Royals - Dolce & Gabbana - Runway - Milan Fashion Week

On February 26, 2017, Princess Maria-Olympia of Greece and Denmark, Lady Amelia Windsor and Lady Kitty Spencer walked down the runway for Domenico Dolce & Stefano Gabbana's Fall/Winter 2017/18 show at the Milan Fashion Week in Milan.
Princess Maria-Olympia and Lady Amelia Windsor at the Dolce & Gabbana show at Milan Fashion Week
Lady Kitty Spencer, Princess Maria-Olympia and Lady Amelia Windsor at the Dolce & Gabbana show at Milan Fashion Week
Princess Maria-Olympia and Lady Amelia Windsor at the Dolce & Gabbana show at Milan Fashion Week
Lady Kitty Spencer, Princess Maria-Olympia and Lady Amelia Windsor at the Dolce & Gabbana show at Milan Fashion Week

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  1. On the short dress with the flowers is another illustration of the "juicy female bits" like the black blouse on Princess Madeleine of Sweden. What is going on here? Do the girls look at themselves from afar and purposely display this decoration?

  2. You just want to slap 'Miss Entitled' so-called "princess" Maria-Olympia. What a piece of nothing she is

    1. She's utterly vapid

    2. Again, not in school. Who knows if she actually got into Parsons, based on her own merit. My daughter is currently awaiting university responses, and has done all she can, in preparation for her art portfolio. She is interested in fashion and journalism, hoping to be accepted to different schools, Parsons being one of them., This is what she has to compete with? A woman whose life is just handed to her. How did MO get the Dior job some summers ago? Of course, due to whose daughter she is. That's ok, I know my daughter will achieve what she wants, based on her dreams, desire and work.

    3. Maria SE: your daughter will be happier for achieving her dreams on her own merit. But I share your annoyance at seeing these vapid (good word!) girls get life handed to them with no effort on their part.

    4. Thank you Heather, very kind of you.

  3. Amelia Windsor looks very beautiful on the runway.

  4. Anonymous27/2/17 07:33

    terrible for both

  5. Seriously Maria-Olympia is not the princess of Denmark. She is related to the Denmark royal family via her father's side of the family. Her only "royal title" is princess of no longer a monarchy Greece *eyeroll*

    1. The so called Princesses and Princes of Greece also have the title of Princesses and Princes of Denmark. Queen Elizabeth's husband is also Prince of Greece and Denmark.

    2. Her correct title is HRH Princess of Greece and Denmark

    3. MAXny, and if this is her "correct" title (which I doubt) it is worth nothing today. If there is one thing greece does not need it is a person like that running around calling herself HRH.

    4. Harlow Raben, Prince Philip was a Prince of Greece and Denmark however he renounced those titles upon his marriage and assumed the name Mountbatten. Only to find out in 1954 that it wasn't required.

    5. Coralie, may I suggest you do more research because indeed that's her title and actually her family recently returned to Greece an enjoy immense popularity. The history of Greek monarchy is "one day you're out --the next day you're in"

    6. MAXny Yes of course, he was. It was just to point out that Maria is still a princess although Greece isn't a monarchy anymore, because she has a Danish princess title.

    7. The people of greece decided 1974 in a rederendum that Greece is not a monarchy any longer.

    8. You're correct but the family still retains their titles.

    9. These titles are useless nowadays. To stick to them is ridiculous.

  6. Call my cynical, but would either of these young ladies have made the cut without their family connections?

    As for the clothing; the floral dress a maybe, the black ensemble, NO!

    1. You're not cynical, the same could be said of the Beckham brood, Cindy Crawford's daughter, etc.

    2. That's actually the reason why they were put in the show. D&G decided to do a new concept they only used social media stars, children of celebrities (some as young as 3), royalty, etc in their show. They only had like 3 professional models in the whole show. If you look at pics of the audience it's filled with actors, singers whose family members participated. Lady Kitty Spencer (Princess Diana's nice) was also in the show.

    3. Cynical? What you say is true!

  7. I have no interest in these very minor "royals". Overprivileged and "entitled". And silly.

  8. Who is the woman in green/gold? Lady Kitty? Amazing how an outfit so gaudy and sparkly can look frumpy at the same time.
    The "tiaras" are the last straw. 👎👎

    1. Agree. Kitty looks terribly frumpy in this fussy outfit. Not a good match.

  9. All of those outfits look classless to me and they call this fashion?! That black outfit on MO is appalling. Who would actually let their daughter out of the house wearing it? Maybe I'm getting old! It's just my opinion and I don't think it does anything to make a young woman attractive.

  10. "Super"-Models and "super"-dresses! Not...

  11. Cleverly looks like they are wearing tiaras, but I think it is costume. Anyone know?


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