Queen Silvia and Princess Beatrix attended opening of an exhibition in Vatican

On November 23, Wednesday, Queen Silvia of Sweden and Princess Beatrix of Netherlands attended opening of the exhibition "Rembrandt at the Vatican: Images from Heaven and Earth". Queen Silvia opened the exhibition with a speech.
Rembrandt at the Vatican: Images from Heaven and Earth
Rembrandt at the Vatican: Images from Heaven and Earth
Rembrandt at the Vatican: Images from Heaven and Earth
Rembrandt at the Vatican: Images from Heaven and Earth

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  1. They both look fantastic!

  2. The twee ladies look very elegant

    1. They do, but I like Silvias whole appereance much more. I think it is about colour (of hair and dress).

  3. Princess Beatrix needed some color to her. The outfit matches her skin tone and hair too much. Even a nice burgundy lipstick would've been better.

  4. A 'girl's outing. See it does happen! LOL they look lovely!

  5. Silvia has the most becoming color dress to her here. They look both very good.

  6. You can look good, and then you can look extra-good, as both Queen Silvia and Princess Beatrix look. Well done.


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