Queen Letizia, Leonor and Sofia were seen during shopping in Madrid

On Saturday, Queen Letizia of Spain and her two daughters Princesses Leonor and Sofia were photographed during they were shopping in Madrid. The Spanish Royal Family visited Prado Museum and then shopped. For Leonore that was a shopping chance because she celebrated her 11th birthday last week. King Felipe was absent because of his South America journey.
Queen Letizia, Princesses Leonor and Sofia were photographed during they were shopping in Madrid
Queen Letizia, Princesses Leonor and Sofia were photographed during they were shopping in Madrid
Queen Letizia, Princesses Leonor and Sofia were photographed during they were shopping in Madrid
Queen Letizia, Princesses Leonor and Sofia were photographed during they were shopping in Madrid
Queen Letizia, Princesses Leonor and Sofia were photographed during they were shopping in Madrid
Queen Letizia, Princesses Leonor and Sofia were photographed during they were shopping in Madrid
  1. King Felipe was in South America not South Africa ;)

  2. Sad. Look at how low the children are wearing their ball caps!

  3. What a stupid comment?! This was not an official occasion,these pictures were taken by paparazzi, who are impudently intruding the privacy of the royal familiy. Children feel often overpowered by being constantly watched and photographed. It is an aggressive act upon them. They have every rigth to at least shield their eyes.I admire how thoughtful and graceful Felipe and Letizia deal with that. They try to get the girls used to the public but are always there, close to them to protect them. I see a beautiful bond in these pictures between mother and daugther.

    1. Anonymous2/11/16 23:19

      Most royal children have pictures taken with their parents at different family events. Sadly, the Spanish royal girls are kept under wraps hardly ever seen in public, only seen in very well rehearsed occasions.

    2. Anonymous2/11/16 23:19

      Most royal children have pictures taken with their parents at different family events. Sadly, the Spanish royal girls are kept under wraps hardly ever seen in public, only seen in very well rehearsed occasions.

    3. Exactly Beth. That is why I said it is sad. Look at how low they are wearing their hats in defense. I'm not stupid. I think it is sad that we are posting these pics of children, albeit royals, on a fashion blog for women. So friends, Beth?!? Not everyone that follows this blog is a hater troll. As usual, my apologies Ms. Electra for attacking the blog but you know I hate pap pics. Still love all that you do to get us pics of royal fashion! Mwah!

    4. Sorry, @M Hall, I misunderstood your comment. I am interested in fashion, I don't want to see paparazzi pics. Everybody has the right of privacy, even more children.

  4. Another person who absolutely can't live without a cell phone

  5. Leonor and Sofia are growing up so fast, I think they will become beautiful young women however at the moment they look like normal young girls which is lovely to see.

    Mum looks very happy to be out with her daughters too - very nice.

  6. What great shoes. But she is far too thin


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