Charlotte Casiraghi at Fall/Winter 2017 Milan Fashion Week

Charlotte Casiraghi attend the Gucci show during Milan Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2017/18 on February 22, 2017 in Milan, Italy.
Charlotte Casiraghi also had what appeared to be a Gucci handbag slung over her shoulder.
Charlotte Casiraghi also had what appeared to be a Gucci handbag slung over her shoulder.
Charlotte Casiraghi also had what appeared to be a Gucci handbag slung over her shoulder.
Charlotte Casiraghi also had what appeared to be a Gucci handbag slung over her shoulder.

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  1. Horrible. Makes me speechless.

    1. Beyond horrible! You are right, there are no words for this. It's frightening.

  2. what!!!!no way!!! terrible

  3. Quand je vois Charlotte forcée de porter de telles horreurs, je me dis qu'être égérie d'une marque, ce peut être un cadeau empoisonné !

  4. The trousers are no good really.

  5. She is a free spirit, different and it suits her personality. Great for her.

  6. I have no words! I don't know what's worse her outfit or the trout pout!

  7. Sorry, but in the last picture, she looks like she needs a shave.

    1. Désolée mais je ne crois pas qu'on peut toujours être à son meilleur quand on est mitraillé par tous ces flashes et peu d'entre nous réussirait à être aussi jolie qu'elle.

  8. My god! What's that? Not only the clothes and shoes but her face and hair as well...

  9. One can easily tell that Charlotte Casiraghi is the most noble of them all. Every time she is seen in public she practices an "I do not want the less fortunate to be envious" -Day.

  10. What has happened to this young woman? It is not just the dreadful clothes, she looks sad and hard. I wish her well as she has a young child. I hope she has a healthy and happy life with him.

    1. Pine, the typical change with "Royals" after their 30th birthday.
      Strange, but true. Look around. Something happens with the "royal girls", and we have no idea...

  11. Is she going to a carnival??

  12. It is like Freddie Mercury at a Queen concert in 1976. Only he wore it better 🙄

    1. Your comments always kill me :-))))), so on point!

    2. OMG! I just snorted whilst taking a drink of Dr. Pepper. You nailed that one. Plus, to me, her eyes look so empty. So sad. Idk.


    3. 😂😂😂😂😂😂

    4. :D My exact thoughts, Diane, very much spot on!

    5. ���� that's so funny Diane! What is going on with her? When I look at her choices lately I can't help but think that she has gone to the rag bag in the dark and quickly thrown something on. None of her clothes have suited her for such a long time now.

  13. If I were as beautiful as she, I'd go for a more polished look and really play up that beauty. But then again, I'm her mother's age, so what do I know. (BTW, she is the spitting image of her mother, isn't she!)

    1. No, I don't think so. Caroline was much more beautiful at her age and still is.

  14. C'est son coach de gym qui est à côté d'elle !

  15. Replies
    1. Victim yes, but fashion? I wouldn't even call it fashion, what they're wearing.

  16. The sight of the Gucchi-collections simply hurts.

    1. I actually think that Gucchi hates women.

    2. That and her two purses. LOL

  17. I remember that when Charlotte was a young adult, she was so elegant and stylish in her dress. Well, life happens and we really don't know what has gone on behind the scenes of her life. Her face looks so strained now and, as many mention, her dress sense has deteriorated. She has a young child and for both of them, I hope she will be well.

  18. In the first photo her face looks fat. And yes, she is her mother's "twin", always has been.

    1. Everybody is going on telling they look like 'twins'. If you take a closer look (you can google pictures that show them in direct comparison) you will see the difference. Carolines facial features are sharper, cheek bones, eyebrows, lips. Charlottes face is softer, it kind of flows apart. You called it 'fat', it's not a nice word, but it's the truth, her face has a lack of structure. Caroline has been more beautiful at Charlottes age now and still is.

      But the main difference is, Caroline has always had more personality, more character. Throughout the years, her face has shown the phases of her life, everything she has gone through, from innocence, to rebellion, to passion, to sincerity and duty and finally to serenity, she shared with the world all her losses and all her gains. Charlottes face shows nothing. She has no standing and seems lost between sadness and emptiness.

      It is time for her to take her life in her own hands. And first thing she should do is ditch these Gucchi rags into the next bin.

    2. I said it 'looks fat', that's not calling it fat, and is probably due to the lighting.

    3. Oh, yes, better stay away from Gucci!!! Most of the outfits by Gucci look too flashy, unflattering, even ridiculous. When even fashion models look dreadful and trashy on the catwalk (and they usualy can make all kind of outfits work), then there is something very wrong with the brand and its style. What a shame that Charlotte hooked up with them. Hope that her contract with them ends soon.

    4. Marianne her contract with Gucci has been over with for a few years now, she only modeled in a few season campaigns. She has no contractual obligation to still be their fashion victim anymore. So I'm guessing she likes going out dressed like a rich hobo from 1985.

    5. I agree, Lizzie. Remarkable resemblance between mother and daughter. And photos of their ancestor, Princess Charlotte, also show the strong genetic link in looks.

  19. Quelle horreur ! Comment peut-on s'enlaidir comme ça ?

  20. Comment peut-on s'enlaidir comme ça !!! Horrible

  21. Elle a une tête de droguée et sa tenue n'arrange rien

  22. Not a good look in my opinion. Too much money and nothing to do.

  23. Je ne trouve pas de qualificatif pour une telle horreur !!!
    Je me demande si la direction de Gucci( autrefois si chic )se rend compte qu'il faut être sans aucun goût pour porter çà !!!


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