like Charlotte's hair but way to skinny for that dress. I don't like Caroline's outfit at all, too much of everything.

  16. I adore Caroline, but there is no good side to this dress, granted that many people will find it fascinating just because of who she is, but for me it looked like shower curtain meets tablecloth and cake in the middle and altogether like a psychedelic flamenco dress, I am still trying to unsee it. Beatrice generally super chic, but tonight just forgettable. Charlotte was the winner without much competence.

    1. >>psychedelic flamenco dress<<....Lol ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

      And I agree, Beatrices look is just 'blah' here. And for Charlotte, hair and makeup is nice, but as we see it does not work, to draw out a dress that worked on someone else, even if this someone was your mother.

  17. So here we have: a clown costume on Caroline, a nightgown on Charlotte, a lady in a black swimsuit with goth tulle curtain around her waist and a blazer (added for modesty maybe?) and dear duchess Camilla in an over the top pink flamenco attire (trusty move though).

    As a matter of fact, I quite like Caroline's dress but I swear the Spanish inquisition had no torture tools handy enough to extort from me why exactly I like it.

    My issue with Charlotte's gown is that it's simply not a good design. Too busy to add some large piece of jewelry but not enough on itself.

    Beatrice looks very nice here but I'd take away the necklace. It doesn't fit either the earrings nor the neckline of her dress.

    1. 'Haha' ZL, I laughed so hard on your comment about the lady in black swimsuit and tull curtain, beause I just lacked words when I saw this...>>blazer (added for modesty maybe?) <<.....Lol

  18. Caroline looks beautiful in the Beardsley inspired dress. She has had a hard life with her marriages and I'm glad to see her happy. I love the dress on her, I'd wear the dress myself, a work of art, it's stunning.

  19. Princess Caroline's dress is unique indeed not everyone can pull that look off.....Beatrice always looks good ...Charlotte has such beauty

  20. They all look beautiful. One thing is for sure...this family's style of dress is never boring. Caroline's dress is a work of art and Beatrice is a stunningly beautiful radiant woman.


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