Queen Letizia attends FAO symposium in Rome

Queen Letizia of Spain attends a international symposium on sustainable food systems for healthy diets and improved nutrition at the FAO (United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization) headquarters on December 2, 2016 in Rome, Italy.
Queen Letizia FELIPE VARELA Coat and Dress, Queen Letizia wore MAGRIT Pumps, Tous Jewelry, Tous Earrings
Queen Letizia FELIPE VARELA Coat and Dress, Queen Letizia wore MAGRIT Pumps, Tous Jewelry, Tous Earrings
Queen Letizia FELIPE VARELA Coat and Dress, Queen Letizia wore MAGRIT Pumps, Tous Jewelry, Tous Earrings
Queen Letizia FELIPE VARELA Coat and Dress, Queen Letizia wore MAGRIT Pumps, Tous Jewelry, Tous Earrings
Queen Letizia FELIPE VARELA Coat and Dress, Queen Letizia wore MAGRIT Pumps, Tous Jewelry, Tous Earrings
Queen Letizia FELIPE VARELA Coat and Dress, Queen Letizia wore MAGRIT Pumps, Tous Jewelry, Tous Earrings
Queen Letizia FELIPE VARELA Coat and Dress, Queen Letizia wore MAGRIT Pumps, Tous Jewelry, Tous Earrings
Queen Letizia FELIPE VARELA Coat and DressQueen Letizia wore MAGRIT Pumps
                    FELIPE VARELA Coat and Dress                                MAGRIT Pumps

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  1. Lovely! Maybe a bit too short but she looks great!

  2. I think with black tights you can get away with a shorter dress. I would go longer personally.

  3. And again she looks great!

  4. Agree. She looks great but the dress is bit too short.

  5. That dress length is suitable for her daughters, not for her.

  6. Letizia gets it rarely wrong, but this time I must say, dress is way too short, heels are way too high and make-up is way too heavy for a woman in her mid-forties on a day time engagement, be she queen or not.

  7. Like I said before: royal ladies should not wear skirts or dresses shorter than knee lenght EXCEPT for truly relaxed, non-formal, non-business daytime events. It might look good (Letizia looks fine here) but it's not appropriate. Not for an event like this. I said this before re Catherine, Sofia and maybe others too and I still uphold my opinion whoever the wearer is.

  8. Beautiful face and perfect hair style .

  9. Encantadora, relajada y feliz en su papel la reina de España. ¡Guapa!

  10. Queen Litizia est parfaite en tout temps. Sa robe n'est pas trop courte ni ses talons aiguilles trop hauts. Elle n'est qu'au début de sa quarantaine. Elle aura amplement le temps de s'habiller en petite vieille, lorsqu'elle atteindra son soixante-dixième anniversaire. POURQUOI faudrait-il que la mode soit perçue différemment, s'il s'agit de la royauté. Faut oser - faut innover - nous ne sommes plus au siècle dernier.

    1. Je suis d'accord pour la plupart, mais peut-etre cette robe en particulier est un tout petit trop courte.

    2. Of course, Lorraine.
      Queen Letizia is young woman and with her delicate figure she can wear and look good in shorter dresses . But no short length is for everyone. High heels are nice for many women, it makes the big difference in look.
      We are living in times when there are no rules for Queens or Princesses or other royalties what length of outfit it should be.

  11. Skirt may have been better with another couple of inches in length. Her makeup and heel height are chic and classy. Age has nothing to do with good taste.

  12. Elle ne devrait pas non plus s'habiller en petite fille, rien a voir avec la 'royaute', elle serait n'importe qui et sa robe serait toujours trop courte. Et au siecle dernier, la mini-jupe est sortie dans les annees 60, et tout le monde la portait, donc vous vous trompez avec votre mention du siecle dernier.

    1. En fait 60 'était le siècle dernier.

  13. Anonymous3/12/16 09:47

    She is so chic!! Back and white and the pop of red with the lipstick!! Dress and coat are so pretty and I love her accessories!! Very pretty ensemble!! Well done.

  14. Agree with the comments, dress needed to be a tad longer. Apart from that, this lady knows what works for her, and boy does she wear it with confidence! Love it !

  15. The Queen of style. She can even wear a shorter skirt.

  16. Very elegant! Beautiful makeup too.


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