First Photos of Beatrice Borromeo After Birth

Beatice Borromeo, wife of Monacan Pierre Casiraghi was noticed while shopping at a children store with Pierre Casiraghi two weeks after giving birth. According to Italian tabloid magazine Chi, Beatrice Borromeo was fined to 70 euros due to wrong parking in the another day. First information about little Stefano. The baby was born with a weight of 3800 gr and his hair is dark.
Pierre Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo visit shopping at a children store for , Stefano Ercole Carlo in Milan
Pierre Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo visit shopping at a children store for , Stefano Ercole Carlo in Milan
Pierre Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo visit shopping at a children store for , Stefano Ercole Carlo in Milan
Pierre Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo visit shopping at a children store for , Stefano Ercole Carlo in Milan
Pierre Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo visit shopping at a children store for , Stefano Ercole Carlo in Milan
Pierre Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo visit shopping at a children store for , Stefano Ercole Carlo in Milan

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  1. Hope she doesn't forget to pay the ticket know that she is busy with a newborn. She seems to be doing well. Nice.

    1. I am sure 'her people' will handle it for her. They all have personal assistants for these mundane chores LOL

    2. What personal assistants? She's a Italian journalist. She was never seen with body guards or a team of assistants. Her husband is very far from the line and does not even have royal titles or the privileges that comes with royalty.
      If she has some, I'm sure she doesn't have more staff than your fav royal ladies. :)

    3. Wth?
      Why are you going into your attack mode Raquel? I meant no harm in my comment. What is wrong w you? Why must you always behave in such a manner? You always assume a slight somewhere.

      My fav royal? Ok who? I like many of them. There is nothing wrong w having assistants. Just so know I have two pals who are NOT ROYAL and have a PR. Because they are very busy. So what? It has nothing to do w being royal.

      I commented because you said hope she doesnt forget to pay. My thought was she probably has some help.

      Should have stuck by my last word w you and AVOID any contact.

      Check your shoulders dear because you sure seem to have a big CHIP there.

      I am very plain spoken. It was not a dig at her at all. But you like to stir your pot.


    4. You are the one on attack mode answering to my comments and suggesting she Has people doping stuff for her because she Has money? Im very plain spoken has well. Im not the one stiring the pot you are.

      Of course when Someone answers back you dont like it. You are the one saying thinks like "lol" and talking about "her people".
      Dont call me dear. Have a nice day.

    5. You have a nice day ..dear

      I have another name but I will keep it clean.

      You have obviously have issues. Can we block ppl here Hellen?

    6. you are the one with issues. you are the one responding to my comments. I do not interfere with you at all. you are the one attacking. You can let me post any comment without trying to be mean.
      I don't know what you problem is to have to respond to my comments. You are the one that doesnt leave me alone.

    7. Oh do shut up.

  2. Busy with a nanny, she will not pay the ticket, Mrs. casiraghi privilege

    1. Her parentes have a Island yo themselfs and come from a line of aristocrats, she can afford the ticket.

  3. ...showing her favourite t-shirt...

  4. Elle n'est ni DE Casiraghi ni DE Borromeo

  5. I agree with the sentiments on Ms Borromeo's tee, but apart from that I find anything to do with any of the Casiraghi family a bit of a yawn as they don't seem to do anything other than holiday, attend fashion shows and gala events.

  6. C'est Charlotte qui est oisive et assiste aux défilés de mode pas Beatrice ,elle et son mari Pierre ont des activités professionnelles.

    1. Yes, the "High Society", like Pierre's Granny showed us in the Hollywood-Movie of the 50ies! Common, Myriam... Read about the real background of the Casiraghis and Borromeos. Nevertheless, all the best wishes for the young couple and their child.


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