Prince William, Duchess Catherine & Prince Harry attend the Mix Christmas party

Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, Duchess Catherine of Cambridge and Prince Harry attend a Christmas party for volunteers at The Mix youth service on December 19, 2016 in London, England. The Mix youth service works with Their Royal Highnesses' Heads Together Campaign. Duchess Catherine wears VANESSA SEWARD Cai Floral Print Silk Jacquard Dress.
Kate Middleton wears VANESSA SEWARD Cai Floral Print Silk Jacquard Dress, Mulberry Bayswater clutch, Stuart Weitzman shoes
Kate Middleton wears VANESSA SEWARD Cai Floral Print Silk Jacquard Dress, Mulberry Bayswater clutch, Stuart Weitzman shoes
Kate Middleton wears VANESSA SEWARD Cai Floral Print Silk Jacquard Dress, Mulberry Bayswater clutch, Stuart Weitzman shoes
Kate Middleton wears VANESSA SEWARD Cai Floral Print Silk Jacquard Dress, Mulberry Bayswater clutch, Stuart Weitzman shoes
Kate Middleton wears VANESSA SEWARD Cai Floral Print Silk Jacquard Dress, Mulberry Bayswater clutch, Stuart Weitzman shoes
Kate Middleton wears VANESSA SEWARD Cai Floral Print Silk Jacquard Dress, Mulberry Bayswater clutch, Stuart Weitzman shoes
Kate Middleton wears VANESSA SEWARD Cai Floral Print Silk Jacquard Dress, Mulberry Bayswater clutch, Stuart Weitzman shoes
Kate Middleton wears VANESSA SEWARD Cai Floral Print Silk Jacquard Dress, Mulberry Bayswater clutch, Stuart Weitzman shoes
Kate Middleton wears VANESSA SEWARD Cai Floral Print Silk Jacquard Dress, Mulberry Bayswater clutch, Stuart Weitzman shoes
Kate Middleton wore VANESSA SEWARD Cai Floral Print Silk Jacquard Dress
VANESSA SEWARD Cai Floral Print Silk Jacquard Dress
Kate Middleton style MULBERRY Bayswater clutchKate Middleton Jewels Catherine Zoraida Earrings
                    MULBERRY Bayswater Clutch                            ZORAIDA Gold Leaf Earrings

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  1. El vestido es horrible, el cinturón que le ha puesto aun peor, el clucht no pega se viste como mi abuela!! No me gusta nada su forma de vestir. Ella es joven y tiene clase. Por qué se disfraza?

  2. Grandma dress, mop hair, boring old pumps and, of course, clutching the clutch....I am so tired of this!

    1. Completely agree!

    2. What annoys me about the "crotch clutching" is that now women seem to think that this is the appropriate way to hold their bags. I've actually seen etiquette classes teaching this as the right way just because Kate does it.

    3. Really, Chelsea? The former Kate Middleton is a woman of influence!

    4. The dress is not that bad for me. But with that terrible posture she looks like a granny in any dress. Honestly, it seems to get worse. If she doesn't start walking and standing upright she'll get serious back problems.

    5. @Coralie
      Yes, there's an etiquette class in New York based solely off of Kate and one of the courses is how to hold your bags and clutches properly. It's really sad because they are charging young girls and women thousands of dollars and are teaching them the incorrect etiquette. Kate might possibly be a woman of influence but in my opinion it's the wrong kinda influence.

    6. I loved your Chelsea opinion. I fully agree!!

    7. Mein Gott, das Kleid ist ja ein horror!!! Eine Frau in ihrer Position, in ihrem Alter, müsste sich anders Kleiden.Sie sieht so langweilig und alt aus - furchtbar.
      Hat sie keinen Berater??????

    8. @ Chelsea: it is a breach of etiquette if one holds a handbag this way and not that way? Lucky me, I work for IT industry...

  3. That dress is too "old" for a young woman. But anyway Catherines hair, make-up and smile are charming.

    1. Yes. I know she is most likely cold but she is hunching and it furthers the "old" look! Definitely make me rethink my own posture too! She's charming for sure! Love her smile.

  4. Non, là Catherine, cette robe est un faux-pas. Vous aurez tout le temps devant vous pour un jour porter ce genre de tenue trop vieille pour vous. Je vous aime tellement plus quand vous ''osez'' vous habiller plus jeune. Sérieux ne vient pas nécessairement avec style vieux!

  5. Why does she wear such an oldy dresses? Wants to assure shes the perfect boring english woman ? She' s smart enogh to conquer her prince and became the future queen. I think she wants to give a certain message.

  6. Once I saw the dress up close, I like it. It is nice, comfortable and fits the occasion.

  7. Parece que Kate ha hecho una incursión al armario de Mette-Marit y encontrado unos de los vestidos de Laura Ingalls :)))

    1. Yo no lo hubiera dicho mejor...muy buen comentario

    2. De todos modos elle no necesita docenas de cirugías plásticas para elevar su autoestima. ;-))

    3. Pero usted necesita cambiar de repertorio, que parece un disco rayado, so plasta.

    4. Todo lo que no sea nocivo y mejore la autoestima, o llámalo como quieras, es lícito y me parece genial. Kate, en su caso, acudió al uso de la cirugía para quitar sus bolsas Bichat y así afinar su redondo rostro, y usó carillas y una ortodoncia especial con implantes para simular una dentadura "natural" pero con sonrisa perfecta. Y yo le aplaudo. Aun es joven, ya recurrirá a técnicas que le ayuden a verse y sentirse bien en un futuro. Esto es como maquillarse, lo hacemos para gustarnos, pues lo mismo.

  8. One thought - granny's dress.

  9. I like this dress, I can see it´s Christmasy, I even like the length, it is awful when these young royals want to have winter time mini skirts. And I understand very well why Catherine does not want to be the most high fashion media image, what Diana always was. She lets William be ahead and I respect it.

  10. I like the dress. She looks very nice. (Although she could have worn a coat when outdoors).
    It's colourful, seasonal and not short, no slits. Kate seems to get a lot of criticism whatever she wears.

  11. I don't like the dress, makes her looking older than she is; am I wrong or Harry doesn't look so happy?

  12. I must say I do not think this is a flattering dress - certainly not one I would have chosen. Someone suggested she borrowed Santa's belt!

  13. I'm sorry but Catherine is boring as usual. I used to like her style but it got boring and I also see how other royals dress perfectly appropriatly but still fashionably. Just take a look at Princess Madeleine they are at the same age with Catherine, can you tell? No. Catherine looks at least 40 if not 45 sometimes. Or Princess Charlene, Princess Sofia even Princess Victoria looks better than her. Not to mention CP Mary who always looks stunning. And that posture. She should go and see an orthopedic specialist and do physiotherapy because it's really bad. I am definitely not a hater I used to like her style and the personality that came across the media but she just changed. It's like she fades away slowly.

  14. I don't have a big problem with the dress however there is something I don't like in it. I can't put my finger on it, it's not exactly that it's mumsy but it's sure the first moment I saw the picture the word 'granny' started to blink in front of my eyes. The whole thing with the gold hoop earrings and the lenght and floral print and the sleeve style has a late seventies feel for me, and I don't mean it as a compliment. Also, I'm not very fond of red and black together, if it's red then it's with grey or nude colours. But that is just personal taste of course.

    1. Maybe the belt reads almost Mrs Claus? It definitely is the belt. Okay. The belt buckle, to give specifics. It even fights with her beautiful earrings. If the belt was thinner or thicker with a solid buckle, then I could warm up to it.

  15. Very simple: this dress looks on Catherine very odd. It makes her look without shape and it's somehow to big for her so that she is literally lost in the dress. The colour is a miss too.

  16. Wish we could have seen a classic coat with coordinating dress. I, too miss those past years when her style seemed to be more chic.

  17. I like the dress without the belt, and maybe a little shorter.

  18. Yes I too looked at the picture and it seems his mind seems to be somewhere else.

  19. The witches with their sharp, red nails are out. There is nothing wrong with the Duchess outfit. Just because it is the Duchess she being stone by the witches. Hope all the witches enjoy their witchcraft during the festival season.

    1. I honestly don't think so. She is usually impeccably put together. We are speaking in terms of fashion. Some liked her look as you do. The dialogue you find negative is actually those trying to pinpoint why we think it's a fashion misstep.

    2. She dressed for the occasion. I like that she can glam it up when that is required, or dress casually and comfortable. We are not going to like everything she wears. Although I'm a big fan of Queen Letizia and Crown Princess Mary, there is clothing they wear I don't like, but realize the outfits match the event.

  20. While I'm not crazy about this dress... I think there are times when Catherine doesn't want us to be crazy about her dress. She wants us to focus on the event she is sponsoring. I think this is probably one of those times. But I still realize this is a fashion blog so I must admit I find the dress to be uninspiring.

    1. I agree with you so much. That is precise what I think. She does not want to steal the situation and be number one fashion icon.

  21. C'est le pompon de la pomponette cette fois! Elle rallie tous les suffrages des mamies de plus de 70ans. Elle fait le buzz chez les grand mères and co... mais enfin quel est son problème? Comment peut on se saccager de la sorte en public? ne se voit elle pas?

  22. Christmas colors.. a bit too long, but that is how the designer has it.. not her fault. Hope they have a good Christmas!

  23. Dreadful dress! I hate the hair too.

    Kate is aging faster than her years with her fashion choices and hair. I wish she would take a a look at Letizia and Mary to see how one can dress appropriately for Royal duties yet still dress "age appropriate and have nice hair.


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