Princess Stephanie and Guillaume visited 'De Mains de Maître' exhibition

Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie and Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume of Luxembourg visited "De Mains de Maitre" exhibition held at historical BCEE building (former ARBED building)on December 04, 2016 in Luxembourg. At the exhibition, works of more than 60 craftsmen and art creators are exhibited. The exhibition is held with the joint support of Bank of Trade, Chamber of Savings Bank, Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Culture and City Council of Luxembourg.
Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume and Hereditary Grand Duchess Stéphanie of Luxembourg visited "De Mains de Maître" exhibition
Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume and Hereditary Grand Duchess Stéphanie of Luxembourg visited "De Mains de Maître" exhibition
Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume and Hereditary Grand Duchess Stéphanie of Luxembourg visited "De Mains de Maître" exhibition
Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume and Hereditary Grand Duchess Stéphanie of Luxembourg visited "De Mains de Maître" exhibition
Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume and Hereditary Grand Duchess Stéphanie of Luxembourg visited "De Mains de Maître" exhibition
Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume and Hereditary Grand Duchess Stéphanie of Luxembourg visited "De Mains de Maître" exhibition
Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume and Hereditary Grand Duchess Stéphanie of Luxembourg visited "De Mains de Maître" exhibition
Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume and Hereditary Grand Duchess Stéphanie of Luxembourg visited "De Mains de Maître" exhibition
Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume and Hereditary Grand Duchess Stéphanie of Luxembourg visited "De Mains de Maître" exhibition


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  1. I prefer her hair with some light curls. Still don't get the wide legged trousers when she has those long, slim legs but I'm a helpless optimist in this issue and will never lose the hope that this lesser mystery of the Universe will unfold itself one happy day in the future.
    The blazer is not that bad, it's rater fitted than too tight but the blouse would look better with the neck thing actually tied in a bow instead of just hanging there like a girl's sad old festive day tights clipped on a drying line. Or without it at all.

  2. Diane, we proudly present: your black slacks is back!

    1. Meh. I just do not understand. This apparently is going to be her standard uniform. I am over her Lol

    2. For crying out loud, give us your access to designer garb and you can have all our department store knockoffs!! Why the black pants again? And the jacket with scarf is nice...for a bank teller like me😢

  3. They must ferl quite aqward. Sad and distressful abt not having kids. In opposite Felix and Claire. I feel sorry for them.

    1. They might not want children. Not everyone does.

  4. La princesse est bien la 1/2 de son mari .

  5. I think everything will come to an end, like Albert and Charlene. Finally they will have kids. Btw, please burn it up those pants Stefy!

  6. ....aaaaand we're back to dowdy.

  7. This must be the style she is most comfortable in. At least the colour of the jacket is nice.

  8. Criticamos -por buenas razones- la ropa de Steffi porque es mujer y esperamos más de ella, pero su marido es mucho peor. Me parece increíble que sea hijo del elegantísimo Principe Henry :(

    1. Esta vez estoy completamente de acuerdo contigo. Ya lo mencioné el otro día que mientras estamos ocupados con los vestidos de Stephanie, valdría la pena echar un vistazo a los trajes mal ajustados de su marido. Aunque ahora es mucho mejor que el otro día. La chaqueta le queda un poquito grande pero el resto no está mal.

    2. Angie, evidentemente el estilo no es una cosa de los genes...

  9. Guillaume's red face is worrying. Looks like he had three or four whiskies before going to the event or very high blood pressure. Stephanie back to her dowdy old-maidish self. And why do they visit an exposition they opened three days before?

  10. Stephanie is actually very slender but those wide legged pants make her look bigger. I keep thinking she may be expecting but she has had this look for quite some time now. I actually have some concerns about this couple but can't put my finger on it.

  11. If you google photos of them, both before and for some time after they married, they both look very well dressed. Stephanie had some gorgeous clothes, especially slim fitting dresses. I only saw one photo of her in the black pants but they were outside and it was snowing so it made sense.

  12. Very matronly. Dimensions of clothes seem to be somehow totally wrong to be becoming to her. Those wide pants make her look just big what she is not. Color of jacket is good. She has so much potential what she does not want to use. Good stylist is really needed.

  13. Kristina why don't you drive on over to the palace and help this woman with some style? 😜😉😎

    1. Oh Diane, I don't think anyone would be able to .I think the taste and style we can not buy or learn. Simply the taste it is you. We are born with good taste or lets say not so good. Unfortunately not everybody have style and that special chic which is needed to look sophisticated.
      I have to say that American women are the ones of the best dressed.

    2. Ah you are probably right Kristina. One does need an eye for style. You can dress a person up but that doesn't mean they will carry it off well.

      I think some American women dress well. I think many just don't care. I see women in the market at 2 PM in pajamas :(

      I maintain that the French dress well and they know they do and that makes them very chic to me. Confidence is huge for looking sophisticated.

  14. I cannot help feeling sorry for this lovely couple. Their are obviously trying to get pregnant and it's not easy it seems. Most likely is this causing major stress, especially since all the others are reproducing quickly. My guess is that she is on hormone treatment, which is causing her body to change. He is just looking older every time I see him, and rounder too. Ma and Pa are looking much better, by the way. Crossing fingers that it all works for them.

    1. I used to think that Mikey322. But Stephanie has repeatedly said that they did not want children for 4 yrs or so. Under all those baggy clothes is a thin woman.

      I do not say that they are "obviously" trying to get pregnant.

      She used to be more stylish. Now they both have let themselves go to some degree. He looks unwell most of the time. Neither one cares a hoot about their clothes. She wears plastic clips in her hair for events. It is all very odd.

      I do not feel sorry at all. I think this is just who they are now. Introverts. Happy to do the appearances now and then but happier at home. I understand he is a good cook. They are homebodies. Nothing wrong with that BUT he is the heir. There are some expectations. She does not have to be a fashion icon. But some tailored clothes would be nice. She has a lovely smile and great legs. Polyester baggy wide legged black pants are sad. That is the sadness! The Pants

    2. *do not think we can say....

    3. I agree, Mikey. Stephenie is smiling but has a faintly sad affect--especially in the 2nd photo. I do think they must feel pressure about children. She said before the wedding "in about 3 years". They are well past that now.
      They have been quite active with engagements lately and showing effort to connect with people. I do not understand the pants but Stephanie has has worn some nice dresses in the past few days. Overall, I find her appealing.

  15. They are both scruffy. Why would anybody cross the street to be a part of whatever they are honoring with their presence? I can see people dressed like that any day at the local mall.

  16. Anonymous7/12/16 15:06

    The criticisms of this couple on this blog I feel are unwarranted.

    Maybe they do not want children!! The succession is certain through Felix & Claire. I sincerely doubt that Stephanie is brooding over lack of children during a public event.

    Perhaps Guillaume has social anxiety and he flushes at times; to suggest he has a health or substance abuse problem is not appropriate.

    The endless derision of Stephanie's wardrobe I feel to be very gauche. When a person meets a royal or any public leader the point is the work they are doing and their comportment. I agree that Stephanie has a very conservative style and that the tailoring of her clothing is poor - but maybe she cares more about her family, marriage, and public work than about her clothing. At least we have never seen her bare bottom nor gasp at her skeleton showing in a backless dress.

    Although this blog focuses on the fashion and comportment of the royals it would be nice to recognize the context of the work and warmth represented by these persons.

    1. Unknown, I completely agree with you. This couple seems very warm and engaging. I like them very much.


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