Danish Princess Marie visited town of Jyllinge, Roskilde

As a member of the Danish Emergency Management Agency (Beredskabsstyrelsen), Princess Marie of Denmark visited town of Jyllinge, after it was hit by Storm Urd on December 26. Storm Urd breaked trees and caused flooding in parts of Roskilde Fjord.
Fortunately there was plenty of warning and the meteorologists were correct in their predictions, combined with yesterday being a holyday
Jyllinge, which is located in Roskilde Fjord is one of the areas most hard hit by flooding after the storm yesterday
The Civil Defense and Home Guard along with volunteers were ready and able to limit the worst effects of flooding.

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  1. Har indtryk af, at Prinsesse Marie er en gæv tøs......

    1. Did you really call Marie a slut? I just translated what you said and I'm pretty sure it said something like "I get the impression that Princess Marie is a stalworth slut". I really hope you meant something else because if not what is wrong with you?!?!

    2. Danish: tøs: pige el. ung kvinde (ofte kærligt); Tøs: girl power or young woman (often affectionately)

  2. Why does Marie need to wear the ridiculous coat??? Is this somehow meant to make her look more empathetic?? I find when any Royal turns out in the 'uniform' of any patronage it just makes them look like a try hard. I like Marie she seems a lovely person but really why????


  3. Mimi:
    Practical dress to wear  at an a disaster area with flooding! Do you mean she  should meet up in an Armani jacket and pumps? So there was  something to write about on a fashion blog and not her job?
    Princess Marie seems very down to earth, just like Crown Prince Frederik.
    I love them both!

    1. No I certainly do not expect her to turn up in Armani or any other high fashion for that matter. That would be just ridiculous!' In my opinion I feel that just wearing a casual outfit perhaps jeans, sweater and appropriate footwear would suffice. No need for the rescue jacket. Just for the record this is not her 'job'.

  4. She wears it because it is an appropriate way for her to show support to the victims and the first responders; being there in her official capacity. Fashion blog or not, she has a critical role to fill to get a briefing on the disaster. When disaster strikes, it it not about fashion. Save that for the charity balls.

  5. Millie and Virginia. No I certainly do not expect her to turn up in Armani or any other high fashion for that matter.In my opinion I feel that just wearing a casual outfit perhaps jeans, sweater and appropriate shoes would suffice. Just for the record this is not her 'job'.

  6. Clearly its bit just Sofia that gets crítics. I like Marie, shes very down to earth. Good for her and obvioisly for the people she helps.

  7. She is a member of the group. Even if she is a patron or honorary member they most likely gifted her with the jacket. To not show up in the jacket would be quite rude. I have belonged to several similar groups and given a jacket or hat or whatever. When there was a crisis or event out in the field I wore those items in support and also to reflect that I am for that time part of the team. I suspect it is the same for Marie.

    Mimi some would say the family wearing the regional clothing at festivals is wrong since they do not wear those all the time under your logic perhaps?

    I think she is being respectful.

    And for the record it is her 'job' as a member of the royal family as patron or member of this group. For that time she is working.


  8. Princess Marie HAS HAD a part-time job in the Emergency Management Agency since June 2016  as Project Assistant in  development and improvement:   she IS on job,  she is not only patron, but a member of the staff and has earlier taken the same education as  other in the team.

  9. It is very appropriate that she wears the jacket of an organization she is involved with. I agree with Diane that it would have been rude not to wear it.


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