Charlotte Casiraghi attends Stella McCartney F/W-2017 show

Charlotte Casiraghi attended the Stella McCartney show as part of the Paris Fashion Week Womenswear Fall/Winter 2017-2018 on March 6, 2017 in Paris, France. Charlotte Casiraghi wore Stella McCartney Trusers and Stella Wool Sweater
Natalia Vodianova, Marie Agnes Gillot,Pamela Anderson,Salma ayek,Charlotte Casiraghi and Francois-Henri Pinault attend the Stella McCartney show
Charlotte Casiraghi attended the Stella McCartney show as part of the Paris Fashion Week. Charlotte wore Gucci Embroidered jersey stirrup legging
Charlotte Casiraghi attended the Stella McCartney show as part of the Paris Fashion Week. Charlotte wore Gucci Embroidered jersey stirrup legging
Charlotte Casiraghi attended the Stella McCartney show as part of the Paris Fashion Week. Charlotte wore Gucci Embroidered jersey stirrup legging
Charlotte Casiraghi attended the Stella McCartney show as part of the Paris Fashion Week. Charlotte wore Gucci Embroidered jersey stirrup legging
Natalia Vodianova, Marie Agnes Gillot,Pamela Anderson,Salma ayek,Charlotte Casiraghi and Francois-Henri Pinault attend the Stella McCartney show
Charlotte Casiraghi wore Stella McCartney Trusers and Stella McCartney Wool sweater
STELLA McCARTNEY Trusers & Wool Sweater

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Trรจs belle tenue pour Charlotte.

  2. She's wearing pajamas?????? (With built-in slippers???).

    1. That's le dernier cri, Heather, did you not know that? Have you anything else on but your piyama?

    2. Lol. Less "Le dernier cri" and more "the last straw", in my opinion. She looks absolutely ridiculous.

  3. ze word er niet mooier op !!!het is zonde ,ze kleed zich niet leuk.

  4. Uggh! She continues to laugh at all of us that love fashion but dont have the wallet for deaigners. I would love to dress her for one day. I know she will come around...eventually!

    1. M Hall, where can the rest of us queue up?

    2. You'll be the first person I tell!

  5. I think she lost her tweezers!

    1. yes, she did, but never mind, she found her lipstick

  6. We have seen worse looks on Charlotte. The blue suits her, legs are covered, which is always a plus for Charlotte. Her posture is quite good here but still expresses shyness, insecurity, I don't want to be here attitude or whatever, same for her sad an empty eyes. And what is this with her mouth, with these pursed lips meant to be?

  7. I really thought that the 5th picture was Caroline. I just see pain in Charlotte's face. In an attempt to comment on her fashion in a positive way, I can only say that the blue color is nice on her.

  8. When Charlotte was younger she dressed so exquisitely and elegantly with her own style. Unfortunately, her dress sense has gone way downhill despite the fact that her interest in fashion is still there as evidenced by her regular attendance at fashion events.

  9. I swear that's Pamela Anderson to the left on the last photo. And she looks way better and a 1000 times more elegant than Charlotte.

    1. I think it is Pamela, too.

    2. That's Pamela indeed! Reminds me somehow of V.Westwood. What a change.- Dear Charlotte, the blue is o.k., but come on... This is not the style. I bet it is just a gift from Stella :(

  10. Again, today´s high fashion is sooooo ugly.

  11. Such a sorrow look on such a beautiful face...

  12. Ok serious question. What ia wrong with her mouth? I'm beginning to think that maybe she had some bad lip fillers put in and it made her mouth look like that. She needs to stop with the duck face, trout pout pose it makes her look ugly.

    1. It looks they have had Daisy Duck lips in special wholesale offer there in Monaco. It looks seriously wrong went filler operation. Her lips look crooked and unnatural, just terrible.

    2. Wow Blondini. What an excellent fashion comment. Double standards on the blog is pathetic.

    3. Daisy Duck lips in special wholesale offer in Monaco.... Ha ha ha! You made my day, Blondiini!

    4. Anna-Marie; I cannot keep these fillers other than fashion thing, that is the very only reason they are used really.

    5. Blondini, it is rude comment. I was immediately attacked when I mentioned I personaly don't like platinum hair colour. That is way I mentioned double standard. Everyone that comment on this blog it's opinions. But there people on this blog that want their comments to be facts. I see some even turn to google translate now to force and attack other people's comments. No one on this blog is world fashion designers. It's only opinions.

    6. Anne-Marie; you were criticized after you went very personal against Beth, not about generally talking about platinum hair color. There is HUGE difference in that.

      You have written yourself many bullshit comments very far from facts here. What you of course know also very well yourself.

      About language skills, I speak six languages, how many do you?

    7. Language that you are using shows how common you are!!!!

    8. Thank you dear, that comment really shakes my universe from rails. LOL Language you use tells us how little education you have and how very little English you speak, your English is poorest we see here. Also we know how you like to copy and paste other peoples comment from other places trying to look smarter than you are.

  13. Ich weiรŸ wirklich nicht, warum sie immer als attraktiv bezeichnet wird. Das Gesicht ist NICHT schรถn und sie hat eine unfassbar schlechte Haltung.

    1. Sie hat sich sehr seit ihrem 30. Geburtstag veraendert, leider nicht zum Vorteil, wie auf den Fotos zu sehen. Als juengere Frau hat alles gepasst, meistens auch die Outfits und der Mode-Stil, wenn wir hier von Mode reden. Frust? La dolce vita.

    2. @ Fridajule, seh' ich genauso. Besonders wenn sie immer mit ihrer Mutter verglichen wird, ja, da ist eine Familienรคhnlichkeit, aber Caroline war in ihrer Jugend um Klassen schรถner als Charlotte und ist es manchmal heute noch. Charlottes Gesicht drรผckt einfach nur Frust und Lebensรผberdruss aus. Ich denke, ihr fehlt komplett der Sinn des Lebens. Soweit ich weiss, hat sie keinen Beruf erlernt und nimmt auch keine Reprรคsentationsaufgaben fรผr die fรผrstliche Familie wahr. Man sieht sie nur auf Modeschauen und Partys. Warum engagiert sie sich nicht fรผr soziale oder kulturelle Projekte? Sie hรคtte die Zeit dazu und muss sich um Geld fรผr ihren Lebensunterhalt nicht sorgen.
      Sie scheint auch keinen Sport zu machen, wie du sagst, hat sie eine unfassbar schelchte Haltung. In ihrer Jugend ist sie geritten, da hatte sie wenigstens noch etwas Kรถrperspannung.
      Sie hat auch eine schlechte Haut, raucht sie wie der Rest der Famnilie?, und die buschigen Augenbrauen sehen nur bei einer sehr jungen Frau mit makelloser Haut gut aus. Jetzt wirkt es nur dรผster und ungepflegt. Und wozu sich Fillers in die Lippen spritzen lassen, wenn man eh' schon volle Lippen hat? Weil das alle machen? Verstehe ich nicht. Bei Charlotte denke ich immer nur, armes reiches Kind.
      @rainha leonor, ja, La dolce vita, ist vielleicht gar nicht so sรผรŸ ;-)), jedenfalls reicht es nicht fรผr ein erfรผlltes Leben.

    3. Ich glaube, sie reitet noch.

      Aber du bist in vielen Punkten richtig. Sie scheint keinen wirklichen Punkt in ihrem Leben zu haben. Ich dachte, bevor der Sohn es wรคre, aber es sieht so aus, als wรคre es nicht. Sie sollte Arbeit oder Wohltรคtigkeit haben, um ihr Leben lebenswert zu machen. Jetzt scheint sie jeden Augenblick zu hassen. Sie sieht in diesen Modebildern nie wirklich glรผcklich aus.

  14. The woman next to Charlotte is Salma Hayak, and I don't like her outfit either. Charlotte is always going to fashion shows but looks terrible. What's up with it? you can see her bra under her top, and the pants are just ugly.

  15. Look at some profiles. It's so artificial. One looks like an advertisement for a hair magazine and the other one looks like a painting of three centuries ago. The way the person is sitting on a chair – artificial pose in red. The so-called fake experts. Then the wonderful natural profile pictures without any pretense. I understand now why people left this blog.

    1. Anna-Marie; Why on earth are you loitering here when you need whole time attack straight to other writers. Go away and have a life. Actually I think it is high time for Helen to start moderating your comments.

    2. A-M P, If you understand why people left this blog why are you still here.
      I am pretty sure nobody will miss your comments.

    3. What? Just so you know that profile is me with all the crazy auburn curls. There is nothing fake about me or my profile.

      Seems to me that there are many more ppl here now than when I first found this blog.

      It is offensive that you are attacking the women here. No one said we were experts. But most of us have a pretty good eye for what is good and what is bad.

      Rein it in

  16. @ Anna-Marie Punt
    What exactly is your problem? You obviously don't know much about social media. There is something called Nettiquette and part of this is the unwritten rule to not comment on nicknames and profile photos. It is very simply not your business.
    If you think a comment is experessively rude and can be considered as cyber-bullying you should report it to the board administrator. But as far as I can see comments on this blog are anyway only published after approval through the board owner. So again which comments are published is the decision of the board owner and not your business. If you don't agree with the opinion of a comment, you can say so and express your point of view without attacking other commenters.
    And why do you discredit users as 'fake-experts'. From what I see there are quite a number of commenters here who have profound expertise in the field of beauty and fashion, so do I and I and many others enjoy this interesting exchange of thoughts. And it is also okay to make some jokes now and then. This is just for fun and never meant to be mean or to discredit a person.

    If you don't like the style of this blog as it is designed by the blog owner and don't enjoy this kind of discussion, you don't have to be here, you are free to leave and create your own blog with your own conception.

    1. Amen! YESSSSSSSS Beth ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘


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