Charlotte Casiraghi at Longines Masters Event 2016 in Villepinte

On December 3, 2016, Monaco's Charlotte Casiraghi attended the Longines Masters event at the 2016 Paris Horse Show in Villepinte, north of Paris.
Charlotte Casiraghi wore Gucci Blazer, Gucci sweater and Gucci jeans for Longines Masters event in Villepinte, Paris.
Charlotte Casiraghi wore Gucci Blazer, Gucci sweater and Gucci jeans for Longines Masters event in Villepinte, Paris.

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Face of the true happiness!

  2. This is the best she has looked lately. No couture Gucci šŸ˜‰ Just simple lines. Black. Laid back.

  3. She look tired. She looks like a man. Somethng wrong with Charlotte?? Her dressing taste is bad in recent times.

  4. She always looks like she would rather be somewhere else.

  5. Agree! She never looks happy or radiant. Something is amiss. She should be full of spirit especially this young in life!!

    1. I agree, she never looks happy. She looks tired, empty and lost. No life spirit at all. So much pain in her face. I feel sorry for her.
      She also clearly does not like to be photographed. So why on earth would she want to be a model? This is totally wrong advice from people who only want to make money with her. My thought is, she should rather stay away from the limelight, look for a quiet life, find a purpose in her life, find true love and a happy family. With Charlotte one can see, beauty, fame and money alone does not make you a happy person.

  6. She looks so bored, she used to look much better and happier.

  7. She looks here in casual clothes much better than for ages in red carpet or official couture outfits.

  8. I agree with all of you, I think the last time we saw a truly happy face on her was a lot of years ago, before the birth of her son with that Elmaleh guy. Don't get me wrong, I'm not judging her but I KNOW very well this face she always has. It's the face of a person who thinks her life took the wrong way.

  9. Charlotte con cara de asco y mala postura. Debe ser el nuevo chic.

  10. Sans vouloir vous offenser, je ne suis pas d'accord avec vous toutes...
    Charlotte semble fatiguĆ©e, en effet. Mais tirer des conclusions sur son Ć©tat psychique Ć  partir de 2 photos, c'est un peu exagĆ©rĆ©, non ? Si Ƨa se trouve, sur une troisiĆØme photo, elle aurait Ć©tĆ© tout sourires !
    Dire qu'elle est perpĆ©tuellement triste n'est pas juste : elle rayonnait de bonheur avec Lamberto ! Je suis d'ailleurs trĆØs Ć©tonnĆ©e par leur (apparente) rupture.
    Quant Ć  son look, je pense que Charlotte - "cĆ©rĆ©brale" et mĆØre cĆ©libataire d'un jeune enfant - a d'autres prĆ©occupations que d'ĆŖtre tirĆ©e Ć  quatre Ć©pingles...
    Amicalement !

    1. @Victoire75, maybe she looks happier in private and on holiday, but on this blog we can only comment on the photos we see here. When she attends official events, she represents the princely family of Monaco, she lives from family money and representing the family is a way of earning that money back. She is not private, she is on 'duty', and like it is expected from any working mum worldwide, to do her job, to be friendly with colleagues and clients, although she might be tired to her bones, it can be expected from Charlotte to show up on official events with style and dignity and not to pull faces like a spoiled twelve year old. Everybody faces challenges in life, the important question is, how do we deal with them. She has a role model in her own family, Charlene, she obviously found it hard at first to grow into her role as First Lady of Monaco, but she had the courage and the heart to work herself through. It's about time to grow up Charlotte! For you like for everybody else, life is what you make about it.

    2. Victoire75; Peut-ĆŖtre que vous avez mal compris les commentaires, il n'y a aucune mention de son Ć©tat mental dans l'un des commentaires prĆ©cĆ©dents. Les gens disaient qu'elle avait l'air fatiguĆ©e ou ennuyĆ©e.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. @Blondiini : Mimi Ʃcrit : "She never looks happy or radiant". Beth lui rƩpond : "She never looks happy [...] So much pain in her face". ZL Ʃcrit, quant Ơ elle : "The last time we saw a truly happy face on her was a lot of years ago [...] It's the face of a person who thinks her life took the wrong way". C'est Ơ ces commentaires que je faisais rƩfƩrence ; et dans ceux-ci, c'est bien l'Ʃtat mental de Charlotte qui est mis en avant. Bien amicalement !

    5. I'm sorry Victoire75 I don't speak french so let me explain myself in english: I know this face because I've seen it for long years in the mirror. It' took me a lot to realize what my issue was, let alone get out of that state so believe me I never mistake how it looks. I'm not saying she has mental problems. I say I'm certain her life is (or was for years) not on the right tracks, that she had a bumpy ride. You know, happiness shows on people's faces - and so does when they are down, in distress, uncertain, a bit uncomfortable in their skin - choose whichever you like to describe it. I never meant to say she has any serious mental issues.

      We are here to comment on photos only not about feelings or other problems .
      We do not know their real feelings or their private lives.

    7. @ZL : I don't speak english very well : I hope to be understandable ! :)
      Thank you for your touching message...
      I understood you were not talking about "mental disorder".
      Perhaps you are right. However, for my part, I think Charlotte doesn't like photographers - and that, on that day, she was tired and didn't have the courage (or the desire) to dress up. I'm not sure that we should look for another explanation...
      Best regards !

  11. Peut etre fatiguee...avec petit Rafael... mais, pour moi, elle se trouve l'air triste

  12. For me she looks sad in disappointed.

  13. Charlotte has the same problems like everyone else. She had some bad breaks in life...lost her father at a very young age...broken relationships and having to raise a child as a single parent is never easy. But unlike most people...she has to be in front of the camera when things are going well in her life and when they are going not so well...and that is not easy.

    1. @Unknown : Your comments are very relevant.

  14. @Beth : The publication of my message of yesterday failed... I apologize. Charlotte is not a Grimaldi. She's not a princess. She has no official role. She's a private. Thus, she has NO obligation. Therefore, she receives no remuneration of the principality. She lives with the money of her father, Stefano. Best regards !

  15. Reading all of these comments and for me I am just happy she is dressed in something that is not schizophrenic looking. Also, I cannot imagine living in Monaco. It is so tiny. You hear that it is a tiny principality but one does not grasp how small. Then you go and ...I felt confined. I was only there for 3 days and felt trapped. So, perhaps Charlotte looks like that because being raised there makes a person perhaps cautious or suspicious and annoyed with cameras. I realize this is basically outside Paris but having the camera in your face all the time has to be annoying. However, she is Charlotte. A Grimaldi bloodline. This is a product she is the spokewoman for so... suck it up buttercup and SMILE šŸ˜€


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