King Felipe and Queen Letizia Deliver 2016 Innovation & Design Awards

King Felipe and Queen Letizia of Spain attend 2016 Innovation and Design Awards on February 6, 2017 in Alcala de Henares, Spain. The prizes seek to promote the culture of design and innovation in Spain, both in the business sphere and in the whole society.
King Felipe and Queen Letizia of Spain attend ceremony of 2016 National awards for Innovation and Design
King Felipe and Queen Letizia of Spain attend ceremony of 2016 National awards for Innovation and Design
King Felipe and Queen Letizia of Spain attend ceremony of 2016 National awards for Innovation and Design
King Felipe and Queen Letizia of Spain attend ceremony of 2016 National awards for Innovation and Design
King Felipe and Queen Letizia of Spain attend ceremony of 2016 National awards for Innovation and Design
Queen Letizia wore MAGRIT snake printed pumps
MAGRIT Snake Printed Pumps

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  1. That was a fast return from their short trip! Not much for capes but this is a look I'd like better if it was form-fitting. Pretty color.

  2. A cape! And snakeskin pumps! That's it; she's killed me. Gorgeous!

  3. She is continuing with a minimalist look. I quite like it, although I'm not usually a fan of capes, and the colour is very somber.
    Is the cape separate or part of the dress? Hard to tell.

    1. It seems to be part of the dress. She looks very elegant.

    2. Sur la 2eme photo on voit bien une fermeture éclair en haut de la cape ,Donc c'est une seule et belle pièce

    3. C'est vrai. Merci.

  4. Love this look. She looks very good.

  5. This color is hard to wear but I love it.

  6. Letizia looks FABULOUS!!! I am loving the cape dress. This is what i mean by Letizia staying in style with the latest trends, wear a classic elegant version of whatever it is and not the "celebrity" version. She looks great!

  7. ¡¡F A B U L O S A!! Pocas veces vemos a Letizia vestida de verde, pero esto es impresionante. Buena elecciĂłn tambiĂ©n de accesorios, peinado y pendientes.

  8. She really is the epitome of elegance ! At 1st glance, thought the colour a little underwhelming, but on closer inspection, and with the shoes and bag, it all comes together ! Lovely !

  9. The capes seem to be very popular with the Royals this year. Starting back with Maxima wearing one when she became Queen a few years back , and now I have seen many of them wearing a cape of some sort. The look is growing on me.

  10. I love photo nr. 4, the two of them holding hands. So sweet!

    1. Yes, like Mathilde and Philippe. So nice to see.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. A real Queen....!! And they still hold hands, cute...

  13. She really, really needs a necklace

  14. This is fabulous. Stylish and modern and elegant and simple yet chic. Perfect.

  15. Elegant outfit and again faboulos hairdo.

  16. Wow! Her outfits just get better and better.

  17. Dropping the mic. She is gorgeous; I'm speechless.

  18. Stunning! I love the color! I love the cape! Still not a huge fan of snake skin anything but this dress makes up for that LOL

  19. Watch this space... The cape is in this year. Looks great on the stunning Queen, great color indeed.


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