Princess Madeleine wore a bespoke dress by Fadi el Khoury

Princess Madeleine of Sweden was one of the representatives of royal family who attended the Nobel Prize Banquet held at City Hall in Stockholm. Princess Madeleine wore a specially designed pink rose patterned dress by Swedish designer Fadi el Khoury who is of Lebanese origin.
Princess Madeleine wore a specially designed pink rose patterned dress by Swedish designer Fadi el Khoury
Princess Madeleine wore a specially designed pink rose patterned dress by Swedish designer Fadi el Khoury, Imperial Couture House

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  1. I highly doubt Madeleine will be wearing this dress again in a few days at the Swedish Academy's formal gathering. Also one of the workers who helped to make this dress, spoke to a few papers in Sweden and said that Madeleine was very unhappy with the dress. She tried it on the day before the Nobels and didn't like it, she said that the back was all wrong. The workers literally had to work all night trying to fix it and Fadi el Khoury had to personally deliver the dress himself to Madeleine at the Royal Palace the day of the Nobels.

    1. It was very stupid of the worker to go to the press to whine (if she/he did it in the first place and it was not just another fictional gossip news). The customers always expect high quality work but also discretion and privacy. So when you go bashing your customer in the time you do not get the work. Its just as simple as that.

  2. Agree! A tremendous amount of effort but I don't like it either. The huge skirt looks rather like a carpet up close and the chiffon blouse as a top seems out of place.

  3. It may be Haute Couture and it may be a lot of work and craftsmanship, but it doesn't work. With the enourmous skirt, it would only work with a slim corsage top, the chiffon layer and sleeves destroy everything and only on a very slim, flat breasted twenty year old model and only on the catwalk for a fashion show, not in real life, not on a normal figured woman. I understand that Madeleine was not happy to wear it.

    1. Princess Madeleine is back in really great shape after having two kids and despite being in her mid 30s.
      Quite frankly I do not see any reason why only flat-chested 20-year-old models can wear this kind of dress. Normal figured woman can be more attractive and appealing than those skinny models. And I think that lots of 20-year-olds would want to have so slim waist like Madeleine has ;)

  4. No es feo, tampoco es que me encante; pero si es un poco pasado de moda. Hace unos años se llevaba este tipo de faldas en vestidos de novia, fiesta, etc..Creo que es mucho trabajo para una prenda que no tiene nada nuevo que decir. Es correcto pero muy visto. La parte de la blusa, para mi gusto, si es preciosa, pero sin esa falda.

  5. I understand, too. The skirt clearly did require a lot of work and I am sorry that the workers had to go overtime to fix the top at the last minute. But the design was ill conceived. I actually liked the top part fairly well and the color was lovely on Madeline. But the skirt looked heavy and bulky and like small insects could hide inside--just unpleasant. That is the fault of the designer.

    1. You can't place fault completely on the designer for the dress. No one forced Madeleine to wear the dress, her dress is based almost identical to a dress he debuted at Stockholm fashion week so she knew exactly what the skirt of it looked like beforehand, she changed the bodice on the dress.

  6. So much work, yet so little was achieved in the end. Too fussy!

  7. J'aurais fait l'inverse soit mettre tous ces fins détails au corsage. Là, à n'en pas douter, il s'agit d'un travail de moine mais qui pour moi, fait en sorte que le tout ne dégage pas la légèreté qu'il devrait ressortir de la tenue.

  8. Personally I only liked the color, besides that I am not crazy about this dress, I think she wore better evenings gown.

  9. Magnificent evening gown. It was like out of the dairytale.
    Princess Madeleine looked gorgeous and handled this big dress so well.

  10. Princess Madeleine was a picture of elegance in this romantic gown. One of her best Nobel appearances.

  11. The sleeves are clearly too long

  12. Sehr schöne Kombination, sie gefällt mir sehr.


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